1. #1

    [Weak Aura Request] Vengeance Tracking

    Probably too complicated for WeakAura and might be more of an addon, but looking at something that tracks dmg/vengeance taken over the last 20 sec.
    Something along the lines of recount dps graphs http://imgur.com/ajBHkK1 (for it to be possible to see when the large amounts of veng will drop off)

  2. #2
    You little vengeance whore! And can't help ya, if I could, I would, I'd have no clue how to do it though. Cool idea, though.

  3. #3
    And while it would be less useful next expansion with snapshotting being gone, would still be of use.

  4. #4
    Not too big of a deal to track and store the data, but creating a graph display from scratch (which would be required when implementing from WA) sounds like hell.

    It's more feasible to just have it spit out the amount of vengeance you'll gain or lose in the next 1s/5s etc

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by pnutbutter View Post
    Not too big of a deal to track and store the data, but creating a graph display from scratch (which would be required when implementing from WA) sounds like hell.

    It's more feasible to just have it spit out the amount of vengeance you'll gain or lose in the next 1s/5s etc
    But the purty + easy to understand UI :<

  6. #6
    Well, your best bet with WA would be to create twenty vertical "progress" bars, and have them show the vengeance generated 20, 19, 18, etc, seconds ago. Either calculate current values secretly and drop them in every second, or have the first bar grow up as you take damage.

    That said, that buys you ... nothing but complication. You are tied to a UI building framework that isn't designed to do what you want. Much, much better to write a stand-alone addon that shows you this information.

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