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  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by Rielthas View Post
    So you should be able to hog your space and resources all to yourself at the expense of players crowded on other realms just because you prefer it that way? Shouldn't have to share your space with anyone else, just because you don't want to? Sounds awefully inconsiderate to me!
    YES, because I CHOSE that realm, and THEY CHOSE their realm.

    Everyone is free to use MORE THAN ONE WAY to change their mind at ANY TIME, and go to a higher pop or a low pop realm.
    You're so self-righteous, because your high pop is forcing itself upon us. I'ts easy to defend when you're the oppressor.

    Right now we are suffering to share resources with a competition that outnumber us greatly, while we do not share the benefits of joining the current tier of raiding group.
    Last edited by Buu; 2013-06-03 at 02:08 AM.

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anarchor View Post
    I think most mainstream players don't really care for this aversion against CRZ... you know, the average players, those who don't care what epics or tier they're wearing, who don't care much about achievements or reputation farming, those who just potter about and do the small things they enjoy such as the farm dailies, fishing and pet battles...

    I think the mainstream players appreciate that CRZ makes the game seem more alive for them, they'd probably start scratching their heads if they started to feel alone all the time in every zone.

    As long as the mainstream players don't care it won't matter how hard anyone else complains or dislikes CRZ.
    Amen, exactly. CRZ is designed to even out the limited amount of make players feel like there are a few more people around (when golly, there's millions playing, why is the are you're in so empty all the time on your server) and to even out the limited amounts of resources in the game so that everybody has an equal chance to gather and enjoy them whether they are on a high medium or low populated server. I think that regardless of what else you may think about it, it does achieve these two aims. Players who what unfair access to resources just because they stay on a low pop realm are the problem - they don't want to give up their arrogantly perceived "God-Given" right to these resources to players who have less opportunity due to the crowdedness of their server.

    Newsflash - the only reason there's more people in your particular zone than you're used to is that there are players on low and high populated servers that are not being given equal access to resources in comparison to each other. Blizzard has decided this is not the way they want the game to be, and CRZ is their way of bringing this to pass!

  3. #183
    Darkmoon dominator achievement will be impossible. Glad I already have it .

    Other than that DMF rabbit will be much rarer. Maybe I should buy some up.

  4. #184
    Well i'm glad I completed Darkmoon Dominator last month because doing it now would be a total nightmare.

    Already seeing a lot of people trolling by afking on their mammoth mounts at the shooting gallery daily quest. The 1st aid monthly quest is also a little bit horrible with so many people trying to bandage about npcs.

    It's nice that things seem more busy but it creates a lot of problems.

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buu View Post
    YES, because I CHOSE that realm, and THEY CHOSE their realm.

    Everyone is free to use MORE THAN ONE WAY to change their mind at ANY TIME, and go to a higher pop or a low pop realm.
    You're so self-righteous, because your high pop is forcing itself upon us. I'ts easy to defend when you're the oppressor.

    Right now we are suffering to share resources with a competition that outnumber us greatly, while we do not share the benefits of joining the current tier of raiding group.
    Two things: First off, I didn't choose my realm technically. It was the first one in the list when I chose my server, and I think it was even highlighted by default lol. I've stayed through thick and thin because it feels like home, and I haven't really felt a deep burning desire to do something that my server didn't fascilitate to the point where I've elected to depart for greener pastures. I'm content, otherwise I'd be prepared to move servers.

    Secondly, Gnomeregan is far from a high populated realm - consequently its because a rather medium-low populated server, with less raiding then I would consider ideal. That being said, I don't mind sharing our resources with our brothers from higher populated servers, because its nice to have people around. I don't believe I have some God Given right to these resources just because I stay on a non-high populated server, nor do I particularily enjoy having a whole zone all to myself. I have no problem with other players, regardless of where they come from, nor do I mind sharing the game with them. That, imo, is a healthy, selfless, proper attitude to approach a MMO. If you have a less-social attitude towards this, then that's fine, but don't expect Blizzard to cater towards that, as Blizzard, first and formost, wants WoW to be a Social MMO.

