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  1. #21
    guy on the bottom of the dps meter but stuff dying? no-one gives a shit even if the guy is basically useless/afk, tank playing badly? always noticeable thats the issue with LFR.

    in normal/heroic everyone is required to perform, but in LFR only tanks a couple of healers and a few dps are needed, the other half can be failing hard and still get a kill. so tanks generally need to play much better than other specs, which puts a lot more pressure on them and most people don't like that.

  2. #22
    When everything stays the same and all you do is add another raid tier (that can be cross-realm queued thanks to addons like oqueue) and suddenly tanks become an issue, its not the people its Flex.

    I love flex, but also realize tanks are just scarce. Even Oqueue has a massive shortage of tanks. This isn't how we treat tanks, its because players don't want to play tanks (not because of friendliness, because you can just mute raid chat)

  3. #23
    Cant afk as tank, but you can ask DPS / Healer without anyone noticing it.

    I would say that is 50% of the reason, because lets be honest 50% is either afk or paying no attention in LFR.

    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake

  4. #24
    I'd like to think I'm a tank between the first and the second one a previous post just mentioned. Someone who isn't a perfect player, but does know what he's doing most of the time. I don't have great gear, because I don't raid normally (just do LFR). Before going into the LFR dungeons I go online and watch vids, why, not because I like it, but because I know that if I don't, if I go and see the content for myself first, almost everyone in the raid is going to be extremely pissed at me. They'll probably kick me or just keep blaming me for everything that is their fault, because I asked one small thing at the beginning of the raid. That means that I don't do that anymore, even if I don't know everything of the fight or what my role is entirely. That means that the entire raid suffers because I don't want to get shit all over me, whilst playing a game for fun. That also means that I sometimes, way faster than I otherwise would, become angry and start being a cunt to others, because I know, that when I blame other people they won't start blaming me. Which also creates a more hostile environment for everyone.

    So two things in total: First of all, tanks don't want to ask anything about the fight because they know they'll get shit on --> more wipes and secondly, tanks start to behave more hostile because that is an effective defense mechanism against the hosility of other players, something which makes sure that there are indeed a lot of cunt tanks and I fear I myself am one of them sometimes.

  5. #25
    Blademaster Sprink's Avatar
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    People are impatient with their opportunity to get their loot and want the instance to go as fast as possible. Unfortunately, it's at the tank's expense this happens.

  6. #26
    I have tanked the first couple wings lfr. But no more. Usually by the time I'm through the 2nd wing, no tank related wipes, people's attitude is just shit. I've had bad off tanks, I try to help them, sometimes they learn and do well, other times they just auto run Into the wall or everyone else gangs up on them and they drop mid pull. I've solo tanked all wing one, and up through nazgrim because the OTs get shit on by the raid.

    When I go as heals I don't give a fuck what's happening as long as health are are full and bosses are dying.

    And IMO it's usually the normal mode raiders who shit on everyone. Heroic raiders typically keep quiet and the average lfr raider cracking jokes.

  7. #27
    The Patient Grum88's Avatar
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    I miss the days where if you didn't know something the group would happily explain and if you were a notable tank/healer/dps people would /w you for help....good ol days long gone.

  8. #28
    Its either tanks who are under geared, don't know their class or just don't pay attention that gets them dead. could also be the healers fault getting the tank dead...for those same 3 reasons. Also i hate impatient dps who pull mobs and expect the tank to pick them up. Its the tanks job to pull. Let them go at their own pace. Let those pullers die then kick em. This is the shit that happens in LFR all the time. No wonder people don't wanna tank the whole LFR thing....and where the R most times stands for retards.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Neos300 View Post
    In my experience in LFR, everyone is treated like crap, not just tanks. If you mess up, people treat you poorly. It just happens that tank mess-ups are much more visible, so when the tank messes up, everyone knows it. That's the issue.
    Tank mess-ups are not just more visible to the other 24 people, they actually wipe those 24 other people. If a tank is bad he will cost 24 other people time by wiping. If a dps or healer is bad no one cares, the boss will fall over anyway.

    Honestly I would rather wait 10 more minutes for a decent tank than wait 3 minutes for a tank that will then cause 5 wipes over the course of the run. Perhaps the situation right now is not as bad as we think, because obviously it is mostly bad tanks that don't queue up as tanks anymore because they can't get away with being completely clueless like they used to.

    If anything is to blame for long SOO queues and lack of tanks, it is Blizzard's tuning of this tier's LFR.

  10. #30
    Over 9000! Santti's Avatar
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    Not many feel like taking the leadership role that tanks usually are in. It's much easier to follow as DPS or as healer. Tanks do get shat on the most however, which is a huge turn-off. I know I stopped tanking because of this, and I wasn't even that bad in my opinion. You are constantly compared to the better ones that fly you through the instance in no time. Should you not hit the record timings, many people get pissed off.

    No worship is required or asked. Just don't throw insults so readily on the would-be-tanks. Nobody likes that so they quit tanking, hence the increased queues.
    Last edited by Santti; 2013-11-17 at 05:22 PM.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Grum88 View Post
    I miss the days where if you didn't know something the group would happily explain and if you were a notable tank/healer/dps people would /w you for help....good ol days long gone.
    That's a fault of the 25 man LFR design.

