Poll: whats your pick?

  1. #1

    What is next and what is after? TDB VS WoD

    heya guys until now most thought that the dark below is next expansion and now we saw they registered Warlords of Draenor what is your opinion?

    i think next exp will be The Dark below and after it will be Warlords of Draenor blizz just wanted to try new tact to make us think one is fake perhaps and than later... surprise

    we will see soon anyway on blizzcon

  2. #2
    Thread #134872385782 on this topic.

  3. #3
    In regards to the lore, i don't see how we could have an Azshara expansion, with Nazjatar and the Tomb of Sargeras in play, without having a Burning Legion expansion directly after. I don't see how they would pull that off. Thus, i am bending towards The Dark Below, as i don't think they want to do Burning Legion > Azshara > Burning Legion.
    <Novum Genus> - Tarren Mill Horde

  4. #4
    No 'other' option? I mean really?

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