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  1. #221
    Elemental Lord TJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hitmannoob View Post
    You didn't play wotlk. All people do is bitch even when a class is 5% better they still complain. The amount of youtube videos of people getting trololol globaled by wizards in wotlk was huge.
    I've played since TBC... As I said I very rarely seen complaining legitimately. People complaining about something because they're bad isn't legitimate. It's like now, some people say Hunters are op when they do nothing do try and counter them and use no defensives, so they get owned and come to complain when really it's just them. Then you get proper complaints about Hunters being able to counter everything you do and killing you whilst your partner(s) are in CC through defensives etc (example).

    PvP now is a million times worse than Wrath, and some classes aren't viable at all when in you had much more of a choice.

  2. #222
    Quote Originally Posted by Crookids View Post
    Difficulty with Wrath? So far MOP has been more difficult than Wrath. Up to LK of course, but we haven't seen the last tier of MoP yet so who knows.
    You can say that for a fact because you beat Sarth +3 very early on, Yogg +0 25 before the nerfs, Mimiron 25 HM before the nerfs, achieved Tribute to Immortality and defeated Professor Putricide and Sindragosa HC before the buffs right? Oh wait, no you didn't, at least your armory doesn't say you did.

    As someone who did those (except Tribute to Immortality ) I can say that Wrath's hard bosses were harder than MoP's hard bosses. Lei Shen HC doesn't even come close to Mimiron HM and/or Yogg +0.

  3. #223
    Quote Originally Posted by Elim Garak View Post
    Ok, I did all that and I'm still 469. Please help me more.
    Armory link?

  4. #224
    Maybe it's just because I'm on super high pop Tich, but even during Cataclysm I recognized regular faces around Azeroth and in trade chat. Now all I see is people spamming all channels for 2's carries, people not even responding to general chat or tells and just an overall "I'm the hero and there's these other people here too." Community just kept tanking after Cata imo.

  5. #225
    Quote Originally Posted by Neromius View Post
    Maybe it's just because I'm on super high pop Tich, but even during Cataclysm I recognized regular faces around Azeroth and in trade chat. Now all I see is people spamming all channels for 2's carries, people not even responding to general chat or tells and just an overall "I'm the hero and there's these other people here too." Community just kept tanking after Cata imo.
    LFR, LFD, CRZ - it is all anonymous, there is no more community forming. The only place left for tactics (which leads to talking, and forming of community) are normal/hc raids and pvp... I dont like pvp and raids can only be organised a few evenings per week.

  6. #226
    The Unstoppable Force Elim Garak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baphomette View Post
    Armory link?
    I think you would be better off with better aiming. Missing so many points.
    All right, gentleperchildren, let's review. The year is 2024 - that's two-zero-two-four, as in the 21st Century's perfect vision - and I am sorry to say the world has become a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of still-masked clots ridden infertile senile sissies who want the Last Ukrainian to die so they can get on with the War on China, with some middle-eastern genocide on the side

  7. #227
    I also miss the old world before cata ruined it.. I used to love the feeling when running about in felwood and ashenvale for some reason and would always go there when levelling new toons, my fave 2 places in kalimdor but they've ruined those 2 places completely .. I used to feel all creaped out and just loved the look and feel of those places

  8. #228
    10m and 25m split lockouts
    bid bad villain
    balanced pvp
    healers being mortal
    reputation gear for gold
    jps being useful
    hc dungeons for cathcing up
    group quests
    epic gems
    armor penetration stat
    cool new sets
    more than 1 viable rogue spec (both pve and pvp)
    precata energy regen system(always loved crit on my combat rogue)
    premop talents(no, mop talents arent better, you always take the best talent, or you will lose some dps)
    and i hate reforge too(whats the point, 99% people use external programs and smash few buttons, no fun about it)

  9. #229
    My friends since they all quit in cata. Heyo

  10. #230
    I miss the feeling of being surprised

  11. #231
    I know it's been said a million times but....

    "Tell them only that the Lich King died.....and that World of Warcraft died with him."

    It's so freaking true.

    For me, and a lot of other players, all meaningful lore and fun gameplay went out the door after we killed the Lich King. Cataclysm was the nail in the coffin for a lot of people. In fact, EVERYONE that I knew and played with in TBC and WotLK (which would be well over 100 people in the guilds I was in) are no longer playing WoW anymore. We all quit shortly after Cataclysm launched. The game just became stupid at that point.

    Now I know there are still people who love WoW and that's fine. To each their own. I just know a lot of people who stopped giving a shit once Cataclysm hit.

  12. #232
    Can't say I miss anything in particular, I have been decently pleased with pretty much everything in the expansion thus far.

  13. #233
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremonger View Post
    Exactly, scenarios are good but not when they are replacing things. Those group quests were fine being outside in the world. They made the launch event a scenario, what is next they are going to take fishing out and make it a scenario lol.
    After release it becomes a lot more difficult to get a group together to do those quests though.

  14. #234
    Quote Originally Posted by Obikwan View Post
    1. Variety and interesting (Cata length/difficulty with WotLK, TBC variety) 5mans.
    I'm pretty much agreeing with this. Only thing I don't agree with is the cata length 5 man. I want a variety of them too, from a simple two boss instance, to a crawling 10 boss one. I want actual variety, not just 3 - 4 boss dungeons. I want the option to spend all day in one if I feel like it, but be rewarded for my time. I'd rather have to wait a few more months between patches if it meant a few new dungeons would be released instead of the crappy scenarios.

