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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by madrox View Post
    I think this is one case where saying "hate the game, not the players" is entirely justified. With Blizzard gating a mount, pet, achievements and a title behind this item is it entirely unreasonable to expect players to do exactly what they are doing.
    At 10k killing blows for the last achievement and title alone is it reasonable of players in a PvP realm too expect some kind of honorable conduct? In my opinion it isn't, these people using the censer are playing the game Blizzard intentionally created.
    Sure it's ugly. Most of it hardly constitutes "world PvP". It's aggravating as hell. But this one is all on Blizzard. And at 10k killing blows for the title (gg on that Blizz) it's not going anywhere soon.
    You hit the nail on the head. There is no room for honor here. My server is mostly dead; with very few guilds. My guild is literally the largest populated guild on the entire server. When I began my coin farming, I realized very quickly that I would not accomplish my objective (getting the mount and pet. The killing blows required for the title is unreasonable -- even post hotfix) unless I was willing to prey on my own guildmates. At some point, the Timeless Isle will be as devoid of players as the Thunder Isle is now, so I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. Perhaps my reasoning is flawed, but this was my experience with this particular mechanic. It certainly directly effected enough people that I feel the need to say something.

    I'm a mount collector -- so I feel compelled to chase the mount down even though I have absolutely no desire to gank anyone. My past few days have been an endless torrent of guild drama and, worse, random players of my own faction sending me whispers, friend requests, threats, and General chat material that I dare not repost here. I moderate a small online game so I'm subjected regularly to some pretty awful things that players say to each other and even I was disgusted by some of the choice words that people had for me.

    I see what Blizzard was trying to do here with providing PVP that doesn't require good faction balance -- and I truthfully had some really good battles over the course of this farm that I will remember fondly. Unfortunately the sheer hatred of the playerbase is the most overwhelming aspect of this by a super uncomfortable margin. I literally don't understand why you would make the decision to disallow cross faction communication and then go and do this.

    I have my mount now. Tomorrow, I hope to farm up the pet. And then I hope to never activate the censer again.

    Currently playing Borderlands 1 remaster. Amped for Borderlands 3.
    Add me on the PSN for jolly-cooperation @ PuppetShoJustice

  2. #82
    PvP server here, yea, its annoying to get ganked by the roaming mob at times, yea its annoying when they lock down the ramp on the isle, but hey, there have been more epic battles in the past week than in the past few years for me. A few times a day there seems to be a build up, then a huge clash as people form armies. The best part, you can pop your censor and join the "bad guys" or fight against them.

    The good ole saying, If you can't beat them, join them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PuppetShowJustice View Post
    You hit the nail on the head. There is no room for honor here. My server is mostly dead; with very few guilds. My guild is literally the largest populated guild on the entire server. When I began my coin farming, I realized very quickly that I would not accomplish my objective (getting the mount and pet. The killing blows required for the title is unreasonable -- even post hotfix) unless I was willing to prey on my own guildmates. At some point, the Timeless Isle will be as devoid of players as the Thunder Isle is now, so I wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. Perhaps my reasoning is flawed, but this was my experience with this particular mechanic. It certainly directly effected enough people that I feel the need to say something.

    I'm a mount collector -- so I feel compelled to chase the mount down even though I have absolutely no desire to gank anyone. My past few days have been an endless torrent of guild drama and, worse, random players of my own faction sending me whispers, friend requests, threats, and General chat material that I dare not repost here. I moderate a small online game so I'm subjected regularly to some pretty awful things that players say to each other and even I was disgusted by some of the choice words that people had for me.

    I see what Blizzard was trying to do here with providing PVP that doesn't require good faction balance -- and I truthfully had some really good battles over the course of this farm that I will remember fondly. Unfortunately the sheer hatred of the playerbase is the most overwhelming aspect of this by a super uncomfortable margin. I literally don't understand why you would make the decision to disallow cross faction communication and then go and do this.

    I have my mount now. Tomorrow, I hope to farm up the pet. And then I hope to never activate the censer again.
    It was hotfixed to 2k.

