1. #1

    Expel Harm WeakAura

    I was wondering if anyone had or could make a weak aura to predict the heal size or damage for an expel harm use as either WW or BrM?

    Sig Courtesy of Yoni

  2. #2
    Afaik you use expel harm when you are below 80% hp instead of jab.( for WW atleast )

  3. #3
    I appreciate the response, but the weakaura is more of a peace of mind sort of thing for me. I'd love for there to be a fluid way to see how much it's going to heal.

    Sig Courtesy of Yoni

  4. #4

    "Two things:

    This is a planned feature for 1.4. You will at least be able to enable mouse-over tooltips for displays.
    If you use the Use Full Scan option of the Aura trigger, there is an option labeled "Use tooltip "size" instead of stacks". This basically just searches the tooltip text of the aura for a number, and uses that number for the Stacks Info of your display. There is an example of this on the examples page."

    Found that but not really fiddle with that sort of thing. Hope it helps.

  5. #5
    Here's what I use:

    Lights up the expel harm icon when you're missing more health than the average expel harm non-crit heal.

    You may want to add in a line that lights it up anyway when you're under 50%, but you have so much attack power that the expel harm will still be overhealing you (happens rarely >_>).

  6. #6
    That WA code didnt work for me. Get a Decompressing Error.

  7. #7
    Well, I suck at exporting then. My setup is:
    Trigger 1 - Status - Cooldown Progress (Spell) - Expel harm (Inverse)
    Trigger 2 - Custom, Event Type = Event, Event(s) = UNIT_ATTACK_POWER, UNIT_HEALTH
    Custom Trigger:
    function ()

    local base, posBuff, negBuff = UnitAttackPower("player");
    local effective = base + posBuff + negBuff;
    local expelHeal = 22000 + 0.636*effective;
    local deficit = UnitHealthMax("player") - UnitHealth("player");

    if expelHeal < deficit then return true
    else return false


  8. #8
    you can also build on it, to show the average rate so avoid overheal if it crits.

    I created smth similar to kai's.

    2 Text strings;

    - Will show the expected value of EH (normal hit value multiplied by crit chance)
    - Will show in parenthesis the amount of overheal from either the crit or the hit.
    - If off CD, will show nothing.

    There are 3 colors;

    - Red = The normal hit will overheal (will show hit overheal prediction)
    - Blue = No overheal from normal heal, more than 20% overheal if crit (40% if under 50% hp)
    - Green = No overheal from normal heal, less than 20% overheal if crit (40% if under 50% hp)

    Though it sounds amagawd so useful.. tbh after you do a fight enough times, it doesnt rly matter. You get used to it regardless.

    I've linked it to friends but it never works for them, so I'll do what kai did with the actual custom LUA, when i get home.

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-06 at 10:00 AM ----------

    Alright, just got back. Before i post it, i gave a pretty vague description of the WA. Basically when its red, itll give the percentage overheal relative to your MAX HP from a NORMAL expel harm. When Blue or green, itll give a percentage of the overheal relative to your MAX HP, of the Crit expel harm (only the crit, so the normal portion is subtracted).

    Its a bit weird to explain, but if you get used to it, kudos to you. I wrote it specifically to my needs, but hey, anything that helps

    I'll put both the code and the and the raw string.




    -- Colors --
    local ora = "|cffff5000"
    local lg = "|cff65ff00"
    local blue = "|cff0070ff"

    -- Data --
    local base, posBuff, negBuff = UnitAttackPower("player")
    local ap = base + posBuff + negBuff
    local harm = 22000 + 0.636*ap
    local crating = GetCombatRatingBonus(9)
    local _,stat,_,_ = UnitStat("player", "2")
    local max = UnitHealthMax("player")
    local health = UnitHealth("player")
    local guard = UnitAura("player", "Guard", nil, "PLAYER|HELPFUL")

    -- Modifiers --
    deficit = max - health
    perc = math.ceil((health/max)*100)

    if (guard == "Guard") then
    gmod = 1.3
    elseif (guard == nil) then
    gmod = 1

    eh = harm*gmod
    arating = 7.48 + stat/1259.518
    crit = arating + crating
    criteh = eh*(1 + crit/100)
    if(criteh > 999999) then pcriteh = math.floor(criteh/1000000) .. "m" end
    if(criteh > 999) then pcriteh = (math.floor(criteh/100))/10 .. "k" end

    -- Overheal Calcs --
    overheal = math.floor(eh - deficit)
    if overheal < 0 then overheal = 0 end
    overperc = math.ceil((overheal/eh)*100)
    coverperc = math.floor((((eh*2) - deficit)/(eh))*100)
    if coverperc < 0 then coverperc = 0 end

    nperc = math.floor(((eh - deficit)/max)*100)
    cperc = math.floor((((eh*2) - deficit)/max)*100)
    if nperc < 0 then nperc = 0 end
    if cperc < 0 then cperc = 0 end

    -- Sequencing and Shortening--
    if deficit < eh and coverperc > 100 then
    print = ora..pcriteh.." ("..nperc..")"
    elseif deficit > eh and deficit < criteh and coverperc > 20 and coverperc <= 100 and perc >= 50 then
    print = blue..pcriteh.." ("..cperc..")"
    elseif deficit > eh and deficit < criteh and coverperc > 40 and coverperc <= 100 and perc < 50 then
    print = blue..pcriteh.." ("..cperc..")"
    elseif deficit > eh and deficit > criteh and coverperc <= 20 and coverperc >= 0 and perc >= 50 then
    print = lg..pcriteh.." ("..cperc..")"
    elseif deficit > eh and deficit > criteh and coverperc <= 40 and coverperc >= 0 and perc < 50 then
    print = lg..pcriteh.." ("..cperc..")"

    return print

    Last edited by Zonex; 2013-05-06 at 10:07 AM.

  9. #9
    That made my computer freeze

  10. #10
    Wtf. Why did you necro this thread?

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