  6. #186
    Banned The Penguin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krolikn View Post
    The vocal minority will be heard!!!
    Except for it's not the vocal minority. Playing Moderator God only wins you a temp victory. I'll wager a six pack of Beer that this next expansion bombs big time EVEN though it's probably going to be the best one yet. Why? Customers do not trust Blizzard to have their best interest at heart any longer.
    Last edited by The Penguin; 2013-06-03 at 02:33 AM.

  7. #187
    I hate CRZ making thing like DMF PVP Achievement and DMF Rabbit much harder than they were originally intended to be. It just irritates me that all these people can do is TAKE AWAY from my experience. They are not real people on my server, I cannot do raids or arena with them. They are just there to give the illusion of more people playing the game and to suck up resources.

    I really hate this feature.
    Hi Sephurik

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lukahn View Post
    Except for it's not the vocal minority.
    You have some proof of that to back it up? Maybe you are, and just don't want to believe it, because "this is my opinion, how could the vast majority of people have a different opinion?"

    ---------- Post added 2013-06-02 at 08:35 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Volitar View Post
    I hate CRZ making thing like DMF PVP Achievement and DMF Rabbit much harder than they were originally intended to be. It just irritates me that all these people can do is TAKE AWAY from my experience. They are not real people on my server, I cannot do raids or arena with them. They are just there to give the illusion of more people playing the game and to suck up resources.

    I really hate this feature.
    Hey, did you know that they are real people, and that you could ask them to raid or do arenas with you? Are all these features, with the exception of the current tier raids, not cross-server already? They are not illusions - you just choose to ignore them and complain about them being there, rather than ask them to join you.

  9. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by Rielthas View Post
    If you have a less-social attitude towards this, then that's fine, but don't expect Blizzard to cater towards that, as Blizzard, first and formost, wants WoW to be a Social MMO.
    Maybe you are, and just don't want to believe it, because "this is my opinion, how could the vast majority of people have a different opinion?"
    So do you enjoy "socializing" in metro during peak time (as CRZ is basically the same)? I am afraid that you are in very small minority.

    Blizzard is currently doing their best to destroy "social" element in WoW. But it would be going too much off-topic to discuss it.

  10. #190
    CRZ has made the world look populated for newbies (and I use the term affectionately to refer to new customers).

    It's a nice marketing ploy to try improve new player retention (which arguably is where WoW hurts the most in recent times) but no further than that in its current incarnation.
    Imagine new customer logging on one of the 'dead' servers and going through the starting areas in solitude, not a very good first impression...
    Cue CRZ and everything looks peachy... by the time they experience the downsides it's hopefully served its purpose and they're hooked on other features (that would be the hope anyway).

    As far as the actual implementation though; you get all the downsides exactly where the feature is supposed to help (increased competition for any kind of resource where such competition is possible) with none of the benefits (goods don't re-enter your dead realm economy, players can't be recruited to your guild, or be subject to retaliation for ganking you).

    The truth is that if such a half-arsed and incomplete implementation had gone live in any competitor's game and remained in its half-finished state for so many months, Blizzard fans would be 'lol lol lol what an amateur job is that, they didn't even put x-realm AH and recruiting in'.

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lukahn View Post
    Except for it's not the vocal minority. Playing Moderator God only wins you a temp victory. I'll wager a six pack of Beer that this next expansion bombs big time EVEN though it's probably going to be the best one yet. Why? Customers do not trust Blizzard to have their best interest at heart any longer.
    ROFLMFAO! Why would you even think this? There's 8 million people playing this game. Note every player is as selfish and dedicated to one's own interest as you. The vast majority of players, and people in general, understand that this has always been a social game, and that the good of the many far outways the good of one's own particular interests. If you're in this game only for yourself, you're playing the wrong game.

    I severely beg to differ with you. If you even feel for a second you have a leg to stand on, why not post a survey on whether or not players trust Blizzard to make a good game (use those or very similar games) and I think you'll be in for a rude awakening. We spend time on these forums talking about WoW because we love this game, not because we think its a great way to make the game exactly like we want it to be for our personal interests.

