Good evening,

I tend to let my mind wander when I can't sleep (tore my shoulder weighlifting and am frequently up due to the pain) and this time around I got to thinking about the creation of the Old Gods, and exactly what their purpose is supposed to be. The Titans are considered to have created worlds and by empowering the dragon aspects, they allowed life to be created. What we don't know is how the Old Gods tie into the world.

We know that Blizz has been using Lovecraft's lore when it comes to the Old Gods. It is rumored there are five of them, of which we know four. The question is, who is the fifth and where did they come from? My speculation comes to the creation of the Lovecraft Gods. His Gods tie back to an elder God named Azathoth. Sound familiar? The planet's name is Azeroth. What if the planet IS an Old God? What if at the core of the planet is an Old God who powers the planet while imprisoned by the Titans? What if each planet has an Old God at its core? What if the planets were only created to lock up Old Gods? What if we the players all exist by Titan design to keep Azeroth subdued each time part of him seeps from his prison? Lets look:

C'Thun is an eyeball, who we beat back not into death, but we banished him. Yogg-Saron was a monster of mouthes who once again was banished. We know nothing of what N'Zoth or Y'Shaarj looked like but we can speculate. While Y'Shaarj is said to be a goat with seven eyes, or said to have seven heads, nobody alive really knows and information gets lost over millenia. Its possible he looks like a foot, or an ear. Perhaps his seven heads are fingers and he is simply another piece of a bigger puzzle.

What if there is only one Old God? What if the Old Gods are his avatars, whose only purpose is to free Azeroth from his prison? Maybe they were all at war so they could be the one to release their father. What if the Titans couldn't defeat them unless the planet is destroyed not because they are too powerful, but because that would kill the planet's energy source, or because they would have to break the planetary prison to get to it?

What if the places the Old Gods reside are weaknesses in the prison where enough of Azeroth can seep out to form a physical monstrosity? What if we didn't banish them back? And finally, what if Project Titan comes when someone suceeds in freeing Azeroth and ends the World of Warcraft? Maybe N'Zoth was to be the one to succeed before Titan got pushed back?
