1. #1

    What effects the damage of Raging Blow?

    I was testing my pull out on dummies, i have the 4 set and the stacking fable trinket.

    What i found was that my first 2-3 raging blows tend to hit for roughly 400k but then the last 2 seemed to drastically drop down to around 250k.
    Things to note are that everything crit as i have the 4 set, i was enraged the whole time obviously, but i was confused because i was tracking my attack power and it was consistently rising due to using the fabled trinket.

    That's why i'm just curious what actually affects the damage of raging blow as despite having a higher attack power, my last couple raging blows hit for far lower.

  2. #2
    Colossus Smash, Stre proccs, and Mastery with Enrage I think. So since you mentioned all but CS, could it be that? I don't play a Warrior often so I'm sure someone else can add more.

  3. #3
    Ahh of course complete brain fart haha, yeah that's probably it thanks

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Geras View Post
    That's why i'm just curious what actually affects the damage of raging blow as despite having a higher attack power, my last couple raging blows hit for far lower.

    190% Weapon Damage (which is a range rather than a static number) with both hands, multiplied by your benefit from Unshackled Fury and of course a potential crit vs regular hit. If you wanted to, you could maths it out pretty easily. Damage x Mastery% (if still engraged) x debuffs (sunders, CS and such) and of course banners and the crit multiplier (if you're lucky, they all mesh in a way that's glorious sometimes).

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