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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by g01851 View Post
    Some examples: instead of yogurt (lots of sugar), eat cottage cheese instead. Instead of Peanut butter, try Almond Butter.
    High-quality plain greek yogurt is actually relatively low-sugar and packs a lot of protein; the stuff I buy is 140 cals/serving, 23g/protein and carbs under 9g (carb number might be lower but not higher than that, I don't think...would have to look, not at home near the fridge atm).

    If someone's going extremely low-carb then yogurt in general is not a good option, but it's a good source of calcium and protein.

  2. #42
    a "thickish" soup for about 2 weeks.. and ONLY soup with a little bit of chicken .. grab a bunch of lentils, pass them through them blender ... mix them with chicken broth.. can add some leek for flavor and WHITE MEAT only <- get rid of the skin... no dark meat.

    when i was having really bad pains from my gall bladder (eventually had it removed), I lost 20 pounds in less than 2 weeks thanks to that soup (btw, that is not healthy at all, so.. um.. yeah, i guess she could have an okay breakfast .. lunch and dinner only soup w. chicken)... then again, because of the pain, i didnt feel like eating.

  3. #43
    No bread, no pasty, no sweets or sugary stuff, no energy drinks, no high fat cheeses, no alcohol, no coke drinks, no anything chocolate, no cereal (it is always extremely caloric).

    Only thing she needs to eat is vegetables, meat (preferably fish and chicken), various soups and, sometimes, low fat dairy products.

    Exercise at least once a day, preferably twice - each exercise at least 30 minutes of medium to fast jogging OR running if she can handle it.

    Do not eat after 6pm, body always starts storing more fat into it's reserves when 2/3 of your waking day has passed.

    Losing weight is about spending more calories than you consume on a daily basis - even the tiniest piece of chocolate can ruin an entire day of dieting and exercise.

    If you can afford, it is a good idea to drink one of those multi vitamin+mineral pill that you can buy at a pharmacy (usually you drink 1 each day).

  4. #44
    keys to losing weight are firstly in diet, eat around 6 portions a day evenly spread out that add up to the normal daily intake, you can possibly take off a few hundred calories if you want for a deficit, this will keep the metabolism burning throughout the day and burn off any excess calories, secondly which will aid in fast results is exercise.

    Doing exercises like skipping, squats, or anything that involves multiple muscle groups will aid in improving the fitness of the body and losing any unwanted pounds.

    But the primary key in weight loss is a healthy balanced diet, you can exercise all you want but if you diet sucks weight loss will be much harder.

  5. #45
    She could do this if she isnt a pussy.

    My wife and I are on our second run of it and it gets you ripped no matter what you are eating in your diet.

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