Thread: How to start?

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  1. #1

    How to start?

    Hey guys, so i played LoL like once, like a year bad, went tru the titorial, on my first game i said im first timer, but got flamed and just gave it up.
    Now since Wow is boring, i decided to try one more time.
    So is there any guides to read or movies to watch for begginers, and any tips maybe?

    Quote Originally Posted by Misume View Post
    The day the Mythic Progression Thread isn't 95% trolling is the day Prime comes back to power.

  2. #2
    Some tips that helped me:
    1.Play bot games they are easier then normal games and you can make more mistakes.
    2.Learn to land your abilities while avoiding the other persons.
    3.Pvp is not pve you will never just be able to read a guide and become a decent player... why because everyone doesn't play the same and you have to adjust to that.
    4.Intermediate bot games are hard then most normal games. So just spam them until you are comfortable.
    5.Look up a build on mobafire and just practice.
    6.Teamwork and map awareness are the hardest parts. You have no vent like communication for most games unless you play with friends. So learning to read the map while dodging stuff can get kind of silly. That was the hardest part for me but its also felt like the most important.

    I only made it to level 17 but I queue with level 30 and I am using to fighting nothing but lvl 30.
    Last edited by Deviant; 2014-05-03 at 02:16 AM.

  3. #3
    The Lightbringer Sinndra's Avatar
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    as Deviant said, i highly advise doing many many bot games. they offer a fair bit of challenge to a beginner while you get used to the fundamentals.

    1. staying behind minions during laning phase.
    2. last hitting minions
    3. learning appropriate spacing for skill shots (to a higher extent learning what champs have what skills also)

    its also worth noting you can spectate pro games using the spectate feature, watch a few of them.

    the more games you play and watch, the quicker you will pick things up and get to enjoy the game. dont let random people upset you. just ignore them and keep trying.
    Last edited by Sinndra; 2014-05-03 at 02:13 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by ablib View Post
    I do realize that this is an internet forum full of morons, however in real life, no one questions me, people look to me for the answer, look up to me, trust me. To have dipshits on a video game forum question me, is insulting.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinndra View Post
    as Deniant said, i highly advise doing many many bot games. they offer a fair bit of challenge to a beginner while you get used to the fundamentals.

    1. staying behind minions during laning phase.
    2. last hitting minions
    3. learning appropriate spacing for skill shots (to a higher extent learning what champs have what skills also)

    its also worth noting you can spectate pro games using the spectate feature, watch a few of them.

    the more games you play and watch, the quicker you will pick things up and get to enjoy the game. dont let random people upset you. just ignore them and keep trying.
    An example is ashes volley if you are behind minions it won't land and if you position yourself right. Its not even a threat.

    My favorite part is people who play the game all day and make fun of newbies but can't remember when they were bad at the game. Like my friends are good but they are douche bags sometimes.
    Last edited by Deviant; 2014-05-03 at 02:17 AM.

  5. #5
    Unless your atitude towards the douches change, dont bother trying League again - u quit after 1 game due to flame, well sorry to say but league is only getting worse with the toxic players - don't be suprised if atleast every 1 in 2 games in filled with 1 or more trolls - either on your team or the enemy;

    Only saying this because you said you stopped after 1 game, for a year due to one game having a `troll` - YOu get games with premade groups literally ganging up "noob" "3x report" - just mute em or laugh at them. Some games even have people afk all game.. It sucks, but happens quite a lot tbh - try to create friends and play with them to prevent the chances.

    If you can handle the trolls -

    Basic tips;
    - Do not chase kills - people often bait, if they're low, and sticking around there is often a reason - if you see someone come in view range of you, attempt to back to base but then stop the recall, they're most likely baiting, wanting you to engage on them thinking you will get a kill, and bang their jungler jumps in.

    - CS = creep score, aka minion last hitting, if your in range of minions and it dies, you get XP, if you get the killing blow (last hit) you get gold too. so the goal of league laning phase, is to last hit as many minions as possible whilst staying alive and if possible kill your opponent / his tower.

