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  1. #81
    I've managed to coin at least 1 piece of loot every week since ToT release and i finished my 4set this week. $$$

  2. #82
    Yes, LFR has an extremely low drop chance this tier. Overall I looted 3 items till now, only one which I could use (496 -> 502 boots), and usually only 1 (with luck 2) legendary items for the quest.
    As for this week: Nalak PvP gloves (disenchanted), LFR 0 items. But I did my first normal run this week, got the ring of the first and the chest of the last boss.

    [e] And since you mentioned it: Bonus rolls too have an extremely low chance this tier. I personally only used ~10, obviously no item. The guy who ninjaed me for the normal run this week has had his first item this week on Lei Shen, and used up all bonus rolls since patch.
    Last edited by mmoc48c29aaf6e; 2013-04-29 at 11:28 AM.

  3. #83
    Last week we got 3 heroic tanking trinkets from Ji-Kun and they were all disenchanted. Pretty much sums up the loot we have.

    We got another this week.

  4. #84
    Haven't gotten anything in the last few weeks in my raids but gold from bonus rolls if that counts

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