  12. #32
    The Lightbringer Archmage Alodi's Avatar
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    Blizzard should find a good way to explain to those butthead tanks what to instead .

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by adam86shadow View Post
    Is that strictly true? In my experience in PuGs/LFG it's usually the tank that's the one being somewhat aggressive towards others, especially healers. Now I am not saying all tanks = jerks! But I can't say I personally witnessed many tanks being victimized
    I'd say it's at least 75% true. It's can be a two way street. Some people come in pretending to be tanks, it becomes pretty obviously they have virtually no tanking experience (and in most cases gear) Those guys I think put the biggest stink on the rest.

    But I see all kinds of tanks getting trashed on for not knowing the fights. You can also thank "Team GO GO GO". One tank is trying to explain the fight ot another and a dps or healer just decided they are going to pull for them, a wipe ensues and everyone start yelling at the tanks and very rarely do they kick the person who pulled. In one case, the same guy pulled 4 times

    Healers come in and switch to dps space all the time. DPS come in and afk all the time. But tanks aren't allowed any level of error. While I do curse at the screen when I get tanks that leave the boss in terrible spots or pull them all over the place for no reason, I very rarely say anything to them, other than maybe offer some advice on how to do it better.

    I once offered some advice to a tank on how to better do Shamans and he said "You're more than welcome to tank it or STFU'. So, I took the STFU option. To be fair, I'm sure he's getting all kind of whispers and other nags while trying to learn the fight, so no need to pile on to his misery.

    Of course, everyone in LFR "tanks on their main" so we're all experts on the matter

    Quote Originally Posted by Thelxi View Post
    Tank mess-ups are not just more visible to the other 24 people, they actually wipe those 24 other people. If a tank is bad he will cost 24 other people time by wiping. If a dps or healer is bad no one cares, the boss will fall over anyway.


    Durmuru disagrees with you. I've hit enrage on a fair number of bosses in LFR. I've wiped a fair number of times because DPS\Healers didn't stack (Lei shen anyone ?) So it's really easy to blame the tanks for all the world woes and pretend like DPS and Heals don't matter. That just adds to the problem
    Last edited by Mad_Murdock; 2013-11-17 at 05:27 PM.

  14. #34
    personally i stopped tanking lfr completely because every time i would que as a tank i would have to teach the other tank mechanics of every single boss and i really didnt que lfr to teach others to play their role. i can pick any other role and i dont ever haveto teach ppl to play.

  15. #35
    Tanks are the only ones who have personal responsibility in LFR. They can't AFK, they need to know what is going on in a fight and to some degree they need to lead raid. If tank fails everyone will notice it. I suppose most people are intimidated by that fact.

  16. #36
    Tanks - BY FAR - have to do the most work during a boss fight in LFR, especially since the DPS usually ends up just standing in fire NO MATTER WHAT u try to do to help them.

    Healers are also suffering because they gotta try and save stupid people (you need their "DPS" OR wait for Determination 5), but tanks are definitely suffering more when it comes to dealing with idiotic people (usually dps).

    I run LFR as a DPS and sometimes as a Healer - but i would never want to do it as a tank...

  17. #37
    They can fix the problem by putting in AI NPC tanks, in most cases they would outsmart any LFR player tank 10 folds anyway. And give all the mouth breather DPS kids shorter queue.

    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by adam86shadow View Post
    Is that strictly true? In my experience in PuGs/LFG it's usually the tank that's the one being somewhat aggressive towards others, especially healers. Now I am not saying all tanks = jerks! But I can't say I personally witnessed many tanks being victimized
    Try tanking some time and see how you're treated. You will probably end up like the rest of us and only wish to tank for friends/family.

  19. #39
    No, it is not strictly true. Obviously there are exceptions, where either the tanks themselves were arrogant, or when they made mistakes or asked for advice they got the help they wished for.

    However, in LfR the phenomenon of tanks being bullied is all too common. Some people, usually the most vocal about it, are impatient and have an elitistic attitude. They cannot fathom the notion that a player may be going up against a boss fight for the first time, much less not know what the fight is about. Now, as a damage dealer you can hide somewhat among the crowd of your colleagues, that is how so many auto-attackers and even afkers get away with it after all; as a healer it is somewhat more difficult but still quite probable, that is how there are even damage dealers that queue as healers and do get away with it. But as a tank, there are just two of us. You can't auto-attack, you can't afk, and you have to do your part in guiding the fight. If you fail at it, people will notice. And because of their spoilt behaviour they will gank up on you. The community of the game is sadly such, that the few toxic but vocal players can do that, while most of everyone else sits around pathetically inactive, a lot of the time for no other reason than that they are too lazy to even care.

    So, yeah, we should be nicer to our tanks, and healers, and damage dealers; and even the leeches can be dealt with politely. We can use some good manners. Lots.

  20. #40
    First time tanking in SoO LFR I had a rogue that was there just to make my life hard. Throughout the 4 bosses he kept talking no1 else in the raid cared, but he wanted both me and the other tank gone...needless to say after a few of his bs moments I bubbled and let him die, that was just cause of how much of a ars he was. needless to say I didn't need lfr I was just there to help others as I know tanks are hard to find. Now after that I went back to the I don't tank lfr. Maybe you LFR heroes should be nice to each other and your tanks.

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