1. #1

    TSM making lists question

    I decided to get back into the auction house and gold making recently. I used to do it back in wrath, but I've been playing pretty casually since then. I found TSM, love the addon but I find making the auctioning lists (any list really) is extremely time consuming and some what awkward, I was wondering if there was an other way to make the lists? Like if there is a sight/tool that you can create the lists and import them into TSM?

    I've been looking all over for auctioning lists, but I've found that almost all the lists on "the Consortium" and other sites of that type are extremely out of date both with the addon it self and with the in-game items, and the few that aren't out of date are for transmog shopping lists.

    If anyone knows of a good place to find such a resource I'd be really appreciative.

  2. #2
    I'm not aware of pre made lists aside from those at the Consortium. If there were any I'd be pretty unlikely to use them anyway. I think you'll find the majority of people prefer to tailor to their specific market circumstances so find very limited use in pre made things (and many people are fairly protective of the lists they do have).

    It takes time to set up properly for sure, but doing so is generally worth it in the longer term.

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