1. #1

    Confused slightly on spirit values.

    So a few weeks ago I was running around with about 23k OOC mana regen, at least according to Mage Nuggets. I'm starting to join a few things for progression, and thought I would look around and see what I could improve on. Lo and behold, first thing I see are people running around with fully half the spirit I have. I was always like, "Ha! You're out of mana? Here, I'll loan you some seeing as how I'm sitting at 95%! OH HO HO HO HO"

    I've cut out quite a bit, and will be trading out pure spirit gems for misty, and switching leg enchants.

    Now, I use mage nuggets to keep track of my spell power, mastery, etc. It still says I have around 18k regen, and I'm like wtf cause there's little left for me to do. Then I look at my actual SPIRIT, and it's like around 12k. So, with 12k static spirit, should I have about 18k OOC regen, or is something bugging?

    Ok, I can't post links, but I'm Jaece from Shadow Council, US. <---- Armory. Again, keep in mind that the 6 spirit gems will be swapped out for misty as soon as I get on again.

  2. #2
    It counts spirit procs too afaik, and yeah, with legendary meta you can cut out so much spirit it's crazy.

  3. #3
    forge all spirit away and try it out, rly, it's very viable

  4. #4
    Your main regen comes from percentage-based/100% set mana gains (solace, mindbender/fiend, hymn, rapture, trinket procs that don't scale). Only a very, very insignificant portion of your actual regen is from pure spirit, which is why you can drop as much as you want with no issues. Especially if you have a resto shaman (and resto shaman + 1-2 amp trinkets = even better, as the amp seems to affect the spirit you gain under mana tide's effect) with you in there is this true. Therefore, alot of BiS items for disc are actually DPS items (EG dark shaman boots, klaxxi bracers, siegecrafter gloves, immerseus trinket... You get the idea).

  5. #5
    Drop haste hard. Most discs run with ~1.6% haste, which is only what they get from the legendary cloak. Haste doesn't benefit you as disc 90% of the time and thus is a mana burner.

    Less haste + more crit/mastery throughput = more time spent casting = less mana/spirit needed. It's that simple really.

    Disc functions wildly different from other healers and it's crucial that you understand that. It absolutely is not your job to make people sit at 100% HP, that's what the other healer is there for. Your only job is keeping people alive until PoH becomes worth casting. Keeping people alive is done through atonement, which with ~6% raid buffed haste about eats up your passive mana regen. You shouldn't have any mana issues with atonement even if you drop to 5k spirit (I don't exactly know the breakpoint, really).

    The mana bank you have left over is then used for actual healing such as PoH/SS, PoM, PW:S, DS/Halo and all those things. But really, you should be finding yourself smiting 90% of the time on any given boss encounters. You want to do as little overhealing as possible.

  6. #6
    Your regen breakdown is approximately like this: 6k base regen + spirit/2 + mindbender/fiend/solace + rapture + hymn (+ external buffs).

    At 12k spirit you a are looking at one third of your regen coming from spirit with out external buffs.

    With 12k spirit you can indeed expect to have~18k OOC mana regen. Your OOC regen is approximately 6k + spirit.

  7. #7
    Every 1000 spirit is about 7200 mana per minute. Very little contribution in the grand scheme of things.

  8. #8
    i run with 4707 haste and 7672 spirit (i have the LMG and the siegecrafter nhc (2/2 updated) trinket (which is ~2100 spirit?!)).
    this is sufficient to heal the first 10 heroic modes (an probably the rest, but i only tried thok so i actually do not know if bosses 12-14hc are doable)
    [not running with a rshaman]

    it is essential to track you lucidity proc (from LMG) and throw down as much PW:S for free as possible, if one of those shields triggers rapture, you gain 13.5k mana for free!

    to be able to convert more spirit into other secondary stats, i decreased my value each raid by an amount of spirit i thought i would be ok with.
    that "we" are able to decrease our spirit so much (and that it is common as a disc priest) makes "us" in the general scheme to seem a little bit overpowered, because a lot of other healing classes could! decrease their spirit but for some bizarre reason they dont. (maybe because spirit is (most of the time) the most valueable stat at the start of a new expansion set - somehow this does not leave your mind. secondly you can heal more comfortable and careless if you have more mana. but if you are willing to spend out of game ressources (your brain) you can use less spirit ^^ --> trade some thinking for bonus hps (through more throughput stats)

    best regards, Z

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