1. #1
    The Patient Romanesca's Avatar
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    Can't get out of Gold 4

    Let me start off by saying that last season I ended in Gold 1. I did my placement matches immediately and I was playing against platinum, and sometimes even had a diamond or two on my team. I got placed into Gold 5, which I wasn't upset about, but wasn't really excited about either. I remember being stuck in Gold 5 for a very long time, and then after I got out it all just flew by. Now it's quite the opposite.

    I went through about 5 promos to get in to Gold 4, and I lost them all due to feeders, everyone losing lane, or people just afking. I know you're all probably thinking it's just bad luck, or I'm not good enough to carry, but trust me, you CANNOT carry a team by yourself when the entire other team is fed. At least I can't. So I believe on my 6th promo I breezed through and I finally landed in Gold 4.

    Now being in Gold 4, I expected to be in promo quite quickly, and I was. I got destroyed in promo, and then lost practically every game and got demoted to Gold 5. Now, I'm going to spare the rest of the details to make it short but I've been in and out of Gold 5 / Gold 4 about 3-5 times now. I play with platinum players in Gold 5, and then I get people in Silver 2 when I'm in Gold 4 and I practically lose every game and I just get demoted. I usually get a good team every 1 in 4 games I play.

    So now I basically just want to uninstall because I CBA to make a smurf after spending a ton of money on skins / champions and investing my time into this account, but my MMR is completely ruined and I feel like I'm going to be stuck doing this forever. I think the reason this happened was because I duo'd with someone in Silver 1, and basically tanked my MMR to what it is now, but I'd rather not blame him because in the end it really is my fault.

    TLDR, my MMR is awful and I've been demoted from Gold 4 to Gold 5 multiple times, and my MMR is completely shit. What do I do?

    Edit: I do watch gbay99's videos about mentality and I check out trick2g's live streams a lot and I have learned more about the game from those two than anything really.
    Last edited by Romanesca; 2014-02-14 at 07:47 PM.

  2. #2
    The Patient Romanesca's Avatar
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    I usually always go top or mid because I'm first pick, but when everyone calls the same thing I usually try to first pick a support or something like that. Maybe I do need to just take a break from ranked for now.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Romanesca View Post
    I usually always go top or mid because I'm first pick, but when everyone calls the same thing I usually try to first pick a support or something like that. Maybe I do need to just take a break from ranked for now.
    You need to stop being the "good guy", if you are letting other people play the role you're best at. When you're last pick or something its ok, since you couldnt get it, but if you're 1st pick just pick the damn role you're best at.

  4. #4
    The Patient Romanesca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ergar View Post
    You need to stop being the "good guy", if you are letting other people play the role you're best at. When you're last pick or something its ok, since you couldnt get it, but if you're 1st pick just pick the damn role you're best at.
    I usually always do except for the past few days because I just stopped caring what I do, I can play any role but even if I were to take my best role the whole team just feeds, fights, throws, fights some more, and then gives up. I try not to fight and blame but after 5 games of the same thing over and over again it sort of builds up and just yelling at the monitor doesn't work anymore. Not like if I didn't point out their mistakes and telling them not to go alone with zero wards because they'll get melted will change whether or not we win tbh.

  5. #5
    Play Kha'zix gain ELO..... Kappa!

  6. #6
    The Patient Romanesca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm View Post
    Play Kha'zix gain ELO..... Kappa!
    I always try to ban Kha'zix, if he isn't already banned from the other team.

  7. #7
    Yeah kha'zix is basicly just free elo atm. I suck at playing squishy assassins, and yet my w/l is 16/6 (72,7%) with him. Just play him if you only care about winning.

  8. #8
    The Patient Romanesca's Avatar
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    Lol, probably going to get demoted from Gold 5 now. The hell is real

  9. #9
    I went from Gold 5 to Gold 3 instantly. I like to see myself as a problem solver.

  10. #10
    If your mmr is terrible, then you are fighting people below what you say your skill level is - so why aren't you able to carry?

    If your mmr is where you should be, then either you haven't adapted to s4, or you aren't playing as well, you should get better at the game :P

    Either way, just play the game to get better, and let the ranks fall where they will, and you won't have problems?
    Alternatively, you could stop playing ranked for a month (till you get unranked), then you get to do your 10 placements all over again afaik?
    Last edited by rijn dael; 2014-02-18 at 12:46 AM.

