1. #1

    Been gone from LoL for 2 months - Can someone bring me up to speed?

    Looking for some in-depth on the new Trinkets, the new GP5 items, who are played in the lanes nowadays and what kind of Meta is active at the moment.

    If anyone would take the time to explain at least some of it in detail, that'd be greatly appreciated !

    Already did a search around Reddit and my usual sources, but nothing seems to quite cover it, since i didn't follow the step-by-step process.

  2. #2
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Most of the changes revolved around having higher gold income for Junglers and Supports. Here's the notable changes.

    -Wards and the vision system have been reworked. Oracle's Elixir is no longer in the game. Players are limited to placing 3 green wards and 1 pink ward. (which is now visible, but lasts indefinitely until killed) The vision system also added the new Trinkets feature. The yellow trinket allows you to place wards, the red one to detect invisible objects, and the blue one to reveal a small area of the map ala Clairvoyance.

    -The jungler items (Wriggle's, Elder Lizard, Spectral Wraith, and Ancient Golem) now provide the player gold bonuses for killing jungle monsters.

    -Several changes were made to reduce early game snowballing which occured quite frequently in S3 games. First Blood and kill bonuses are worth less gold if they happen very early on in a game. Tower kills have a reduced bounty for all, but have a seperate bounty for players that participated in the tower kill. The gold provided by killing Dragon now scales to champion level, meaning that while early Dragon kills won't yield as much gold, but late game Dragons are worth as much as ~280 gold per player, almost as much as Baron Nashor. The inhibitor towers now regenerate health over time, to make splitpushing less ideal. Also, killing an inhibitor no longer strengthens the minions in other lanes, and they now respawn in 4 minutes, compared to the previous 5.
    Last edited by Thallidomaniac; 2014-01-11 at 04:41 AM.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
    TheEnst - Starcraft II

  3. #3
    One and only rule.....depending on your ranked bracket...yasuo may suck or be godly.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Thallidomaniac View Post
    Most of the changes revolved around having higher gold income for Junglers and Supports. Here's the notable changes.

    -Wards and the vision system have been reworked. Oracle's Elixir is no longer in the game. Players are limited to placing 3 green wards and 1 pink ward. (which is now visible, but lasts indefinitely until killed) The vision system also added the new Trinkets feature. The yellow trinket allows you to place wards, the red one to detect invisible objects, and the blue one to reveal a small area of the map ala Clairvoyance.

    -The jungler items (Wriggle's, Elder Lizard, Spectral Wraith, and Ancient Golem) now provide the player gold bonuses for killing jungle monsters.

    -Several changes were made to reduce early game snowballing which occured quite frequently in S3 games. First Blood and kill bonuses are worth less gold if they happen very early on in a game. Tower kills have a reduced bounty for all, but have a seperate bounty for players that participated in the tower kill. The gold provided by killing Dragon now scales to champion level, meaning that while early Dragon kills won't yield as much gold, but late game Dragons are worth as much as ~280 gold per player, almost as much as Baron Nashor. The inhibitor towers now regenerate health over time, to make splitpushing less ideal. Also, killing an inhibitor no longer strengthens the minions in other lanes, and they now respawn in 4 minutes, compared to the previous 5.
    Thanks, this cleared up a bunch of stuff.

    Do you know who the popular supports are at the moment?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by athanasios View Post
    Thanks, this cleared up a bunch of stuff.

    Do you know who the popular supports are at the moment?
    The most popular supports currently are aggressive bully supports or playmakers. Annie, Leona, and Thresh are the three strongest and most popular ones right now, but you still see some play of the others if your team comp or adc doesn't fly that way for whatever reason, or if you feel like your team needs some utility that one of the others bring (or if all of the mentioned are banned, like they were many times game in the recent korean championships).

    Though with the new gold changes, you can run almost anything as a support. By late-game, your gold item can have generated upwards of 2-3k gold by itself; your support can get strong enough items to not just be there for their utility alone.
    "Quack, quack, Mr. Bond."

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by caffeiine View Post
    One and only rule.....depending on your ranked bracket...yasuo may suck or be godly.
    mostly suck

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by caffeiine View Post
    One and only rule.....depending on your ranked bracket...yasuo may suck or be godly.
    That is wrong. The only rule in ranked is ban Kassadin or loose.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Kerdoz View Post
    That is wrong. The only rule in ranked is ban Kassadin or loose.
    Most part of me wishes that was you just said was a joke.

  9. #9
    play smite

    Please post productively. Infracted. -Edge
    Last edited by Edge-; 2014-01-13 at 01:47 AM.
    "I'm Tru @ w/e I do" ~ TM

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by athanasios View Post
    Most part of me wishes that was you just said was a joke.
    But I am not

  11. #11
    Due to changes to masteries,
    Top lane now favors tanks pretty clearly. Champions like Shyvana, Mundo, Renekton, Nasus etc...
    Mid lane hasn't changed all that much exept for due to the long games (Games are harder to end fast). Due to new picks in top, and kayle mid - etc. Fizz is not OP no more.. LeBlanc has returned and Gragas is all over.
    Bot lane Adc is now harder, while support has more impact. Leona is strong as heck, but Morgana counters her hard. Unconventional supports are more viable due to more gold for supports.
    Jungle now requires you to complete one of the jungle items to get on a good level. (Not wriggles) Else it's pretty much the same. However lots of Kha'Zix and Vi is being played atm. Elise and Lee are other common picks...

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