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  1. #21
    I hate being botlane against Blitzcrank. Yes, I know you can dodge his pull, but I am old, with bad reflexes, and well, I'm just generally bad, which makes Blitzcrank my perfect counter. Oh look... it's a Blitzcrank free week right now <curls into the foetal position, crying>

  2. #22
    Mhm, I've watched a few videos of "top competitive mid champions" for season 4 by now and she seems to be listed in it everytime, it's why I started to give her a try.
    Tbh when I see top streams (not talking World Tournaments etc.), but just players at 2500+ elo, I get this feeling that the "meta" mainly exists in lower and average level of play. The amoutn of champions in weird positions makes my head hurt, but it works. Probably because their skill level is a lot higher though. Don't take Mundo, Riven or Shyvana toplane in a normal and people call you a troll (exaggerated of course). 2500+ take Nami AD mid (again, exaggerated) and no one gives a shit.

  3. #23
    Teemo, Shaco/Eve and Lee Sin. I always get the shit ones, and the others get the good ones, and my team can't play against them worth anything. I oddly don't have a problem with Leona, and that's after considering my main supp is Thresh...

  4. #24
    I don't hate any champ I hate they way people playing them so

    Teemo - Lol no explanation, everything in his kit is just annoying, only low skill faggots play them tbh, and btw he is kind of fotm in solo que right now cause he can beat bunch of melees in lane and you can't denies the shrooms. The type of Teemo players is always like, they never talk to your teammates, keep pushing lanes, never group in team fights (TRM play style) I should just dodge if I saw a Teemo on my team.

    Vayne - The Vayne on my team will lose lane, cry for not let him getting any kills, and feed, the ones on the enemy team plays like Doublelift, and if I don't play botlane, my botlane will just feed her to a beast.

    Akali - Samething as Vayne, and all the Akali players are toxic too.

    Fizz - If I don't play mid , my squishy ap mid will just feed him early game, and once he got some early kills and a fast rushing lich bane he will start 3 hit people, like to stop him , you just need to camp and ruin his early game, ok at high elo, where I am playing at I won't see this problem, but every normal I am playing with my friend or other player the enemy mid fizz will always have 20+ kills because our mid keep fed him, it will always be like "maybe I should played mid god dammit".
    Last edited by Vvhooya; 2014-01-09 at 07:24 AM.

    Will be missed ~

  5. #25
    About Vayne... when I play her and I'm literally 0/1/7, I'm gonna bitch about not getting kills lol. That's beyond just "Oops, I accidentally finished off the kill" and more into "MUST GET EVERY KILL EVER".

    Now, if I see ANY adc complain about no kills when either feeding or already having a decent number of kills, I just laugh.

    About Akali... yeah I'm more toxic as akali than any other mid for some reason. Well, no... I'm pretty toxic as Orianna sometimes, but that's because my team doesn't understand how to actually force a fight. Akali is just way too easy to destroy as. Once she gets Revolver, she is basically unkillable by any poke mid. Once she hits 6, there are very few mids that can survive a full 3 ult combo from her. and it just keeps rolling from there. She is one of the hardest snowballers to stop and one of the easiest to start.

    Fizz has distinct periods where he is godly. 3, 6 and when he gets Lich Bane. He won't be able to combo someone at 1, 2, 4 or 5, but his full combo at 3 can kill and his full combo at 6 WILL kill. You just have to punish him early and, once you get a good MR item (usually Chalice for an AP mid), you can do much better.

  6. #26
    The Patient
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    Mid definitely leblanc. Even though Morgana is my main mid pick and thus I can handle her well, I think her burst potential is outrageous and she's very easy to play. Leona bot can be very painful when first picking an immobile carry like Varus, which is admittedly grossly negligent. The champ I dislike the most to play against is Khazix though. In the hands of a decent player it is really scary what is possible with this mutant bug.

  7. #27
    Herald of the Titans Lemons's Avatar
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    Mundo. Terrible champion from the ground up. He's a purple hulk, I guess that's what passed for creativity back in the day at Riot. His kit is stupid annoying. He can permaslow with cleavers, and his ult is basically just saying "oh, you know all that damage you just did? Well I'm just going to heal it all back while I run away like a bitch." I hate playing against him. I hate seeing him in the LCS. I can't wait until he gets nerfed into obscurity again.

