1. #1

    Shadow priest needs help with stats (crit and mastery)

    Hello everyone,

    I have a question about my stats as a shadow priest. I have read many posts and guides but it's just a bit overwhelming for me and I would love to get some help from you guys.

    This is my armorry:
    http: //eu.battle. net/wow/en/character/trollbane/Duisternis/simple

    I know, I am not doing heroic raids or anything. Just a casual raider trying to do as many dps as I can. I did my first flexraid yesterday and got a new staff, so that is the reason I don't have 15% hit yet. I still need to fix that. I also lost a few haste points, so I need to get that up a bit to 8085.

    So here is where I need some help with. I read this post:
    1. If you are below the 8085 haste breakpoint or not hit capped, you should not worry about relative crit / mastery imbalance, its very small and insignificant compared to hit/haste breakpoints

    2. If your item level is below say... ~510 you should probably just regard Crit and Mastery as being equal - and both being significantly worse than Int > Hit > Haste

    3. If you have the above but do not have 2pT15 (or 4pT15) you should consider crit better than haste once you are above 8085, but not in range of 10125 haste

    4. If you have 1 and 2 covered, and have 2pT15 (or 4pT15) you should consider mastery and crit to be a personal choice

    5. If you have 1, 2, and 4 covered, and have Lei Shen's 100% crit trinket, and are making use of it to apply long-lasting 100% crit chance DoTs, you should consider mastery to be a clear winner.

    I currently have the 100% crit trinket, but is it really that helpfull? It only procs once in a few minutes or is the above information outdated? I read the BiS list from howtopriest.com (http: //howtopriest. com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4486) and it says that Black Blood of Y'Shaarj and Purified Bindings of Immerseus are the way to go trinkets.
    But how does that effect my reforging/gems? Because now I reforged/gemmed everything to mastery, but is that the way to go? Or is it best to do 1:1 with mastery and crit? Or is it best to just go full out on haste?

    I hope you can clear it up for me!


  2. #2
    I believe haste is still better for you at this point compared to mastery or crit, so you should aim to gem for haste instead and not ignore socket bonuses. Reckless for yellow, energized/purified for blue, and brilliant for reds is what I would stick with for now with your gear.

    As for UVLS (100% crit trinket), what other options do you have? I would use anything with a higher ilvl at this point with the changes they made in 5.4 to those trinkets and how haste works with them.

    P.S. I know you only have one of these in your robes and it may be due to availability or w/e, but don't use hit gems - always get spirit gems. With immerseus trinket spirit is worth more bang for your bucks than straight hit. Also, don't use that meta gem with spirit, use burning primal diamond instead.
    Last edited by Angelicat; 2013-10-28 at 11:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Haste is the best stat until 14873 and what you go for after that is pretty much player specific. You should also switch all your pure int gems to reckless (except JC gems) and your purple gems to Energized

  4. #4
    Thanks guys! I will reforge tonight then

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