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  1. #1

    What do you want changed/added for next expansion?

    Since blizzcon is coming up next month and we're most likely going to see the new expansion revealed and a lot of new features and things added or changed what would you like to see?

    Me personally I would love them to go back to there being no lockout for 10 and 25 like back in WoTLK, but this will probably never happen, I would like if they completely got rid of PvP power and scrapped base resil and a number squish to make pvp feel more like it was in BC.

    A whole new talent system like the new paragon system for D3 xpac so people don't get locked into going for the same BiS gear, as you always see everyone wearing the same pieces as it's your BiS, if talents gave stats or secondary stats it would change how you gear a lot and I don't really like the talent system they added I preferred the old one where you could go SL/SL Warlock or Dreamstate Druid, the old one had way more variety and not everyone was "cookie cutter" like they said they wanted to avoid.

  2. #2
    We can pick anything? Very well.

    -New Player Models (With more sub-race skins if possible)
    -Stuff to help empty bags
    -Wrapping up loose threads in lore in satisfying ways (MoP was good with that, with its own lore)
    -N'Zoth. Old God stuff for the win (But that's just me)
    -Flying in Silvermoon (It would be great if they could find excuse to update the TBC starting zones)
    -Blood Elf Female cloak bug fixed. (Seriously, it's gone unfixed for a long time now )

    Other than that, I have faith in Blizzard's ability to give me what I want.

  3. #3
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    I'll give you 4 things, just to keep it short.

    Impossible Addition - A new system for talents and glyphs that combines the two and gives you unprecedented amounts of customization. Remember the rune system idea someone floated a few months back?

    Probable Addition - Player Housing. All the pieces are in place, and players do want it. Make it less a solo dress-up and more a centralized spot for your bank and AH, also incorperate professions like what happened with the farm in MoP. If Rift was able to win MMO of the Year just by adding housing, why can't WoW?

    Probable Change - The return of post-launch Dungeons. Blizz has already said they want to do this, and I'm excited for the possibility. They add a lot of story, and some should be added every off-patch to tie into the next raid.

    Impossible Change - LFR removed. With Flex now filling the void LFR was designed to fill, and clearly doing it far better. It's time to axe LFR, because the only players that will use it are the bad/toxic players, and world first chasers looking for that extra edge.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  4. #4
    I want them to give Spirit Strike back to Spirit Beasts!

  5. #5
    I want to be able to dye my armor.

  6. #6
    10+ Year Old Account
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    I'd like to see normal mode raiding become Flex raiding, Heroic raiding become 15-man raiding, and LFR be left as it is. If they added a queue for Flex raiding I'm pretty sure that normal mode raid guilds and to a lesser extent LFR would die out extremely fast, so that's not likely to happen, but I'm indifferent to it.

  7. #7
    Furbolgs, High Elves, Jinyu models updated and sexes added for the Alliance. Ogres, Hozen, (third an Alliance race faction, similar to high elves that is alligned with the horde) for the horde.

    I'd like to repair Draenor/Outland to it's original pre-shattered state.

    I like the idea of updated/additional skins for current races and updated models for all races.

    Fourth Specs. Shaman tank? Pally caster dps? Mage heals? Warlock Tank? Break the grand trinity and allow more classes to have alternative roles.

    Another class?

    Complete the map of Axeroth? Kul'tiras. Zandalar. Undermine. Kezan. etc.

    There are still plenty of zones on Azeroth that are empty.

    What's going on in Azjol'Nerub? Bolvar? Koltira? Many loose ends or things that never had terminal stories.

  8. #8
    More bag/bank space. Probably impossible.

  9. #9
    I want a return to 10 level expansions. More than 1 starter zone, more than 1 path from 90-100.

    I want to see flex become an option for normal mode raiding.... there's really no need for 4 difficulties.

    I want to see the return of 5 mans. These should be released over time with patches (maybe 4 or 6 to start, 2 new ones with each patch), and some should be short and fast, some should be pretty challenging, and 1 or 2 should be basically 5 man raids.

