Poll: Is this posible to do?

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  1. #1
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Question Guinness record kill all dungeon and raid bosses in wow in 24 hours

    I wonder if this is posible. (if we ignore summonable ones)
    Not counting scenario ones.


    Few things that should be done:
    A) you need to kill all bosses --) either on heroic or normal.
    B) special heroic bosses must be killed (sinestra)
    C) you can have help (you need it for some raids)
    D) trash can be ignored (a premade raid cleans the trash and invites you into a raid and you just kill bosses and go out to next raid)
    E) You cant split into groups and kill 3 bosses in same time. You need to stand at least 40 yards next too the boss and do some damage to him.
    F) Everything must be recorded
    G) You need to enter the raid over the entrance (you can be summoned outside)-- lfg dungeons dont count!

    I am not sure for instance lock. (you entered too many dungeons)
    But world bosses can be ignored .

    I belive its posible if you have a good guild and have enogh friends to help you out. I can for example kill bosses in settek halls in less than 3 min (on a monk).
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  2. #2
    14 hours for the heroics, with the instance lock. If you can do raids between that time then you might just push it, depending on how geared you are/how good your group is. Can you do LFR for the MoP raids?

    Definitely not soloable.

  3. #3
    Impossible. If you're considering clearing -all- of the bosses from each tier of content from every expansion, you're win-train might just grind to a halt when you reach current tier MoP raids, seeing as how most current tier raids can take up to an hour or two to finish.
    You could opt to consider the bosses on LFR mode to speed it up, but even then you also have to content with travel time between dungeons. I think you would need a lot of willing warlocks to make that happen...
    Mad props if you do it, but I'm not sure it would qualify for a Guinness World Record.
    Quote Originally Posted by fizzbob View Post
    you're not supposed to kill someone unless they kill you first. it's common sense.

  4. #4
    Field Marshal Raroo's Avatar
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    Now here is my question. Are you referring to this as a single person or as a guild? And if as a guild. What types of rules might be imposed upon that?

  5. #5
    nobody can solo all bosses in wow. especially the mop bosses.

    You better just run thro it all with a raid grp asap.

    It would be possible with a good raid group. The pre-mop raids and dungeons would take only few hours but the mop raids would be the slowest ones.

  6. #6
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raroo View Post
    Now here is my question. Are you referring to this as a single person or as a guild? And if as a guild. What types of rules might be imposed upon that?
    Only 1 person needs to do it. Other ppl just help you clean them up. (solo is imposible)
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  7. #7
    This wouldn't be possible solo and having "help" from a raid group will not grant you a "Guinness world record" but it can sure be done as a "team" of 10 players.

    Regardless of that, we clear 13/13hc in 2h30mins using 5main/5alts and I reckon that could be cut down to 2h or less with a full main group and t14 could be done in a couple of hours too (Think we have 6/6 MV hc in 27 minutes and 4/4 toes hc in 49 minutes when boosting a few people, HoF will take longer).

    All in all I reckon if you planned the quickest route along with using things like hearthstones/portals/summons/teleport tabards and such you would easily be able to kill every single heroic "raid" boss in the game in about 10~ hours non stop.

    When you include dungeons, that's when it starts to become a bit harder to predict :P Since some dungeons are scripted and you can be in there for 15-20 minutes at a time.

  8. #8
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Well lich king RP takes like 2 minutes...gunship wastes another, then veicle mehanic in ulduar slows you down even more....yeah a lot of time wasted on roleplaying.
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  9. #9
    Herald of the Titans Kuniku's Avatar
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    an interesting concept ^__^

  10. #10
    Should easily be doable assuming you have a raid that can actually do a full ToT HC clear in a couple hours.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Descense View Post
    Yeah a lot of time wasted on roleplaying.
    Yup, way too much, but it can be cut down a lot for example if you survive the fury of the frostmourne (It does 1million damage, any 40% reduction will allow you to survive) and reduce him to 1 health he will die in mid-air allowing you to skip a lot of the role play crap.

    You also have to remember that 10 level 90 players in heroic gear will not do the raids properly, even the tier 15 heroic fights can be mostly cheesed in current gear for example killing Horridon on the second gate or stacking council up and doing more damage than the adds can heal the bosses. Every other tier will most likely have you pulling the trash with the bosses and taking down 2-3 bosses at the same time.

  12. #12
    If you prep the raid beforehand. Killing off all trash before the designated recordee gets there. Having maybe 2-3 people in every low level raid killing off the trash and then summon for every boss fight. Should be a 40 man raid going on with people spread out. And when you get to the higher tiers its more of a 9 man on every raid killing the trash and summoning the guy between bosses.

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Anyway checking this out:

    So far only score games.
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  15. #15
    High Overlord Bloodege-NUFC's Avatar
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    Depends if the recording time involves RP-time. Since you stated there would be no trash.

  16. #16
    Even with trash and RP with a geared and talented raid you'd be shooting way below 24 hours. After t14 and t15 it would just turn into making yourself pull slow enough to not reset bosses. You could even throw 9/9 gold CMs in there and some group of players could do it.
    Last edited by Erolian; 2013-07-16 at 11:09 AM.

  17. #17
    here are the assumptions I'll make:

    1) average of 1 minute for each boss in classic. razorgore takes 3 due to mechanics, C'Thun also takes 3. that's 9 minutes for BWL, 10 for MC, 6 for AQ10, 12 for AQ40.
    2) average of 2 minutes for each boss in TBC. Vashj, Kael'Thas, Illidan, chess take 3 each due to mechanics. that's 20 minutes for BT, 10 for hyjal, 16 for SSC, 4 for Gruul, 2 for Maggy, 24 for Kara, 12 for SWP, 9 for TK.
    3) average of 3 minutes for each boss in WotLK. 15 for ToC, 36 for ICC, 36 for Naxx, 3 for Ony, 3 for Maly, 42 for Ulduar, 12 for VoA, 3 for OS, 12 for RS.
    4) average of 5 minutes for each boss in Cata. 12 for madness. 15 for BH, 30 for BWD, 47 for DS, 35 for FL, 25 for BoT, 10 for To4W.
    5) average of 8 minutes for each boss in MoP. 48 in HoF, 48 in MsV, 32 in ToES, 104 for ToT, 96 for SoO.
    total for all raids:789 minutes. round it off to 800 to take into account any underestimations. that's 13.15 hours just for the raids. even if you assume you can do TBC and vanilla in half that, it's still 722 minutes, or 12 hours. meanwhile, you got 70 dungeons to down. with a 5 instance limit per hour, that's 14 hours.

    conclusion: aint gonna happen unless you can pinch 2 minutes off every boss in Cata and WotLK as well.

  18. #18
    I think with my raid group, a mop raid boss clear would take possibly 6-7 hours, after that's its a face roll through content

  19. #19
    Not possible; the instance lockout would cause significant delays.

    Edit: Also, people aren't accounting for travel times to next boss/next instance. Instance travel time can be lowered by having people outside every instance ready to summon the group but even that takes a few minutes.

  20. #20
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trubo View Post
    Not possible; the instance lockout would cause significant delays.

    Edit: Also, people aren't accounting for travel times to next boss/next instance. Instance travel time can be lowered by having people outside every instance ready to summon the group but even that takes a few minutes.
    Travel time can be lowered by organizing lock portals over the ventrilo. 1 lock group waits you at 1 instance and another one on next. You leave the group and join the next for summon saving travel time (also trash is already cleaned too boss). But travel time on foot in instance is very slow but it can be speed up with a priest featers (or by playing a monk with roll and seperent thingy).
    Don't sweat the details!!!

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