I apologize for the double thread, my first one disappeared somehow. I've made a more in-depth guide this time around.

  • Extra Spells
  • Rows
  • Vertical Orientation
  • No Cooldown Text

  1. Navigate to your WoW addon folder and find InterruptBar
  2. Open InterruptBar.lua (right click -> open with -> wordpad, or notepad if you install Notepad2)
  3. Replace sections of code with whatever feature suits your fancy listed below
  4. OPTIONAL: If you wish for your InterruptBar to look like the picture above, then you can simply just replace everything inside your InterruptBar.lua with the corresponding code listed here: Khanggaroo's Pastebin - Pastebin.com

Video Instructions

Extra Spells
  1. Find this {spellid = number, duration = cooldown}, -- Name of spell
  2. Copy one of the existing cooldowns already being tracked and make a new line
  3. Then replace "number" with the spellid found on the corresponding Wowhead page after spell= (ie:http://www.wowhead.com/spell=34490/silencing-shot)
  4. Replace "cooldown" with the cooldown time of the ability you wish to track

Your code should look something like this:
local abilities = {
        {spellid = 2139,   duration = 20},   -- Counterspell
        {spellid = 15487,  duration = 45},   -- Silence
        {spellid = 34490,  duration = 20},   -- Silencing Shot
        {spellid = 19647,  duration = 24},   -- Spell Lock
        {spellid = 57994,  duration = 12},   -- Wind Shear
        {spellid = 6552,   duration = 15},   -- Pummel
        {spellid = 47528,  duration = 15},   -- Mind Freeze
        {spellid = 1766,   duration = 15},   -- Kick
        {spellid = 80965,  duration = 15},   -- Skull Bash
        {spellid = 96231,  duration = 15},   -- Rebuke
        {spellid = 116705, duration = 15},   -- Spear Hand Strike
        {spellid = 78675,  duration = 60},   -- Solar Beam


find this part of the original code
local function InterruptBar_AddIcons()
    local x = -45
        for _,ability in ipairs(abilities) do
        local btn = InterruptBar_CreateIcon(ability)
        btn:SetPoint("CENTER", bar, "CENTER", x, 0)
        btns[ability.spellid] = btn
        x = x + 30
and replace with this

local function InterruptBar_AddIcons()

local y = -45
local x = 0
local height = 1 -- It will always be 1 for 2 rows (horizontal) (starts from 0) if you want vertical refer to second feature
local offset = 30 -- Distance between columns
local count = 0 -- Number of buttons added so far

for _,ability in ipairs(abilities) do
    if count > height then
    y = -45
    x = x + offset
    count = 0

    local btn = InterruptBar_CreateIcon(ability)
    btn:SetPoint("CENTER", bar, "CENTER", x, y)
    btns[ability.spellid] = btn
        y = y + 30
        count = count + 1

Vertical Orientation

Depending on the number of total spells you've got in your InterruptBar (I've got 12 by default), you will need to set the "height = " to the maximum number of spells you've got, minus 1 (because it starts counting from 0), so because I've got 12 spells by default, I'd have to set height to 11 IF I only wanted 1 column, however if I wanted two columns I'd have to divide 12 by 2 (12/2 = 6) and then minus 1, giving you 5.

Therefore that part of the code should look like this
local y = -45
local x = 0
local height = 5 -- (maximum number of spells being tracked / number of columns desired) - 1
local offset = 30 -- Distance between columns
local count = 0 -- Number of buttons added so far

No cooldown text

This part is quick and easy. Find the three lines that contain "SetTextColor(1,0,0,1)", note that the lines might not have those exact numbers. There should only be three lines! Replace all the numbers inside the brackets with 0 such that it looks like this "SetTextColor(0,0,0,0)" and that's it! The lines are outlined below

first one (line 78)
 local text = cd:CreateFontString(nil,"ARTWORK")
second and third (lines 117, 119)
                if timeleft < 6 then

If this has helped you, if you could be so kind to open the video and give it a quick like, it would be greatly appreciated!