    I also miss Vanilla and TBC where there weren't any catch up methods. Sorry, but I find it horribly unappealing and tacky that someone can show up at the end of an expansion and have the same gear as those that have been playing since the beginning of the expansion. Scrap the catch up mechanism and make the journey actually matter. The current system only rewards the end, not the path getting there.

    Another thing, leveling. Make it matter again so people learn their classes, mechanics, and generally enjoy the trip from 1 -90. There's not much fun powering through a brand new character in under a week because everything from 1 - 89.999 doesn't matter.

  15. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by Lei Shi View Post
    Except hardly anyone bothers to do that, whenever i check the AH for carrots there are no more than like 40 there, sometimes even as few as 10.
    They went way over the top with the 275 and 300 stat food mats requirements. Black pepper is hard to come by too.
    Not really, I get one a day from Nomi. And if nobody lists carrots on your server sounds like you should farm carrots!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tojara View Post
    Look Batman really isn't an accurate source by any means
    Quote Originally Posted by Hooked View Post
    It is a fact, not just something I made up.

  16. #236
    Quote Originally Posted by Thetruth1400 View Post
    I also miss Vanilla and TBC where there weren't any catch up methods.
    TBC had a catch-up method; that was primarily the reason why WotLK had different varieties of badges you could pick up (all the badges in TBC were used for everything, especially the Sunwell Island catchup gear and to a lesser extent the ZA catchup gear).

  17. #237
    Well for one, valor gear that didn't have a faction requirement to purchase. At least they've brought the higher-end stuff from 5.2 farther down as the patches go on, and will either remove the requirement entirely or make it all friendly (I forget which), which is basically the same thing; one wing of LFR and you're friendly. It just seems like a boneheaded move to require point grinding to get the currency, and THEN require rep grinding to buy the pieces! Like, I get that they wanted people to do more than just grind dungeons until they were geared, but some people really like that, and some people really dislike rep grinding. When there's overlap between those two groups, problems emerge. See: daily quest burnout after a couple weeks of the expansion. You entice players to get out there and do more by making the content fun and letting them decide what to do, not by making their progression tougher if they only like doing one thing.

    Also, how about normal modes that aren't so overly complicated? Like, Wrath had it pretty good mechanics-wise. ICC was my first raid experience and its mechanics weren't too terrible, but still complex enough that it was satisfying to play. I think that they're doing the same thing that Tigole made the EQ devs do back in the day, where they keep on tuning upwards and upwards such that only the highest elite can have any shot at reasonable progression. They're designing all aspects of raiding around the upper crust first, which leaves out a large portion of the population that is starting to not have a shot at even normal modes.

    If I can go on a tangent here, I believe that flex will go one of two ways. One, it will take the place of the old 10-man normal modes and be suitable for pugging, and if it's successful, Blizzard will understand the importance of raiding content that doesn't require such incredibly complicated mechanics and will stop tuning normals so high. Two, it will serve as an excuse for Blizzard to keep tuning normal raiding (and by extension heroic raiding) even higher, since the casual base will have their puggable raids, so they can keep on making the "serious" raiding tougher yet, which will then burn out a lot more raiders and damage the raiding game as a whole. I mean hell, they said so themselves that they can't make a heroic fight that won't die within weeks anymore, because the world-firsts are too good at the game now. So why do they keep trying?

    And I guess in general I miss some of the old ways of doing things. When you were basically required to run a daily heroic to get your Emblems of Frost, it kept a constant supply of tanks and healers in the queues, many of whom were well-geared from ICC or from badge gear. This made the gearing process easy for newcomers because they could be carried through to their Emblems of Triumph, and even DPS queues were short. The TOC/ICC heroics helped serve as a stepping stone for gear catchup late in the expansion as well. And now they've thrown it out to replace it with LFR, which would be fine (kind of), except for the lack of other catchup systems like JP gear and things like that. Catching up later in the expansion is much tougher, which sucks if you want to get an alt at least somewhat up to speed, or if you're joining in late. Or if you're like my friend whose computer can't handle LFR, so he can't progress beyond heroic blues because they refuse to let epics come out of anything but raids, all for the "hardcores" who keep complaining about people who don't affect their game. Ridiculous.

    I dunno. It seemed like the system wasn't broke, so why did they try to fix it?

  18. #238
    Immortal roahn the warlock's Avatar
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    Heroics.. they have taken a huge backseat to LFR... and yeah, heroics used to suck... but omg I hate walking into LFR every week, why not.. just update the heroics. I was a way more fun way to lvl up than these god awful LFR raids
    It was never Hardcore Vs Casual. It was Socialites Vs. Solo players
    Quote Originally Posted by ringpriest View Post
    World of Warcraft started life as a Computer Roleplaying Game, where part of the fun of the game experience was pretending to be your character. Stuff like applying poisons and eating food enhanced the verisimilitude of the experience of playing a fantasy character in another world. Now that game has changed to become a tactical arcade lobby game.

  19. #239
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Good looking tier gear....
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  20. #240
    Dungeons. Scenarios are NOT the same, and are NOT nearly as fun. I don't care if you don't have the new dungeons have catch-up quality gear, but you NEED new Dungeons. Almost everything a scenario does a dungeon does better.
    One day I look forward to seeing full grown adults realize that their averse reactions to levity and positive/contemplative expressions of emotion are a cry for therapy.

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