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  1. #21
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAWRF View Post
    We won't see a divergence from the ADC meta until the Koreans do it first. That is pretty much how esports works. Once the Koreans prove a certain play style works then and only then will EU and NA pick up on it. Pretty much every current tactic seen in Season 2 and 3 have originated in Korea. But that all makes sense really since their game culture is eons beyond that of any other area in the world.
    Yes indeed, though World Elite are currently number 1 in the world (China) but what you're saying is exactly correct. The LCS has put this false buildup towards Worlds when in actuality the chance of an EU or NA team winning it is extremely low and the only reason they made the LCS was because it brings them a lot of money which I can't blame them for. The scene in Asia is at a far higher level, even lesser teams there easily beat NA teams... WE's B team beat the shit out Curse sometime ago in the past few months.
    Hey everyone

  2. #22
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RAWRF View Post
    I don't agree with you saying that the chance of an NA or EU team winning is extremely low. Korea has for from a 100% win rate against EU and NA. Granted their win rate vs NA is much higher than EU, it is no where near 100%. And after GG rolled both frost and blaze a few months back that should more than prove my point. Look at the teams currently taking wins off GG in EU. S3 is still anyone's to win. GG may have some surprising losses, but as far as I am concerned they are still the favorite for S3.
    You make a good point though have you seen WE since Worlds? They have been sort mashing their faces against keyboards due to little to no competition besides TPA and Invictus Gaming recently.
    Hey everyone

  3. #23
    Koreans HAVE played full bruiser setups, and they can work just fine. But yeah, meta is a meta for a reason.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Aang View Post
    Draven would like a word with you.
    That's not fair.

    It's Draven....

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Nsira View Post
    ^ this is so not true, there is plenty of HP shredding items like BotRK which counter defensive and health items.

    I am currently playing varus alot, and after going into some 30% crit or so, i feel like i dont need to put in any effort to get kills, yeah I'm pretty squishy but that's part of the skill based gameplay of getting away.
    Wanna know an item that counters ADCs so hard that they basically can't kill that target? Randuin's. If you are a tank/bruiser, and the other team has a fed ADC, get a Randuin's and he can't kill you without massive peeling and kiting. The only ADC that can completely carry games is Vayne, but you need to be so good with her it doesn't happen most of the time. Randuin's also hardcountered BotRK even before the recent nerf to it.

    Varus is a bit odd, but he can't carry a game alone. The amount of gap closers makes it impossible to play Varus without a lot of help from your team, but that is just how the ADC role works and when we get into late game we are supposed to be able to kill any target rather quickly. I don't personally prefer Varus very much because of his weak midgame and I prefer ADCs that do a lot of damage with their autos. His laning can be strong against an opponent that doesn't know how he plays, but that rarely happens.

  6. #26
    Such a weird claim considering that ADC:s are actually weaker than before with the bruiser/HP-meta that is going on right now? Or that's atleast what it feels like and I've heard many people say the same thing. Sure, ADC:s can still carry (like they are supposed to, durr), but it just requires good teamplay and good peeling and kiting abilities from the ADC. If anything, I'd say ADC:s are in a really great shape right now, you can carry with them but not just by rolling your face around the keyboard, and most of the times not without the help of your teammates.

  7. #27
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uncle Julian View Post
    Meh I just feel like certain champions are almost uncounterable. Going against a tristana for example: apart from all the team peels and her running away, she has flash plus rocket jump or w/e it is. By the time you realize you can't get to her, you're whole team is 1/2 dead.
    Mechanic wise, the role of and ADC is too make sure a game ends in a timely manner. They are squishy and weak early game but as they game progresses they blow stuff up. Its not too hard to shut down an ADC neither in theory. Just deny them farm and snowball and an ADC is useless even late game.

    But saying there is too much emphasis on an ADC is like saying there is too much emphasis on a quarterback.

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