Thread: A plea for help

  1. #1

    A plea for help

    So, i've been dabbling with LoL since season one, but only recently have I gotten into ranked solo queue. I did my placement matches back in march, and I wasn't very good. I was placed in bronze 3 and really didn't have many complaints, I thought it was deserving of the way I was playing at the time. Since march i've definitely gotten much better, and I know its terrible to say, but I really feel I don't deserve to be in bronze.

    Over my time spent in the various levels of bronze i've increased my skill, mechanics, and champion pool. However no matter how much I improve there is always something to bring me down.

    I’ve come to the point of seeking help because the last 3-4 days have been horrendous. I’ve gotten used to the ups and downs that kept coming, but for about a week and a half I was on a climb, I was playing great, and I kept getting matched with decent players and very little trolls/afks. Last sunday I hit my bronze 3 promo matches, and was within a game of bronze 2. Upon losing that last match, i’ve gone on a skid of around 10-15 losses in a row, all out of my control. Now I am sitting at 0 lp in bronze 5. I was used to the occasional troll, afk’er, or all around bad player, but for some reason they were all thrust upon me in these last 15 games.

    Yes, i do understand there is a stigma that comes with what I am about to say, but I truly believe it; I feel that I am much better than bronze, and I don't deserve to be here. I am not amazing, but I find that I am leaps and bounds ahead of those I am grouped with, and I want nothing more than to be placed into a division with other competitive players of the same skill level, and that is not bronze.

    The majority of my games are played as top, jungle, and the occasional mid, but I am capable of all positions to the point that I am not a liability. Yet as well as I play, there is always some outside factor that engulfs the game in a loss. Here are a few examples I’ve come across in my last 10 or so games: A nasus jungle that didn't gank at all, a cait that had no clue how to last hit, a heimer that fed mid 4 kills then ragequit, a sona that refused to ward because it wasn't her play style, a twisted fate top lane that fed, an ap yi that continuously tried to 1v5, an ap ezreal mid that fed, and thats only the tip of the iceberg.

    In the majority of these games I was top lane, and around 90% of them I won the lane, usually by a good margin too, but the rest of the team was so bad, it was just impossible to carry. Ive been told that in order to get out of elo hell you have to be able to carry the game like it was single player, however most times its just impossible. Ive tried using tp and roaming while winning the lane, but it usually doesn't work. I would look to tp in or roam into the lane, but there would be no wards, the lane would be pushed, or the lane wouldn't help. When it would work, I try and give the kills to the lane, but they give them right back when I leave.

    Ive even tried strictly support, but I always seem to get matched with the adc that cant last hit/cs properly or the jungler that provides no help to the lane.

    I wanna point out that I completely understand that It isn't always someone else's fault, I have bad games, and make bad plays like anyone else. I just feel that my level of play is higher than what i’m matched with, to the point where it is just impossible to carry the rest of the team to win.

    My question to you all is, how can I get myself out of this hell, and into a division that would be competitive for me, and be able to play with players of similar skill?

    What can I do, other than singlehandedly carry the whole team?

  2. #2
    You can try and find someone to duo queue with; 2 people can carry a lot harder than one person, so if you take 2 roles such as mid and jungle and co-ordinate your ganks successfully you may have a better chance of carrying. Bot + support also tend to queue together quite often; since that way you can communicate on skype or some sort of voice comm and thus get your ADC much more fed and get them to a point where they really can carry the game.

    You could also - and I don't know if you are already doing this - try to be more assertive in a leadership role, sometimes this helps, not always, and maybe you already are. By that I mean try to be encouraging, supportive, helpful, try to ping as much as possible, try to give advice such as "don't engage until caitlyn gets here", and so on - just constructive feedback that may help a couple of the other people work with you. A lot of people will just ignore you but even if you get 1 more person actually paying attention and trying to work as a team positively, well it's better than nothing. Never ever be negative no matter how tempting it is because nothing good ever comes of it - you may not be already anyway but worth mentioning.

    I think most of all just stay positive - for every chance of a feeder, troll, AFK, unskilled player, the enemy team has a chance of having those as well, so the law of averages say that it should even out - but I know it doesn't feel that way sometimes, especially when you're on a downward slump.

  3. #3
    Another advice that have worked for me is if i lose 2 games in a row i take a break in a normal game and play normal untill i win a game, then i can return to ranked, as a clear mind is very important. From experience i can just say i tend to win 8 games in a row then lose 8 games. It tells a story of how you get affected by how you feel. So if you lose take a break, go for a run or something to clear your mind.

    Find out of what you play well and know that support can make a win aswell. The support is the one that decides which adc is going to get fed, so there is lots of things at stake. Just get some good comfort champions and play them.

    ---------- Post added 2013-05-17 at 10:01 AM ----------

    I myself can play 80 champions (I got 92), but im only good at like 25 of them, and really good at maybe 5... So pick what you can do best, and don't play something you are not good at just because it counters a specific enemy champion because skill counters any champion, and lack of said thing counters yourself. So comfort pick!

  4. #4
    • Only play when you're positive, willing to take criticism, and reluctant to express irritation and let anger get to you
    • Play only a few champions (1-2 for each role) and perfect them (know their strengths and weaknesses in every situation, be inventive with builds, adapt your items to suit the game, be aware of which champions are counters and which are countered)
    • Be prepared to play any role, but request your strongest at the start of each game (you will get to play it more than you think if you're nice)
    • Do not be affected by people who pick differently, play your best or don't play at all
    • Treat each game as a new start, but only play as many as you're comfortable with. You will climb much faster if you play 2 good games a day than if you play 10 okay ones
    • Always focus on your own mistakes, never stop improving and learning. Always look for what you could have done differently to change the outcome of the game. Never blame your teammates, but give them constructive advice
    Last edited by gamhacked; 2013-05-17 at 12:13 PM.

  5. #5
    Try duo queueing with someone who you play well with, and, who generally plays a role that you synergise well with. Such as top/jungle, jungle/mid or ADC/support. This can really help you win games, as almost any champion can carry if your ADC doesn't do too well or something. The backup with a duo partner means that you're more likely to win as you'll be coordinated.

    Be prepared to play any role, but request your strongest at the start of each game
    The most fundamental part of solo/duo queue. People don't give a shit what you want; they only care about what they want, so don't annoy your team by demanding a role. Yes, request it, don't enforce it, as it'll create a bad team atmosphere.

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