    Less likely? I'd like to see gear scaling for max level content, to start off with. I'd like to see soulbound goods become BOA, but only usable by the toon it's bound to (ie, the ability to mail bound items to bank mules for storage).

  10. #10
    Class quests.
    Customizable racials skills (or remove dps increasing ones once and for all)
    Full customizable gear appearance tool (or make it doable by some expensive craftable item)
    Full customizable reforge (or remove reforging)
    More no fly zones.
    More phasing on new and old zones (send players back to old continents - phase it!)
    Flex replacing normal.
    Flex mode for old raids (tech is avaliable).
    Remove most or all portals from world.

  11. #11
    Titan Arbs's Avatar
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    Class Quests

    Racials Removed

    LFR Revamped or Removed

    Armor Dye

    Flex alittle more challenging

    More Story changing events in the world.

  12. #12
    A reason to do 5 mans again and not have them be some mindless afk faceroll.

    An afk filter and debuff for ppl in LFR that are just there to be carried to badges and loot

    A solution for low pop/dead servers. There is a small chance this will be addressed with the new system they say they are putting in place now.

    Account wide rep or more boa rep items to give to alts.
    "Privilege is invisible to those who have it."

  13. #13
    Cosmetic Glyphs specifically for a certain race (Troll Voodoo glyph to make priest spells look more Trollish, for example)
    Racials improved upon and lesser played races like Dwarves and Goblins getting their racials buffed. Human/Blood Elf racials nerfed.
    Dynamic events with realm-driven outcome
    Player Housing
    Complete overhaul of professions, increased usefulness, more dependent on eachother
    An entire reputation system for professions and being able to level a character with just professions, similar to EverQuest 2

  14. #14
    Bloodsail Admiral Pigglix's Avatar
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    New models

    New pure DPS melee class.

    Goblin/Belf/Pandaren hair choices for fem orcs.

    Class quests.

    Belf Female cloak bug fixed

    Player Housing

  15. #15
    Make something usefull out of the profession or just remove everything, who need to craft one of those Vanilla necklace and rings ?
    Or a cheap ass level 35 cloth belt

  16. #16
    Mechagnome Raysz's Avatar
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    -New player models is a big one for me.
    -I have been interested in player housing for a long time but after seeing how it was done in Rift, I'm not sure anymore.
    Has to be done well and really add something. Guild housing perhaps, but if it doesn't happen any time soon I would be ok with it.
    -I like travelling the world so removal of some portals would be nice
    -Back to 10 levels instead of 5
    -Bigger landmass. Both Northrend and Pandaria felt a bit on the small side to me.
    -More customisation, armor dyes, emotes

  17. #17
    A wardrobe system.
    It would store only the skin of an armor piece without the stats.
    This way I would store all my collection sets, and it would still be usable for Transmog.

    Also new skins for characters. It is much needed now...
    - Humans look like farmers, and without mustache or beard they are a bit dumb looking.
    - As a night elf, almost every off hand is wrongly displayed as cutting through my leg T_T
    - Dwarves are square-like, lacks a lot of polygons and diversity.
    - Gnomes have near to none correct customisation without falling into the classic "pink ponytails"
    - Orcs lack a "noble" model, like Thrall was before Cataclysm.
    - Trolls are almost perfect in my opinion
    - Tauren are often cross-eyed
    - Forsaken have their spine coming through their cloak !!!

  18. #18
    -More Brawlers Guild
    -More Brawlers Guild
    -More Brawlers Guild
    -More Brawlers Guild
    -More Brawlers Guild
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    which is kind of like saying "of COURSE you can't see the unicorns, unicorns are invisible, silly."

  19. #19
    - scallable old raids and dungeons
    - account wide character progression system
    - fix for conquest gear in world PvP
    - solution for abillity bloat
    - ilvl squish

  20. #20
    -New Players models
    -More focus on non human/orc races
    -Leveling system changed in a similar vein to Timless Isle
    -LFR removed as a catch up/gearing mechanic and kept as a storytelling mechanic
    -Scenarios obliterated
    -More pet battle stuff
    -Item level squish
    -Hunter specs to become more varied

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