  11. #11
    you could stop playing ranked for a month, and get unranked, then you get to do your 10 placements all over again afaik?
    Doeset work like that. You just begin to lose LP after you've been inactive for 28 or 30 days (can't remember which one it is).

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Ergar View Post
    Doeset work like that. You just begin to lose LP after you've been inactive for 28 or 30 days (can't remember which one it is).
    Hm, oki - they must have done an early reset before s4 started then? I only started playing again recently, and I had to do placements all over again - I thought it was because I went unranked, as s4 hadn't officially started then.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by rijn dael View Post
    Hm, oki - they must have done an early reset before s4 started then? I only started playing again recently, and I had to do placements all over again - I thought it was because I went unranked, as s4 hadn't officially started then.
    There was no reset before s4 started, there's just a soft reset at each start of season.

  14. #14
    The Patient Romanesca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rijn dael View Post
    If your mmr is terrible, then you are fighting people below what you say your skill level is - so why aren't you able to carry?
    Can't carry a game when every lane feeds the enemy team into oblivion, and when I have to support I just get pussy adc's or the ones who don't know how to auto attack and run into melee range. I did well for awhile, I ended up at 0 LP in gold 5 because my match history was all losses, and then I won every game and got into gold 4, then started getting the awful team mates again and just got demoted to gold 5 again lol

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Romanesca View Post
    Can't carry a game when every lane feeds the enemy team into oblivion, and when I have to support I just get pussy adc's or the ones who don't know how to auto attack and run into melee range. I did well for awhile, I ended up at 0 LP in gold 5 because my match history was all losses, and then I won every game and got into gold 4, then started getting the awful team mates again and just got demoted to gold 5 again lol
    Link your LoLking

    There may be games where you can't do anything, but I assure you, as someone who gave up because of the same problem in bronze 4 I actually made it to bronze 3 then just let it go. That may sound horrible, and if you instantly think I'm a scrub you don't need to listen to me, then don't. You've already answered your own problem. You're not willing to learn.

    Post your profile on LoLking, perhaps we can give tips. Theres nothing you can do about every lane feeding other than focus their dps in fights if you're able to do so, if not just try to be a leader & keep yourself even or ahead of the enemy.

    If the enemy has stragglers try to pick them off. Any lead you can get on them even if its just your own personal lead, could lead to a victory.

    Perhaps its your champion selection too. Try playing champs that really don't fall off at any point in the game. Lee sin is a good example.

    Here are some popular top lanes that are effective at either 1-2 roles in each respective lane that provide some great use to a team.

    Top - Teemo, mundo, nasus, jax, wukong, kayle, singed, olaf

    Mid - Yasuo, ziggs, kassadin, gragas, kayle, swain, orianna, morgana, wukong, malzahar

    Jungle - Vi, Elise, Wukong, Rammus, Amumu, Fiddlesticks, sejuani, mundo, shyvana

    ADC - Just about any adc besides urgot, quinn, kog, TF, kennen, & MF

    Support - Pretty much all supports are effective at all times of the game. Its just what your team needs.

    If anything try to play safe. If you don't want to play any of the above, just remember. If you're a high early game champ, you need to snowball and use that snowballing to your advantage. If you're a late game champ you need to be aware that you need to make it to late game alive & close to even first. CS is very important, if you can get free kills go for it, depending on the length of the game, don't be afraid to give a kill for one. For example, vayne getting and giving a kill to quinn is going to be far more effective for vayne than for quinn.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Romanesca View Post
    Can't carry a game when every lane feeds the enemy team into oblivion, and when I have to support I just get pussy adc's or the ones who don't know how to auto attack and run into melee range. I did well for awhile, I ended up at 0 LP in gold 5 because my match history was all losses, and then I won every game and got into gold 4, then started getting the awful team mates again and just got demoted to gold 5 again lol
    Chances are still bigger that your enemy team consists of feeders/retards. So if YOU consistently play well, you should go up in ranked.

  17. #17
    On top of what I said earlier

    If you want us to TRUELY believe you and help you.

    Start using lolreplay

    Send us some of your replays links/upload them. Something so we have just something help you with or further more believe you that every game you get into is your teams fault you're losing.

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