  12. #192
    Quote Originally Posted by Rielthas View Post
    Hey, did you know that they are real people, and that you could ask them to raid or do arenas with you? Are all these features, with the exception of the current tier raids, not cross-server already?
    I am not even sure if you are playing WoW or just trolling. But not much people keep doing non-current tier raids, and those who do they aren't really willing to take fully unknown people in their raids.

    Oh and you can find partners for arena by using forums or smth like that, and not ask first stranger.

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferocity View Post

    So do you enjoy "socializing" in metro during peak time (as CRZ is basically the same)? I am afraid that you are in very small minority.

    Blizzard is currently doing their best to destroy "social" element in WoW. But it would be going too much off-topic to discuss it.
    Maybe I do, maybe I don't. That's my business. However, this isn't a major city where we gots to get to get our shopping done and get to work, this is a game. If this game is competing with your real-life, that's the problem. I like to get lots done in my wow time as much as the next guy, but I'm not willing to be obsessed with it. If I wanted WoW to be like real-life, I wouldn't bother playing. I like that WoW is completely different from rl, and that it serves as an escape for me.

  14. #194
    Quote Originally Posted by Rielthas View Post
    You have some proof of that to back it up? Maybe you are, and just don't want to believe it, because "this is my opinion, how could the vast majority of people have a different opinion?"
    Why the onus of proof is on that court? Why should we accept without any proof we are in fact the "vocal minority"? Double standards, much?
    Quote Originally Posted by Rielthas View Post
    Hey, did you know that they are real people, and that you could ask them to raid or do arenas with you? Are all these features, with the exception of the current tier raids, not cross-server already? They are not illusions - you just choose to ignore them and complain about them being there, rather than ask them to join you.
    HEHEHEHEHHHE They ARE real people, not family TV series characters. They will NOT be that nice.

  15. #195
    Spam Assassin! MoanaLisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lukahn View Post
    Except for it's not the vocal minority. Playing Moderator God only wins you a temp victory. I'll wager a six pack of Beer that this next expansion bombs big time EVEN though it's probably going to be the best one yet. Why? Customers do not trust Blizzard to have their best interest at heart any longer.
    This may be a difficult concept for you to get your head around but most people don't know much about CRZ and care even less. They don't visit forums and generally are in the game to play and have some fun. They could not care less about 95% of the stuff that we argue about on forums. What happens here is irrelevant. Many of them have no idea whatsoever that a new patch will drop until they log in one night and see that it has. Some are very good players but "this" here and on the Blizzard forums is totally invisible to them.

    It's something to remember. And those are the people that Blizzard care about the most. Guaranteed. They are the hardest to get to and when they leave they don't file long "I Quit" rants anywhere. Their opinion matters too.
    "'s most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it."

  16. #196
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    Welp, there goes my chance of completing my collection of the DMF trinkets... Have 5 of them so far and it's all been for naught.

    Edit: Not looking forward to the lagfest a la Dalaran in WotLK or "Lagforge".
    Last edited by Alayea; 2013-06-03 at 02:55 AM.
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  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferocity View Post
    I am not even sure if you are playing WoW or just trolling. But not much people keep doing non-current tier raids, and those who do they aren't really willing to take fully unknown people in their raids.

    Oh and you can find partners for arena by using forums or smth like that, and not ask first stranger.
    I never implied that you could or wouldn't, or that you even should necessarily. I was just making a point. You said you "can't raid or do arena with them" and that is simply not true. You choose to play a different way, but you certainly could if you wanted to. Also they may not be "real people on your server", but they are still "real people", not illusions. In making statements like that, you're no better than someone who says "They're not a white person like me" or something of the nature. They are real people like you, and they have as much right to spend time on your server as you have to spend time on their server, now that the technology allows for this, like it or not.

