1. #1

    [Help] Weakauras and tracking tank debuffs.


    So currently I "Focus" the other tank and then all my Weak Auras tank debuffs will work because they're set up to work as long as the focus has the debuff its trying to track. Im curious if there is a way to set it up so it will show me the other tanks debuff from say, their set roll (IE: Tank, as long as it isn't myself) or if there is another way of doing it? Im currently not in a raiding guild so putting the other tanks name into the tracking field will not work because every Flex/PuG I would have to change the names :/

  2. #2
    Not easily, no. If you're not willing to /focus the other tank every run, and your boss mods addon doesn't give you the info you need, I'd suggest looking at better unit frame addons

  3. #3
    What is better than Pitbull 4?

  4. #4
    All the unit frames can use the blizzard marked "main tanks", but they *should* be able to use the role as well. ShadowedUF recently added that capability, so if your frames don't, bug the authors to add it. It's just another filter, like the MAINTANK thingy.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SlippyCheeze View Post
    All the unit frames can use the blizzard marked "main tanks", but they *should* be able to use the role as well. ShadowedUF recently added that capability, so if your frames don't, bug the authors to add it. It's just another filter, like the MAINTANK thingy.
    Im sorry but I don't see the connection between a unitframes that can mark your tank as "Main Tank" and "Tank Roll" (PB4 does do this) and WeakAuras being able to read the system to figure out who the other tank is

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by UnHolyBrew View Post
    Im sorry but I don't see the connection between a unitframes that can mark your tank as "Main Tank" and "Tank Roll" (PB4 does do this) and WeakAuras being able to read the system to figure out who the other tank is
    I'm a little confused by your response, but: WeakAuras doesn't have the capability to dynamically select the target for aura tracking. Just not a possibility in the framework, sorry. In theory you could code up something to monitor the entire raid and a custom trigger based on their role, but that sounds ... costly.

    I was responding to the suggestion about better unit frames, and your question about "what is better than Pitbull 4", including (a) a unit frame addon that does have the capability of automatically showing a frame (and debuffs) for your co-tank, dynamically, and (b) the information that you could bug the pitbull4 authors to add that capability if they have not already done so.

    I hope that clarifies my answer to you: I confirm pnutbutter's "not really possible with WA" answer, and suggest several things to help with the unit frames question.

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