    Riven. Stupid damage that you can't do anything about because you will be pushed back, then knocked up, then STUNNED. She has a shield so her health pool is deceptive. It's too hard to run her down, and too easy for her to run from you. Seriously...she's just OP.

    Honorable mention: Teemo (of course), Vayne, Udyr, Shaco, Nasus.

  8. #28
    Oh god do i hate Blitzcrank. It doesn't matter if they are good or bad because one good grab can change the game. Its so boring bot lane watching the bad ones sit in the bush with a ward in it with a random minion grab every so often.

  9. #29
    Early-game Lulu is ridiculous to deal with. The outbreak of Annie supports is far from fun either.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarch the Conqueror View Post
    It's odd though, because if you compare the win ratios of Annie with other supports, she doesn't seem to perform that well. Sona, Taric, Thresh and Leona are the only ones with a +55% win ratio in ranked apparently. While Annie mostly seems to have her win ratio heavily depend on the ADC she's with (good ones being: Jinx, Draven, Sivir and Twitch).

    So I'm really not sure why everyone is hyping up the Annie support. I've wrecked Annie botlanes so many times in ranked as Sona.
    Might just be because of the FotM rollers not knowing how to play her.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Anarch the Conqueror View Post
    It's odd though, because if you compare the win ratios of Annie with other supports, she doesn't seem to perform that well. Sona, Taric, Thresh and Leona are the only ones with a +55% win ratio in ranked apparently. While Annie mostly seems to have her win ratio heavily depend on the ADC she's with (good ones being: Jinx, Draven, Sivir and Twitch).

    So I'm really not sure why everyone is hyping up the Annie support. I've wrecked Annie botlanes so many times in ranked as Sona.
    You are exactly right. She is definitely a weaker support but her early-game is stupid. If she takes advantage of her high base damage start she can put you so heavily behind. But she falls off after a while - unless she gets horribly fed and builds as an AP mid. I think by now most people have learned to deal with her, but it should have never happened. I used to play TF support which in theory was nice, aoe snare, fairly on demand stun (although can be seen a mile of most of the time) and ulti is good. But of course as you'd expect - he falls off late game as he has zero utility after color card.

  12. #32
    Most hated champ for me goes to singed. I hate the fact that he can get away with almost anything.

  13. #33
    Xin Zhao, stupid early game dmg that takes no skill whatsoever to execute. Lee sin, annoying shit champ that 90% camps top lane making it boring to play top lane in every match youre against lee because you either stay safe and never make plays cos hes camping you, or you die and dont kill him OR their top laner because of his lame ass shield and ult.
    Last edited by Shiny212; 2014-01-17 at 04:04 PM.

  14. #34
    -Singed, split-pushes for the entitety of the game, is stupidly tanky, very fast and you're forced to let him get away, and even if you do manage to win the lane, he'll just farm up and do his thing except slightly later.
    -Kassadin, has silence, slow, and a broken blink
    -Teemo, shrooms are broken,
    -Garen, excellent damage earlygame, stupid tankiness lategame.
    -Yorick, ant-fun getting hit by the slowing ghoul is the worst.
    -Le Blanc, silences in general are very anti-fun and her mobility and burst are frustrating.
    -Jinx, and then Satan said, "Let's give every tool an adc could ever need, and give it to a single champion!"
    -Vayne, she reaches 6 and buys a PD and you stop being able to fight her

    Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

  15. #35
    Gragas. Way too much damage and mobility packed into a safe package that can burst you at level 6 if you take a wrong step. Waveclears hard enough to stop pushes lategame. Destroys teamfights. Still not nerfed

  16. #36
    Dr. Mundo is really the only one I hate.

  17. #37
    New most hated champion: morgana...

    She isn't good. She isn't strong. She's just anti-fun to play as or against. It's Lux without the burst but the survivability of Mordekaiser.

  18. #38
    Jayce, even the uttering the name hurts me.

  19. #39
    Scarab Lord Razorice's Avatar
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    Over there --->
    Teemo, Lee Sin, Diana, Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, Teemo, Teemo.

    Yup, I'm done.

  20. #40
    Lee Sin, Vayne, Yasuo. Those three are definitely the ones, I hate the most.

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