  3. #83
    It was hotfixed to 2k.
    The killing blows required for the title is unreasonable -- even post hotfix
    I'm well aware.

    Currently playing Borderlands 1 remaster. Amped for Borderlands 3.
    Add me on the PSN for jolly-cooperation @ PuppetShoJustice

  4. #84
    meh i supose its easier to please the crowd with a the need to stroke their tiny winy ...egos than the ppl who can just log to another char. Pvp is just a retarded falacy i have never once, in 8 years actualy seen fun / balanced world pvp and that is because most "leet pvpers" just try to pvp with ppl who have no interest in the concept.

    Vanila - end of time: max lvls ganking lowbies trying to lvl, insane skill one shotting ppl
    vanila: camping ppl going to BRM to raid, ppl who don't care about you're existence who won't even turn around to face you , but will just corpse walk to the raid portal
    vanila: southshore pvp..... why?
    tbc onvard: ppl ganking ppl doing dailys, a pve activity for pve rep for pve loot.
    mop: Hey you're server has a faction imbalance so you can finaly do the content you're interested in? NO problem! now you're own faction can grief you!

    ow and i love the ppl in this thread who say something like "yeah its you're fault coz you play a single player game in wow" ... yeah, you sure as hell got that tyranical gear doing world pvp amirite? ^^ you definetly didn't just que to rbgs / arenas from org like the everyone else.... cretins.

    And btw, i like pvp, when i has a point... i've played dota , i play tribes, i play lol, i played cs 1.6.... world pvp has never ever had a point beyond griefing, unless you're brain makes conclusions like, i one shot this lowbie / my raids aoe has one shot theese ppl therefore i'm extreemly skilfull in wich case there's is 0 point discusing the isue further since rational thought does not penetrate you're own little walled of world! you can sure take fun from griefing but that's not pvp thats sadism...

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Airwaves View Post
    Well he can always leave the isle. Nobody is forcing him to be there. And no i don't feel Stupid. I don't read a thread that I already know is going to be someone whining. This forum could do with ALOT less whining.

    And from that his on a pvp realm anyway. He made this thread because he was getting ganked on a PVP realm where PVP happens. If he was on a pve realm this thread wouldn't exist.
    Hahaha you just made such a fool of yourself, save yourself some dignity and just drop it xD

    Don't visit a forum if you can't read to begin with.

  6. #86
    I'm not sure why you're complaining then. If you have your mount already then you're 1/4 there...after less than a week. So either you just don't enjoy this aspect of the game, which is fine, just dont expect to get the achievement, or you just want to complain about having to reach the goal for the sake of reaching the goal. Blizz long ago abandoned the cross faction communication penalties, I believe it was in BC. While they never supported opponents communicating, they stopping caring about it unless someone circumvented /ignore. Ignoring is an excellent solution to the more abusive people, and if its as bad as you suggest, you can probably report them for a number of actionable offenses.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by PowerOfTwo View Post
    meh i supose its easier to please the crowd with a the need to stroke their tiny winy ...egos than the ppl who can just log to another char. Pvp is just a retarded falacy i have never once, in 8 years actualy seen fun / balanced world pvp and that is because most "leet pvpers" just try to pvp with ppl who have no interest in the concept.

    Vanila - end of time: max lvls ganking lowbies trying to lvl, insane skill one shotting ppl
    vanila: camping ppl going to BRM to raid, ppl who don't care about you're existence who won't even turn around to face you , but will just corpse walk to the raid portal
    vanila: southshore pvp..... why?
    tbc onvard: ppl ganking ppl doing dailys, a pve activity for pve rep for pve loot.
    mop: Hey you're server has a faction imbalance so you can finaly do the content you're interested in? NO problem! now you're own faction can grief you!

    ow and i love the ppl in this thread who say something like "yeah its you're fault coz you play a single player game in wow" ... yeah, you sure as hell got that tyranical gear doing world pvp amirite? ^^ you definetly didn't just que to rbgs / arenas from org like the everyone else.... cretins.

