1. #1

    The Improvement Thread

    Hello MMO-Champion LoL community!

    League of Legends is an incredibly fun game, one that I am enjoying quite a bit. I have been playing semi-casually for a while now, but I feel as though I have only scratched the surface of some of the knowledge that I can attain within this game to make myself a better, more consistent player.

    Some information: I began the road in Ranked going 5-5; alright I guess. I eventually hit 15-15, the trend continued until I hit 19 wins, and I have been on a bit of a tilt since then. I was placed in Silver III, and I was just demoted to Silver V about three minutes ago.

    There are so many incredibly good players out there, and I am always trying to learn new things and new strategies. I am curious as to whether or not anybody has any tips or general advice for a player that is looking to increase his depth of knowledge within the game.

    For example, I have seven rune pages. Only three of them are filled with runes! I have a generic AP rune page with some M-Pen, etc. My question regarding runes are... How am I to know what I should buy? I know health scaling yellows that are pretty good, but I am not even quite sure what Champions scaling Health yellows would be good for aside from maybe Vlad and Mord. My knowledge of Runes is fairly limited to put it bluntly.

    TLDR and to summarize: I am looking for some tips or general advice to help make me a more consistent, well-rounded player.

    If you would like to play sometime, add me . "Agent Zorohon".

  2. #2

    It would be helpful to tell us which region you are playing in incase people want to add you.

    If you're on EU-W, you should join the chatrooms: Keko, Practice Mode, Practice Mode 2, Practice Mode 3

  3. #3
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    You should probably mention what server you are on. If you are on the NA server, mmoc-na is the chat room that some NA players that post here lurk in. The ones that rampant rabbit listed are EUW. I don't know if the practice rooms exist on the NA server, but they probably do.

    As for runes, there are some runes that you will want to get because so many people use them. A fairly vague list is:

    armor yellows

    AD reds
    ArP reds
    Hybrid Pen reds
    Magic Pen reds
    AS reds

    Magic resist pre level blues (you can go with flat mr, but per level is usually more efficient)
    Flat AP blues
    AP per level blues

    Quints tend to mirror your reds, but not always so I'll make a list for them too.

    AD quints
    ArP quints
    Magic Pen quints
    Hybrid pen quints
    MS quints
    Gold per 5 quints
    Health and armor quints are used sometimes, but they are less common.

    The list is a bit duanting as it takes quite a bit of time to get the IP to buy all of the runes, but it's well worth it. Of course you'll want to get the runes that matchup with what you play the most first. I should also say that hybrid pen runes are very specific for a select amount of champions, but they are very powerful on those who use them.

  4. #4
    Thank you Isrozzis, I will start there for runes. Perhaps I can lurk around Probuilds.net to get an idea of what runes I should use for specific champions.

    I play on NA servers, sorry about that.

  5. #5
    whats ur main role? its very common for most players to have a role they eithre identify with, excel at, or straight up enjoy. would love to talk with u

  6. #6
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zorohon View Post
    Thank you Isrozzis, I will start there for runes. Perhaps I can lurk around Probuilds.net to get an idea of what runes I should use for specific champions.

    I play on NA servers, sorry about that.
    Keep in mind they may well run different rune setups depending on their lane opponent or role in the team. A jungle Kayle, Mid Kayle, Support Kayle and Top Kayle are unlikely to have the same runes.

    For now, I'd largely focus on a few common runes and expand from there.

  7. #7
    Dunno if the Runes will make that big of an impact most of the times. Its more about your team and the other team and how well they do. I got like 600 Games now, and still are in Silver V. Dunno if i belong there but from time to time I see people making such bad plays and decisions which are on the same Level that makes me question it.

    Try watching streams of good/solid solo players like guardsman bob (Europe) dunno if there is an similar streamer on NA Servers, but he plays mostly in the evening or at night time so maybe you are able to follow him overseas. Its not good to watch players like voyboy i think, because he is someone with a very good understanding of mechanics and what will be the outcome of certain fights, also he mostly plays top, so you are very restricted to one role. Just pick a solid streamer, watch what he does, what kind of decisions he makes, where he puts wards, what he buys vs whom etc. There is also this Youtube Channel who adresses becoming a better LoL Player, dunno its name now.