    - Kills mean nothing (well okay, if you die 5 times in 3 minutes, that will pretty much GG the lane.) you died for first blood? Oh well, sh*t happens, don't cry about it, get back to lane and play defensive if your worried - a kill is only worth a few CS, just aim to beat his CS.

    - The jungler normally makes his first gank around the 3min mark - try to get vision (ward) out around 3 minutes, and keep on buying a ward here and there for vision, it helps your team to win games.

    - Objectives over kills, this includes taking turrets, buffs (blue/red), Dragon / Baron, inhibs... A person respawns, a turret/inhib does not, and dragon provides global gold to your whole team - baron gives a huge game changing buff to the whole team. Inhibs cause super minions - yeah they can kill unprepared champions to say the least.
    - Dont insta lock - many people will.. but it is a douche move, call for a posistion / ask for what you want, choose a champion and if all is good, lock in, dont just say nothing and pick / lock a champ.

    - stay behind minions - some abilities do not go through minions, most common threats for `newbies` i.m.o; Blitz hook/Thresh Hook, just avoid it by side stepping or whilst learning the game, just aim to be behind minions all the time. Do not attack champions near there turret, the turret auto attacks any enemy champion in range if they attack the turrets champion.

    Last thing; Look up some guides for a champion you wish to learn, Guides aren't something you should follow for the rest of your time on league but it helps you get use to champions, and after a while you'll create your own builds / skill sequence. Mobafire / TSM guides, both of them are good sources.

  6. #6
    1. Play with a friend
    2. Use the /mute all command before each game

  7. #7
    Lots of good tips here. Personally when I was new the biggest annoyance was not knowing what each champ could do, so if you are in the loading screen and see a champion you are new against, alt tab and load LoL official site and search the champ to see what abilties the champion has. You'll eventually remember pretty much every champion ability and know who has hooks/grabs as well as global ults etc etc

  8. #8
    After learning the basics, you then need to find a champion you're comfortable with. Counter picking and playing FotM will not work unless you're skilled with every champion, which is a difficult task to achieve and I expect even professional players cannot say without 100% certainty that they can play every champion.

    The free weekly rotation is a good start to finding out what role you might like, and may even lead you to finding a champion you really like the look of! I do this is a very subjective manner though. I like cats, so I bought Rengar, and now I am practicing him whenever I get chance to. I quite like the look of Nocturne, and have played him a lot in the Jungle to the point now where I can make sufficient plays and carry my team. I also quite liked the look of Rumble, so I bought him and played him top a lot until I got good enough with him to make a big impact on my games!

    The difficulty will be finding a champion you like thematically that also fits your playstyle and/or role. But in doing that and trying out a lot of champions (as above I suggest at least 1 custom game of just you and 9 bots when playing a new champion for the first time) will let you know what they all do, so you have prior knowledge whenever you fight them.

  9. #9
    Practice practice practice. This game takes a lot of time and patience to get it down to a science.
    Always try to play as smart as possible in PvP. Don't extend/chase without vision, ward key locations (red/blue buff, dragon, baron, frequently trafficked areas in between lanes)
    Try not to get discouraged. You'll have some bad games, whether its from not knowing a champion, having a hard time against a certain match up, or toxic teammates.
    Don't feel bad if you can't find that one character that feels right, even if they're wildly popular. It took me a while to find a champion that felt like home.
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  10. #10
    Brewmaster Mystrome's Avatar
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    Agree with people recommending bot games. Use those to test out the roles in game: ADC, Support, Mid, Top, Jungle. See what role you like best, 2nd best etc. Find 2 champions for each of the two roles you like. Focus on learning those 4. Once you are comfortable with them you can start testing other champions and roles (you may have overlooked one you might like). The best players can usually only play up to 6 champions very well, so don't get too overwhelmed by the ton of champions to choose from.

