Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
They wanted to be far too "touchy-feely" about the whole "no one leads and everyone is as important as everyone else." That's why communism doesn't work; without rocks to be leaders, movements fizzle quickly and apathy sets in when no one is giving direction.

We should really stop thinking that we need a leader to know where we are going. This is how we get controlled at this moment' We believe the politicians who are responsible for a lot of crap we have now to fix the problem. Basic problem - reaction - Solution. Einstein was right when he said that you can't expect the same kind of thinking that cause the problem is going to fix the problem.

Let's take our responsibility back and help each other out step by step. Starting small in our own community slowly growing larger and stop believing stupid ass rules written on paper by some dumb ass politicians who lick the behind of a small group of elites...