Windrunner Alliance PVE

I don't like it when I see a new tank being berated and harassed for not knowing his role when he's been given no chance to perform or practice it. I don't like the way I've seen others treated in random groups. I'm tired of the trolls and toxicity of the community. You've seen the threads about these topics, you may have even experienced it yourself; yet nobody has stepped up to do something about it. Until now.

In my mind there was a place we could get away from it all. There was a home, a guild, a family that you can run dungeons and play with. I imagined a 5 minute LFR queue because you were queue'd up with 20-24 of your guild-mates. I imagined logging into warm welcomes of others I knew who weren't just faceless, nameless masses of a gigantic guild.

<Asgard> was started by my wife and I. At first this was just a guild for us, but as we've developed our characters we've wanted to expand our reaches to include raiding. Be it LFR, flex, or normal groups but we couldn't stomach the abuse we saw being thrown around. I once raided very regularly and have even ranked in WOL but not everyone has that sort of experience. So we've decided to open our doors and invite like-minded individuals.

Are you tired of being told you can't raid because you don't have experience raiding? How much dumber can that statement be? Are you afraid of trying a new spec because of the lashing you'll get for not performing perfectly on your first try? Do you just want somewhere to go to play with friendly people like yourself? Look no further.

<Asgard> is a community. A home with people who share those values. I realize while this sounds like a great place that some may not be able to fork over the money to transfer a main to us, and it's for this reason that I'm putting my personal bank and my gold towards helping those that want to roll an alt with us on this server.

If you level from 10-60 with <Asgard> not only will you be equipped with bags; I will personally pay for your 150% mount training. I feel that if you've given us 50 levels worth of your time, you're more than worth the investment of gold, to show you that you're a valued and appreciated member of our guild. A few stipulations apply.

*DK's are not eligible for this payment. They will however be given 500g upon leveling from 60-75 with us to help reimburse their training costs.
*All recipients must be exalted with Stormwind (to reduce the cost of training). A tabbard can be purchased from the SW quartermaster and worn during dungeons to speed up reputation gains

<Asgard> pays, in full, for it's members and raiders gems, enchants, potions, flasks, food. How? It's simple, really.

The Tiller co-op: (This is completely optional and in no way manditory)

If you've got a farm that you aren't using for yourself, perhaps you hit exalted with the tillers and got bored with it and now it sits collecting dust. Consider taking 5 minutes of your day to plant seeds.

The idea is simple, I plant an enigma seed and once it's harvested I put it into our herbalism bank tab. The guild Alchemist will then withdraw the herbs put into the tab by myself and whomever else planted them and turn them into potions and flasks which will then be used for our raiding.

This would also go for anyone planting snakeroot seeds. Our guild JC will go into the ore tab, prospect the minerals and cut gems for whoever might need them, and so on with all the other seed types.

Each member that volunteers their farm for "guild use" will be assigned a seed to plant, each day it'll be harvested and turned into the bank for the mats to be worked into items that will be given to guild members whenever they're asked for.

The lottery:

This guild will thrive solely because of it's members. We won't have to pay for repairs or gems or flasks etc because we all pitch in together through our farms. On top of that as a thank you, we'll be giving away 4,000g each Sunday at 7:00 pm to one of our members. (time is subject to change depending on player availability). What you use this for is up to you.

In order for the lottery to be held the guild must:
complete 7/7 guild dungeon challenge
complete 15/15 guild scenario challenge

All this means is that the guild get together and do some dungeons and scenarios together. The gold awarded to the guild bank for completing these will be paid out through the lottery, any excess will be used for future events and repairs.

Who can participate in the lottery?

The top 5 weekly contributors (as determined by the armory) will be eligible to participate in the lottery. This will encourage guild participation and cohesion as well as add a little friendly competition.

The way the prize will be awarded is the 5 members eligible for that week's drawing will group together along with myself. Each of the 5 members will do a /random 100 just one time. Once everyone has a number I will do a /random 100 and whoever's number is closest to mine (over or under) will win the drawing.

Once you've won the lottery, you cannot participate in it again for a month. If you continue to remain in the top 5 contributor's list we will simply go to the next name.

We currently have only a handful of members, but we are looking to continue growing. As of right now I want to cap off our guild size at about 35-40 active accounts, but it will be brought up to the discretion of the guild as to whether we stop there or not.

We will have weekly runs of old content, old raids, and hopefully if our numbers are large enough, LFR, flex and possibly normal raid groups.

Here in <Asgard> we have a ZERO tolerance policy for harassing or berating other members. If you're caught doing so by myself or another officer you will be removed.

Must be 18 or older to apply.

Thank you for reading this wall of text.

For invites or questions feel free to post them here or add my battletag Nerfmagnet#1228. For an invite to the guild contact any member currently online. Everyone can invite, but we do not invite from trade chat. You must either know of this forum post or have a friend already in the guild.