1. #1

    Average amount of weeks needed to get through each part of the legendary quest?

    For most of MoP, I've mained an Affliction Lock, playing Demo as off-spec, though do to a lot of changes that have happened to the class, these two specs specifically, I'm really starting to not find the class as enjoyable anymore. I've been leveling a few alts that I have been enjoying the play style of, and already have a fair amount of timeless armor pieces to bring one of them into the 490 range almost immediately. My main concern though has been the legendary questline, and having to catch back up on that on another character. From what I can understand it's gotten quicker to complete, but does anyone have an idea how many weeks I should expect to be stuck on each part, particularly the Sigils and Secrets?

  2. #2
    Average is hard to say now since multiple modes will drop said pieces. I'd expect at least 3 months total for everything, especially when you factor in valor cap, rep, and rng.

  3. #3
    Warchief Felarion's Avatar
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    It's hard to say for sure, but i bet 3 weeks for each part

  4. #4
    7 to 9 weeks when entire SoO lfr is out. if longer.. well then RNG gods hate you more then a stone in a shoe
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulfric Trumpcloak View Post
    People on this site hate everything. Keep that in mind.

  5. #5
    I'm 7/20 Secrets of the Empire. F*ck rng, really.
    Even by doing all ToT & SoO LFR + some flex & normal, I get like 1 / week, sometimes 2. Only Lei Shen seems to have a better drop chance for some reason, may be because he's the last boss there, all the other bosses basically never drop.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TDrog View Post
    I'm 7/20 Secrets of the Empire. F*ck rng, really.
    Even by doing all ToT & SoO LFR + some flex & normal, I get like 1 / week, sometimes 2. Only Lei Shen seems to have a better drop chance for some reason, may be because he's the last boss there, all the other bosses basically never drop.
    Pretty sure Lei Shen has a 100% drop rate actually.

  7. #7
    sigils is 1-2 weeks now, but the others are harder.
    Expect 2-3 months.

  8. #8
    The Undying Lochton's Avatar
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    9-13 weeks.

    This is a hard answer, RNG can be your best friend or worst enemy. The valor quest demands 3 weeks itself, (gain 3000 valor points, you don't need to save them though). The reputation is easy to burn through. From neutral to exalted, about 3 hours of mass slaughter. Get yourself a good AoE-puller, then go hunt Mogu on the Isle of Thunder, within the ruins. You gain your reputation so fast, and do it while Darkmoon Faire and get the XP/Rep buff.

    The Sigils are all RNG, but Blizzard brought news for that too. MSV, HoF and Terrace have the highest drop rating - Throne of Thunder has added drop of sigels, even SoO can drop sigils.

    The simple quests are to win the new battlegrounds, and killing a dwarf in the wilds.

    The secrets are within Throne of Thunder with a raised drop it seems, as well as the stones but you still need good time for that as well.
    FOMO: "Fear Of Missing Out", also commonly known as people with a mental issue of managing time and activities, many expecting others to fit into their schedule so they don't miss out on things to come. If FOMO becomes a problem for you, do seek help, it can be a very unhealthy lifestyle..

  9. #9
    took me 7 weeks alone just for secret of empire part -.-

  10. #10
    Guildmate of mine just finished from the 3000 valor part to cloak in 3 weeks almost. Just got his cloak today.

  11. #11
    Like people said before it's very RnG. Had like 7 runestones (the ToT part) within 2 weeks and the rest took another 6 weeks where the last 3 weeks with lei Shen having the 100% buff.

    For the rep farming part, I liked the center of the isle where pandaren npcs fight the mogus, you can place your banner and kill mobs by yourself and when slips through your finger and fights the npc just dot them and you continue your hunt.

    I say just play your new class, when you get the cloak you get it. Soon it's all worthless anyways

  12. #12
    1-3 week per step depending on your luck
    9thorder.com | Recruiting exceptional players!

  13. #13
    Hmm alrighty then, not too bad, and it's not like I *hate* my lock, just lacks what made it my favorite class now, so I still have something that's well geared that I can raid with =/.

  14. #14
    Field Marshal
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    1 of my alts hit 90 on Aug. 9th, and 2 days ago got the legendary cloak, its a lot faster than you would think.

  15. #15
    I've certainly noticed an increase since 5.4 in my Secrets drop rate, went 3 weeks getting 7 total, now in 2 weeks of ToT since the patch I'm at 19. I don't even know how far off my cloak I am D:

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