Thread: enemy cd addon

  1. #1

    enemy cd addon

    Hello everyone! I'm looking for an addon which puts timers on my screen for enemy cooldowns and possibly their duration. Something like "afflicted" but that addon doesn't have many spells I'd like (for example vendetta, heart of the wild, etc )

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Adding spells into afflicted seems to be the easiest solution for your problem.
    Simply open spells.lua with a texteditor and add the spells you want. For HotW:

    -- Heart of the Wild
    		[108288] = "{type='buff';duration=45;anchor='defenses';cooldown=360;cdDisabled=true;cdAnchor='cooldowns';class='DRUID';}",

    It's fairly easy. Just check the spellIDs on wowhead and you should be fine.

  3. #3
    Thanks a lot! I'll try it out. Looks difficult to do tho :P

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