    And btw, i like pvp, when i has a point... i've played dota , i play tribes, i play lol, i played cs 1.6.... world pvp has never ever had a point beyond griefing, unless you're brain makes conclusions like, i one shot this lowbie / my raids aoe has one shot theese ppl therefore i'm extreemly skilfull in wich case there's is 0 point discusing the isue further since rational thought does not penetrate you're own little walled of world! you can sure take fun from griefing but that's not pvp thats sadism...
    It sounds like you just like PvP when you perceive there to be a purpose. That's fine, roll on a PvE server. PvP is just a removal of rules and allows the fighting for the sake of fighting. I do not find much purpose in the games you listed though. You don't truly gain anything in CS other than the ability to brag. WoW PvP isn't balanced though, nor is it really intended to be balanced at a 1v1 or a world PvP level. The only balance you start to see in WoW is at the higher end arena levels where comps are more predictable and strategies are tested before reaching that level.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Normie View Post
    GY camping is fine under all conditions if there is a "PvP solution." On a PvP server there is by definition a PvP solution. so GY camping is always fine all of the time on a PvP server. On a PvE server, a GM would tell you to wait 5 minutes, which is a "common sense solution."
    Pray tell me the logic behind your throughts.

    You die.... you can only res at a GY but your being camped so you can't res ... how is there any solution pvp or otherwise the player behing gank has other than stop playing until the guy ganking him gets fedup and leaves.

    There is no solution. its just kids getting cheap thrills at others expense, which ruins the game for a vast majority of people.

    Most people like actually pvp but this ain;t pvp in any sense of the word as its totally one sided.
    Science has made us gods even before we are worthy of being men: Jean Rostand. Yeah, Atheism is a religion like bald is a hair colour!.
    Classic: "The tank is the driver, the healer is the fuel, and the DPS are the kids sitting in the back seat screaming and asking if they're there yet."
    Irony >> "do they even realize that having a state religion IS THE REASON WE LEFT BRITTEN? god these people are idiots"

  8. #88
    Sad, but inevitable.

  9. #89
    The solution is to convince your fellow players to roll up to the graveyard in a larger force. The non-pvp solution is to run to another gy which there are many on the isle. You describe most people liking pvp but not liking this. A PvP server is PvE + exactly this. It doesn't offer anything more than a PvE server other than this cluster of a mess they call world pvp. Why would you be on a PvP server then?

  10. #90
    So either you just don't enjoy this aspect of the game, which is fine, just dont expect to get the achievement, or you just want to complain about having to reach the goal for the sake of reaching the goal.
    Yes, this is exactly what I'm doing. I'm 500/600 and then I'm done. I don't give a crap about the title or epeen points.

    I posted only to express my frustration with the censer system. It has the capacity to be really fun. My team of four players had, at one point, a huge group assault us for a 20 minute battle that did not end until all the guards at the staging area had all been killed (repeatedly) and the dragon celestial got pulled into the fray. It was utter chaos and I enjoyed it.

    Unfortunately the other 95% of the experience wasn't as pleasant. I did definitely feel the need to report some of the people who contacted me for the more extreme harassment. All I'm saying is that I think this is a very negative situation that Blizzard has created when I go from vanilla through all of 5.3 without people threatening in elaborate detail on how they wish to murder and/or sexually assault me and then post 5.4 I couldn't go a day without hearing it.

    You seem to think I'm trying to change people's minds or argue with folks in this topic. All I wanted to do was share my experience with PVP on the island since I've been so heavily involved in it for the past few days.

    Currently playing Borderlands 1 remaster. Amped for Borderlands 3.
    Add me on the PSN for jolly-cooperation @ PuppetShoJustice

  11. #91
    You should be reporting those players, but to be honest, I remember people expressing similar sentiments in vanilla. I don't feel the community has gotten worse, they've always been jerks. Nearly every online game I've played I find filled with people that express similar attitudes. It's disgusting. It's not new or unique though.

  12. #92
    Lol at people reporting for harassment. They should be banned themselves for wasting GM's time with their useless tickets. Looks like Blizzard encouraged ganking and camping on the Isle, so why do you think it's harassment?