    I dont know what your general goal is, if you want to climb the ladder, therefore it would be easiest to proclaim a certain role like mid or top and pick very mobile and borderline op champs like Kha/Akali/Kassadin/Kata, and go into the games with the mindset that you want to destroy the other lanes rather to win your lane. Pick Teleport and just go top or bot whenever you see enemy overextending. Me and my buddy got the problem he mostly goes top and i supp, but he may win his lane nearly everytime while the other lanes lose, making his win top a bad trade. Another way to get a good win ratio would be, finding someone to go bot with you and you run a hyper aggressive lane which mostly will include running cait/draven and nami/jana or taric/leona, first ones offer nice boost for carry while providing good cc, other ones have high burst and cc. You just bully them out of your lane and zone them as much as you can. At this Elo most of the junglers wont address the problem in time, neither will the mid laner and you maybe able to push them till second tower.

  8. #8
    Runes makes a helluva big of an impact early game.

  9. #9
    Can't jungle without runes, period.

    The crucial moments of a game are in team select. Try and communicate with your team, let them know your strongest role and weakest role, get the team worked out before everyone locks in whatever they want to play regardless of anyone else's preferences.

    And whatever you do, don't be negative. If you're criticized, don't respond, shrug it off. I've seen people throw ranked games because they were too busy typing rage-messages at eachother to participate in team fights, or intentionally set up their teammates to die.

  10. #10
    There are a lot of things that have improved my play, but I'd say the thing that made the biggest impact for me was paying attention to the mini map and where the enemy team is, especially if you like to play aggressive or you're going for objectives.

  11. #11
    Thank you for all of your comments and discussion.

    My favorite roles are Mid and Jungle. I used to only play mid at a good level, but eventually I got tired of competing with others who seem to be hell-bent on going mid, so I picked up Jungle and I have been absolutely loving it. My current rune pages reflect this, and I am working on some more varied AP rune pages.

    I often watch Scarra whenever I get the chance, and occasionally Dyrus. I actually learned some fantastic places to ward as well as the when and why behind the ward placement from Scarra in his mid lane play.

    My overall goal is to become a better player at the game. Perhaps climb my way out of Silver too . I just want to take my play to that "next level", and I am not 100% sure about how to do so. Is it just playing constantly, as well as objective analysis of your decisions?

  12. #12
    You can play constantly all you want, but it doesn't make you a better player.

    Make sure you read up some comprehensive guides on your favorite junglers, they really can help or offer fresh opinions. As for climbing out of silver, I might recommend more focus on farm and getting yourself ahead than always standing around bored trying to gank or dive a pushed-in lane. A jungler with the same cs as the enemy adc is a frightening thing.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by redsunrising15 View Post
    You can play constantly all you want, but it doesn't make you a better player.
    Ehm, yes it does? :P Unless your ability to pick up new things is completely stunted, playing more is -the- way to become a better player.

  14. #14
    I've a friend who's played over a thousand games and just isn't good at League.... I have another friend who's new to MOBAs, has played less than 50 games and carries game after game as adc.

    It's like exclusively playing bot games, if you practice the wrong things it just gets harder to unlearn how to play incorrectly.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by redsunrising15 View Post
    I've a friend who's played over a thousand games and just isn't good at League.... I have another friend who's new to MOBAs, has played less than 50 games and carries game after game as adc.

    It's like exclusively playing bot games, if you practice the wrong things it just gets harder to unlearn how to play incorrectly.
    At some point people's skill-curve just begins to flatten out. At some point you just doesn't get much better, unless you really want to.
    That's why your friend with 1000+ games played isn't getting better.

    Your other friend is probably doing better in his games because he's a fast learner, is good at adapting, or maybe he's just naturally good at MOBAs. I don't know, since I don't know him.

    If you really want to get better, playing more and more games is the way to go. If you make an effort, you remember what you did wrong that caused you to die, etc. When playing with players who are better than yourself, you'll notice what worked for them and why.

    You can read as many guides about ward placement and when to do objectives and how to play a certain champion, but if you are unable to adapt your strategy to the current game, you're gonna lose. And you cannot adapt if you have no experience playing the game.
    There's no guide or video or whatever, that can tell you what to do in your specific game.

    That being said, guides and the like are great if you have some experience you can use to adapt the strategies or itembuilds in the guide to your particular game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU'RE FUCKED. (Yes, it's my forums, I'm allowed to do that)

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