Quote Originally Posted by Nobleshield View Post
Was it Atilla who was buried in an unknown area and had hundreds of horses ride over it to obscure any indicator that was his tomb? Or was that Genghis Khan? Anyways with these things you never know; I'm sure there were multiple false tombs put in place (most leaders did this anyways)

Still that's a pretty badass name for a sword. As to why they said it was gifted from Mars, that was a common thing to show that you had the divine right to rule/conquer. A lot of kings and leaders had some weapon that was supposed to be gift from a god or an angel or some religious figure, as an allusion to the notion that they were the "chosen one" and whomever they were attacking/disputing no longer had the favor of the gods, therefore their time was up.
That was Genghis, and supposedly he was also burried with a camel calf, since a camel mother (again supposedly) is always capable of finding her dead calf, so by following the camel mother, the mongols would still be able to find the grave of their great Khan.