1. #1

    Dealing with cc in PvP?

    Hey guys

    Just started playing disc in pvp and its pretty fun, my issue is any team with considerable cc (lock, hunter, rogues, druids, warrior, Mage) well, actually most... Im having the issue of, get cc'd, team mate is killed in the cc, game over.

    I trinket the first major cc (fears or cyclone etc) and just get hit with more cc and i have to sit in it whilst my team mate falls over (2v2 btw)

    Any tips / something im missing?

    I play with a BM hunter.

    Also any tips with healing and trying to help with cc? I take mind control and try to run their healer away to break LoS which works some times, but often i then fall behind on healing and my hunter dies...

    Thanks for any tips, im considerably undergeard at the moment, 2 parts malev, rest whatever it was before malev, non pvp wep and no tyran. so will these issues iron out with gear? or is there gameplay improvements i can make?

  2. #2
    Versus hunters, mages, rogues, and ret pallies you can use glyphed shadow word: death to break yourself out of CC. This requires skill, experience, and sometimes a little bit of luck. You may have heard of the term "deathing sheeps;" this means using the glyped functionality of SWD to fire off the spell about 2/3 of the cast completion of a mage's polymorph. This will cause the damage backlash from SWD to break polymorph prematurely. Good mages will bait out your SWD cooldown by fake-casting polymorph.

    With practice, experience, and luck you will be able to anticipate when your opponents want to CC you. The rogue's blind and hunter's scatter shot have about a 20 yrd range. In practice this means if you position yourself properly, they have to move forward to you a bit in order to land it. If you're properly positioned and you see them randomly running and facing at you, and you don't think they're swapping to you, they most likely want to CC you. In the case of scatter+trap, you may use spectral guise to let your dummy eat the trap.

    Furthermore, use your fear ward wisely. Versus teams that can dispel and fear, think twice about having it up when you're coming out of the gate. Similar to the previous example, it is sometimes best to use your fear ward right before you expect someone to land a fear. An enemy priest isn't trying to get close to you because they want to give you a hug.

    In summary, priests have a very skill-intensive way of escaping instant CC. You need to study and learn the different types of CC other classes have and which ones you can SWD/guise out of. I would highly recommend watching highlight clips of elite priests, such as Hydra 11.

  3. #3
    If you're playing with a Hunter it shouldn't be a massive problem. Just don't trinket too early, if you blow your trinket the first time you get CC'd the other team just has to play defensive for 20 seconds, then CC you again and they win. Your Hunter has enough defensives to survive while you're CC'd for a decent amount of time, make sure to coordinate when he needs to use them. If he uses Deterrence and you use your trinket then you just wasted a CD, because he wasn't going to die anyway and now you can't trinket later.

    Coordination is more important when trying to deal with CC, if you're stuck in CC and can't get out just have your Hunter Scatter/Trap a DPS on the other team to stop damage, with that and Deterrence/Disengage LoS he can survive for a while. Plus with Shadow Word: Death and Fear Ward you can get the enemy team to blow some of their CC CDs into you when you aren't effected by them. It takes time to practice, but CC is usually manageable as long as you can coordinate with your partner.

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