  18. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by Rielthas View Post
    If I wanted WoW to be like real-life, I wouldn't bother playing. I like that WoW is completely different from rl, and that it serves as an escape for me.
    And that's the problem. The WoW becomes more like real life, and if to be more precise - more like bad aspects of real-life.

    You wanted to relax from stinking metro? Or got tired from queues while driving home on your car? You get exactly same in the game, which is CRZ. Total strangers, lags and queues for game objects.

    You said you "can't raid or do arena with them" and that is simply not true. You choose to play a different way, but you certainly could if you wanted to. Also they may not be "real people on your server", but they are still "real people", not illusions.
    If you ask in crowd in real life "Hey I need business partner" or "Hey I need assistant in my office" or "Hey I need someone to go to theater with me" or something like that, you would be found insane and most likely would be isolated.
    Last edited by Ferocity; 2013-06-03 at 02:59 AM.

  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buu View Post
    Why the onus of proof is on that court? Why should we accept without any proof we are in fact the "vocal minority"? Double standards, much?

    HEHEHEHEHHHE They ARE real people, not family TV series characters. They will NOT be that nice.
    You're the one who made the statement that people who share your opinion are "not the vocal minority". I simply said "prove it". I think you are, but that's just my opinion.

    "They will not be that nice" - of course not! You're not that nice. You're the one who is saying that they don't belong there because they're not from your server. If you're not going to be socially nice and welcome them, why should they be nice to you?

    As I said in the last statement, like it or not, the technology now exists for every player to have fair access to WoW resources, regardless of what realm they originate from. Blizzard always intended this game to be as social a game as possible, and realms only exist because there are too many players to have them all in the same server at the same time. Maybe the idea of "server" is getting more and more outdated every year, just as in rl the notion of "social class" is getting outdated. The game is slowly becoming fair and equal to all players, and that's the way it should be.

    ---------- Post added 2013-06-02 at 09:05 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Ferocity View Post
    And that's the problem. The WoW becomes more like real life, and if to be more precise - more like bad aspects of real-life.

    You wanted to relax from stinking metro? Or got tired from queues while driving home on your car? You get exactly same in the game, which is CRZ. Total strangers, lags and queues for game objects.


    If you ask in crowd in real life "Hey I need business partner" or "Hey I need assistant in my office" or "Hey I need someone to go to theater with me" or something like that, you would be found insane and most likely would be isolated.
    Once again, this is a "game" "GAAAME"! You need to think of it as such. It is not like any of those things in the game. You just need to swallow your pride and arrogance, talk and get to know people. Some people may not want to talk, some may reject you, but believe it or not, some people who play an MMO really do want to play with other people and meet new players. You'll never know unless you stop treating people from other servers as some sort of infestation that doesn't belong. You are sounding like such a bigot (forgive me if I spelt that wrong)!

  20. #200
    Quote Originally Posted by FlameAble View Post
    Imo CRZ is the biggest improvement they have ever done to WoW. I play exclusively on pvp server and for a large part of my time in WoW these servers have been horribly inbalanced one way or the other, if not completely devoid of life all together. With CRZ you actually see other people out in the world, you get a solid bit of wpvp too. It actually feels like playing an mmo. If I didnt want to play with other people, then wtf would I be doing, playing an mmo?

    I feel like the problem a lot of people have is they either were not there in vanilla, or forgott how busy some zones could be. During wotlk the world turned into an empty wasteland. Nobody was out in the world and you could camp all the rare mobs mostly alone, do all the quests in peace, etc. But that is not an mmo, thats a multiplayer-singleplayer experience. It amazes me that people actually cry about there being competition for rare mobs and pets, thats why they are rare. They are supposed to be hell to get, you are supposed to have to fight over them.

    tldr: CRZ is fantastic and if you dont like people you should not play an mmo.

    i was there on beta and in vanilla and in no way today crz resemble the ambiance that were played in those days. now theres what 5 + server merging in zones thats way to much. i understand what there trying to do, fill up empty server by placing them in other with out mwerging them but that makes play time way hardfer then it need to be, farming stuff and do some quest is harder now,
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