  13. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Shockzalot View Post
    Since when was it cool to grief your own faction?
    Since 5.4 went live

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Orcindauh View Post
    Today we got a full 40 man raid full of people to use that item that makes you hostile to your own faction.

    We are on a Horde dominated PvP high population server so it was good to see some world PvP.

    For 2-3 long hours we literally wrecked the place, it was impossible for anyone to use that gamble chest cave (forgot the name) because they would just get killed. There was so much rage on general chat about an army of Horde gankers killing other Horde members. We moved all over the island in a group going from 1 place to another killing and destroying everyone.

    After a while 1-2 other raid groups formed to use the item to do the same thing. So there was an army of 80ish Horde members grouped up ganking everything. No one was safe.

    Also a few raid groups formed to try and stop and kill the people who used the item, it was a glorious battle.

    After the the action died off there was a massive amount of bones everywhere on the island, it was beautiful. Haven't had this much fun on wow in a while.

    That sounds awesome, i want to join your group mate.

  15. #95
    Dreadlord Sunnydruid's Avatar
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    Don't worry man, I would expect the Isle to simmer down after a few weeks of this. It hasn't even been a week yet so everyone is still flocking towards there like it's their job. Give it a few weeks or a month and it will turn in to the Isle of Thunder. Remember, that's how it used to be with all the ganking and whatnot when it first came out! The only difference with Timeless Isle is that you can kill your own faction...and it's a lot smaller.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampz View Post
    inb4 "flying is a major part of the reason I have fun in wow!"
    Buy a fucking flight sim then

  16. #96
    Titan Wildberry's Avatar
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    Honestly Timeless Isle is one of the best things to happen to WoW in a while. No matter if you play for PvE or PvP, there's always something to do, and something to work towards, while still having a "sense of exploration" and not feeling so formulaic, The Censer of Eternal Agony is also great and I would love to see it implemented into the new zones.

    My only complaint about Timeless Isle is that 496 gear from killing mobs is a bit silly, but that's another discussion for another time.

    In regards to "jerks and griefers" Players have always been jerks and griefers, you only notice it now because you are in the same area as a lot of people.

  17. #97
    I am Murloc!
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    It's pretty amazing, lots of world PvP potential. Whether it be against your own faction or traditional PvP against your own.

    My favorite memory so far was logging on to be ganked by a good 15-25 man raid group of people ganking in the celestial courtyard. After a couple deaths and repeated warnings from general chat I figured out what I must do. Equip all my tank gear, spec snaring diseases, mass grip and pick up every single talent that gives me immunity to CC. I then proceeded to the place where people can summon elite Yaungol on the lower section and kited a couple of the level 93 elite priests that do the several 100k firestorms, and at least 700-800k AoE fire cone attack right into them. The AoE cone requires you to be moving when it's cast or have a really quick reaction time. The entire raid group being snared gave them zero mobility and any efforts to CC me or kill me was useless as I had multiple cheat deaths. In all but a few minutes the entire group was gone.

    The other thing I like to do is hide in the trees around the frogs and just snare people who mount past them.

    Lots of good fun though, I like the area a lot. I've ran around solo killing people with the censor and in groups. I've also at times feel compelled to hunt each and every person using it when I can, and it's easy considering that people with the censor can't use any of the item/shrine buffs that the Island has to offer (except the 10 min food buff).

  18. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by angryplateguy View Post
    So you're all a bunch of those guys who're afraid to fight alone, or in small teams such as arena? Where's the skill, brah.

    World pvp has never been fun.
    Huh? Because you dislike world PvP and bg's too at that matter you assume everyone who doesn't only PvP by doing arenas has no skill. Pretty dumb statement if you ask me.

  19. #99
    Anybody trying to defend it is a pathetic griefer, you can reply with: LOL MAKE OWN RAID GROUP, but that is not possible since the OP clearly explained people don't want to do that, too lazy. I tried it too.

    It's just a griefing tool and dumb dumb dumb.

  20. #100
    World PVP =D It lives!

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