Thread: Team Themes!

  1. #1

    Team Themes!


    My ranked team and I were having some fun pissing about today making up themed teams! I thought it would be fun to post our ideas here, and allow for any of you guys to post any fun or amusing themed teams you could come up with!

    The idea was to make a viable team composition following a simple and consistent theme. Any champion and any skin allowed!

    Some of ours were really simple/basic/obvious (Fire and Ice teams, for example) but we had fun nonetheless! Basically, all of these teams are teams we'd think were awesome if we played against, or would be hilarious to actually play and run with the theme all the way!


    Top - Bioforge Darius
    Mid - Shamrock Malphite (this one is cheating a bit since thats a legacy skin which isn't avaliable)
    Jungle - Zac
    Adc - Caterpillar Kog'Maw
    Support - Thresh


    Top - Volcanic Wukong
    Mid - Brand
    Jungle - Shyvana
    Adc - Pheonix Quinn
    Support - Wildfire Zyra


    Top - Trundle
    Mid - Lissandra
    Jungle - Frozen Nocturne
    Adc - Ashe
    Support - Nunu


    Top - Spooky Gangplank
    Mid - Karthus
    Jungle - Nocturne
    Adc - Ghost Reaver Draven
    Support - Thresh


    Top - Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
    Mid - Orianna
    Jungle - Mecha-Kha
    Adc - Battlecast Urgot
    Support - Blitzcrank


    Top - Steel Legion Garen
    Mid - Mordekaiser
    Jungle - Full Metal Pantheon
    Adc - Full Metal Jayce
    Support - Steel Legion Lux

    Well, there's all of our ideas! I think it would be hilarious to play some of these, and if I ever played against any of them I'd find it awesome! I'm sure theres hundreds more potential team themes you guys can come up with, so think outside the box and have fun making some up!
    "English doesn't so much borrow words from other languages as follows them into a dark alley, hits them over the head and goes through their pockets for loose vocabulary."

  2. #2
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    You forgot commandos, pentakill and pirates. Oh, and team browsers.

  3. #3
    We were trying to make teams not entirely based on the same line of skins, so no teams full of the same group of skins, but you can post your idea for a team compo following that if you want :P
    "English doesn't so much borrow words from other languages as follows them into a dark alley, hits them over the head and goes through their pockets for loose vocabulary."

  4. #4
    Team Demacia:

    Top: Garen
    Mid: Quinn/Lux/Xin
    Jungle: J4/Xin/Shyvana
    ADC: Vayne/Quinn
    Support: Sona/Lux

    Some of the champs are obviously not in the Demacian military (Sona, Vayne), but still Demacian :P

    Also, Team Yordle:

    Top: Teemo/Poppy/Heimer/Rumble/Kennen
    Mid: Ziggz/Heimer/Rumble/Kennen/Veigar
    Jungle: Poppy/Amumu
    ADC: Tristana/Corki
    Support: Lulu

  5. #5
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Elchea Library
    Swap Nocturne for Sejuani on Team Ice and you have Team Freljord.

    Team Commando: Garen, Xin, Galio, Lux, Jarvan
    Team TPA: Ez, Ori, Mundo, Nunu, Shen
    Team Hextech: Anivia, Galio, Janna, Singed, Sion
    Team Pentakill: Karthus, Sona, Yorick, Morde, Olaf
    Team Vandal: Brand, Gragas, Twitch, Vlad, Jax

    Then there are the multitude of Christmas, Halloween, and Chinese New Year themed skins to make holiday teams.

  6. #6
    Titan Gallahadd's Avatar
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    Beyond the 1% barrier.
    team SPIN TO WIN!

    Garen, Wukong, Kata, Rammus and... somone else with a spinning move
    Check out the blog I write for LEGENDARY Indie Label Flicknife Records:

    Blog Thirty is live! In which we discuss our latest releases, and our great new line of T-shirts.

  7. #7
    Smelly Pirate Hookers (Anchorman reference):

    Miss Fortune

  8. #8
    you can play Frost Queen Janna on the ice team too for support.

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