1. #1

    [Music] To My Fellow Band-Geeks

    Hello, I hope you are not having a treble day. (all i could come up with)

    I was listening to some music composed by Nicholas Gunn, a very brilliant and musically gifted man. When I am listening to said music, I try to keep along with the music my figuring out where the downbeat is, time, tempo etc. Here is my problem: I cannot figure out for the life of me what time this song is in. If you know, please help, If you are not a band geek, gtfo...no im just kidding, I hope you enjoy the song as much as I do.

    Thanks in advance. BTW, when listening to this song, maybe post what you picture in your head, whats going on.

  2. #2
    Sounds like it just keeps switching. I'm hearing 6, 7, and other stuff.

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