Thread: what spec

  1. #1

    what spec

    hi am not sure what spec to use both sounds fun but both got diffrent geming /reforging yea?

    talking about heraling ofc =)


    my gear maby is fit best for one spec =)?

  2. #2
    Depends which playstyle you will find more fun for you.

    your gear atm does not really fit any of the specs. you have very low spirit (below 6k) which more fits discipline, but you have also high haste/low crit, which perhaps does not go that well with discipline. you also gem haste.
    as long as this is for lfr/flex, i wouldnt say that you need anything particular in your gear, just try out both healing specs and decide which of them you like most.

    and if you decide discipline, then get rid of that renew glyph and dont use renew (there are exceptions, but just try to avoid it till you get more familiar with other tools)

  3. #3
    Disc is mainly spirit until comfortable (at least under 12k) > crit > mastery

    Holy depense on play style/raidsize. But spirit is always a main stat, until comfortable (i think most run between 12-16k). The more haste you take the more spirit you need. Its said in 10 man haste (soft cap or hardcap) > crit is better. But some choose to run mastery in 10 mans aswell. This depense how you heal.
    25 man is mainly mastery > crit

    You are also wearing exp gems in your staff, wich gives spell hit and shud be only used on shadow. But that might have been intended.

    I recommend Icy veins and How to priest guides if you need more info about priest. They are really good.

  4. #4
    sry should explained my gear a bit better =) the heirloom staff was on my main not to long ago. now replaced. the gems was when i tried out shadow. tho ofc am gonna change fix the gear when i decided spec. i do love disc but not sure if holy is better. as for mission? well it is a alt as you prob can see. my goal being to do flex/lfr and going normal when better gear=)

  5. #5
    Ah that explains

    Disc is very strong considering it has nice heals, absorbs (avoids dmg) and does decent dps. Strong in both 10 and 25 but bit more on 10.
    Tho holy is very strong in aoe department and can swich between chakras for strong single target, seen more in 25 mans, but also nice in 10.

    In the end both are good if played well, just disc bring a bit more to the raid if you looking for absorbs and dps.

  6. #6
    okey so going disc mainly 10man, is crit >mastery the way to go =)?

  7. #7
    Yes, but keep mastery close to crit (5-10%). But that shouldnt be hard this tier with all the mastery on gear...

    Also wanted to add about spirit amount. It does depense on play style, raid comp and how you handle your spirit. If you see yourself having alot of mana left after fight, remove some. If you struggle its best to first find out if u can improve first (Overhealing of non atonement, amount of atonement, rapture on cd, minbender on cd, potions, hymn of hope, mana from other players) and add some if you still struggle.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by shinbout View Post
    Disc is mainly spirit until comfortable (at least under 12k) > crit > mastery

    Holy depense on play style/raidsize. But spirit is always a main stat, until comfortable (i think most run between 12-16k). The more haste you take the more spirit you need. Its said in 10 man haste (soft cap or hardcap) > crit is better. But some choose to run mastery in 10 mans aswell. This depense how you heal.
    25 man is mainly mastery > crit

    You are also wearing exp gems in your staff, wich gives spell hit and shud be only used on shadow. But that might have been intended.

    I recommend Icy veins and How to priest guides if you need more info about priest. They are really good.
    12k spirit as Disc? I run 10k max in 10 mans, could probably go even less in 25 man cause there's more hymns, mtts, innervates, etc...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by muto View Post
    12k spirit as Disc? I run 10k max in 10 mans, could probably go even less in 25 man cause there's more hymns, mtts, innervates, etc...
    Yeah that was discussed 100 times, "10k max" means absolutely nothing
    It depends on your raid comp, your trinkets, if you have the possibility of using darkglow and most importantly how good the execution of your raid is, and if anything you want to get a safe number and then scale down from that, not the opposite - especially since the OP seems to be a new char/alt

    Anyways. OP, you definitely want to add glyph of Penance on top of all the other suggestions
    Last edited by Chillzor; 2013-12-13 at 02:15 AM.

  10. #10
    For Disc:

    with the legendary meta spirit is near pointless, 6k is more than enough to maintain atonement, i regain at least 1 mill mana per fight without including regen, atm i have 8.7k only because gear doesn't allow me to get rid of anymore and i can end fights in heroic with most of my mana.

    On average mindbender gains me up to 500k and rapture gains me up to 500k per fights, including trinkets can add an extra 250-300k mana which is not needed anyway, as disc you will mostly have at least one regen trinket which is more than sufficient.

    Glyths you want,. penanace, binding heal, and for more dps i personally choose smite

    stats you want are since you have no LMG, 12k spirit or whats your confortable with, then focus on crit, mastery will come on gear anyway so dont worry too much about that.

    Talents, you should probably get solace for a little extra healing, i go with bender for extra dps and similar mana gains anyway, twist of fate is an essential talent, and usually switch between halo and divine star depending on fight, the other talents are not so critical.

    For holy:

    You want to focus on as much spirit as possible, if healing 10 man i would suggest gaining the 4800 haste breakpoint and stick to serenity chakra while renew blanketing the raid and using cascade to help refresh renews. If in a 25 man raid primarily you want more focus on mastery and will most likely be in blue aoe healing chakra most of the times pamming PoH.

    Glyths, 2 extra charges on lightwell, binding heal and renew glyth

    talents, From darkness comes light, twist of fate, and mainly stick to cascade for aid in renew refreshing.

    focus on haste till 4800 then grab mastery.

    It mainly depends on which spec you will find more enjoyable, disc is a damage based healer with lots of absorbs and holy is a pure throughput healer with much output but is unable to reach max potential if overhealing a fight.
    Last edited by kenn9530; 2013-12-13 at 02:46 AM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by muto View Post
    12k spirit as Disc? I run 10k max in 10 mans, could probably go even less in 25 man cause there's more hymns, mtts, innervates, etc...
    Note i say "at least under 12k" OP doesn´t have legendary meta gem so 10k might probably not be enough for him. I also explained in another post that spirit depense on alot of things. He might also be new to disc and then it takes a bit of practice to managing mana. You can´t compare everyone to yourself.

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