1. #1

    [BrM] Haromm's Talisman or Rune Of Re-Origination

    Hey there fellow Brewmasters.
    I'm tanking in a casual 10man guild so I am running a crit build. My question is: Should I switch my Rune of Re-Origination out for Haromm's Talisman? They are both normal versions and no thunderforged/warfroged? My second trinket is normal thunderforged Renataki's Soul Charm
    Any adviced much appricated

  2. #2
    I would use Haromm's Talisman and RoRo and drop Renataki(if you dont have trouble getting hit/exp cap ofc).

  3. #3
    If you look at what harroms does, i find its quite a bad trinket for a tank.
    Ofc its nice out of a dps perspective, but not so much tank:
    The damage gives you no direct survivablility.
    The procc gives you a random chance to have a little higher dodgee chance and selfheals for 10sec. The only good thing is that the increased critchance leads to somemore EB generation which can be used if necessary in the near future.
    (Whereas the rest of the procc is random and out of control)
    But theres agi on basically every trinket for us, so that part is okey and comparable.
    If you arent capped you can safely stay with renataki and roro (but use RoRo wisely, otherwise the procc isnt that great ither)

    But as we are in the era of "i'm deeps not tank pewpew" you'll probably see a lot of agi-tanks usiing the trinket anyway.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTrueM4gg0t View Post
    we are in the era of "i'm deeps not tank pewpew"
    That is wrong on so many levels i can't even count them.

    There is NO boss able to kill a tank unless said tank (and his/her healers too) go AFK to grab a drink or something. Maybe H: Garrosh, but OP is nowhere near that.

    That means you (as a tank) should focus on increasing your damage as long as you are not in danger of dying. Doing anything else is detrimental to any raid you may be part of, and therefore should be avoided.

    Sure, if your healers somehow vanish from existance you will die before a full mastery monk does, but if you start planning for people fucking up you end up running 4 tanks 6 healers "just in case"

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Inthislzon View Post
    That means you (as a tank) should focus on increasing your damage as long as you are not in danger of dying. Doing anything else is detrimental to any raid you may be part of, and therefore should be avoided.
    never said otherwise. but if you have the choice between a trinket with: agi + secondary stat or agi + pure damage procc, you should probably choose the first, because secondary stats (e.g. crit and haste) increase damage und survivablity, where the pure damage procc only increases damage. (unless the damage procc is so rediculously overpowered that theres no relation anymore)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by TheTrueM4gg0t View Post
    where the pure damage procc only increases damage. (unless the damage procc is so rediculously overpowered that theres no relation anymore)
    If you want to get technical, doing more damage does actually increase survivability with T16 2p. Not much at all, but it is there which suggests that there exists some percentage damage increase to equate Agility with at which point the damage grants more survivability than the Agility. I have no idea what that number could possibly be, but I do know that it exists.

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