    The basic roles are:

    ADC - Attack Damage Carry - Goes in bottom lane and his job is to farm minions in early game, and trying to stay out of harms way. When a situation opens up to secure a kill the ADC is doing most of the damage. In teamfights, the ADC is keeping his distance behind all other teammembers to avoid soaking splash damage or being focussed down. Examples are Ashe, Caitlyn and Vayne.

    Support - Goes in bottom lane and his main job is to keep his ADC alive. A support also places/removes wards for awareness and initiates a fight when an oppertunity to get a kill presents itself. In teamfights, Supports provide utility, heals and/or CC. Examples are Leona, Sona and Taric.

    Mid - Goes in middle lane (obviously) and his main job is to not get beaten by the other guy in the middle. In 80-90% of the games the Mid person will be an APC (ability power carry) but there are a few AD champions well suited for that role as well (usually works best when the jungler is an APC). In teamfights, most mid champions can do massiva AOE. Examples are Lux, Ryze, Orianna (AP) and Zed, Kha'zix, Talon (AD)

    Top - Obviously this is the top lane, and his job is similar to the middle guy: don't get beat in your own lane. Top lane champions are usually melee. Half of these are tanky, the other half are fighters. There are also a few (tanky) AP champions that do well in the top lane. In team fights, the top tanks will initiate the fight, while the fighters look for single target kills. Examples are Nasus, Olaf, Pantheon (AD) and Rumble, Vladimir, Singed (AP).

    Jungle - Goes everywhere except a lane. A jungler's job is to farm jungle camps for XP and gold, and visit each lane as often as possible to gank it. When a jungler is doing well, he can also start venturing into the enemy jungle to 'steal' enemy jungle camps. A jungler can also be the team's tank, APC or assassin. As the game goes on, farming your jungle becomes less and less important, and being part of fights more. Examples are Cho'Gath, Jarvan IV, Amumu (tanks) and Evelyn, Fiddlesticks, Elise (AP) and Master Yi, Nocturne, Rengar (AD).

    Once you feel like you know your 4 champions well enough you can start venturing into pvp games. 5v5 is the standard, but 3v3 games can be a lot of fun too (and less hectic). Another thing you can do to learn more champions is play lots of ARAM games. ARAM games are crazy fastpaced, but a nice way to learn a lot of abilities quickly and anything ranged usually does well in those.

  11. #11
    My tip would be to watch a bunch of pro games. It gives a good grasp on the current meta, and WHY it is the current meta. You also (kind of) learn 10 champions from watching the game, whereas you normally only really learn whoever you're laning against if you're just starting out. You can see what each position entails, and which champion playstyles you like and can choose which lane you like and which champions you will buy first.

    Watching pro games definitely eased my entrance into LoL.

  12. #12
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    AI AI AI
    Best tip is to spam AI games if u are new to moba type
    You really not clear if u have dota experience (where every moba player started) or not, if not, don't touch normal games, not because flaming, but because u will have no idea at all how game goes no matter how much u 'read and prepare' before it, u will be overwhelmed, and u will hate game
    You are very new to game, stick to a champion, what you liked to play in WoW ? Your avatar is paladin so u can retribution so I assume fighters ? Well pick fighters and go, again AI games, be ready to die, a lot, and lose too, np, moba game genre is very brutal and unforgiving (hence why ppl are very toxic in it), but the joy of win nothing beat it, even drugs
    Don't try to swap champs a lot, try a champ, u like him, stick to him until u comfortable, u hate him, don't shove it on urself, swap

    There are tons of terms for moba game, you want a champion strong early game, or late game, or balanced, a champion who can dish tons of dmg (like Fiora), or can take lot of dmg and really be a pita (like Singed) or champion who makes satan looks like angel (I'm looking at you, TEEMO)

    As someone said watching games help u too

  13. #13
    Abit necro here, but got busy with WoW, but now i'm done and got time to try out LoL.

    Thanks for all the tips guys, guess i'll start playing with bots now.
    About watching games - i've watched some tournaments on Riot stream on twitch, but couldnt get the grasp tbh.
    All i've got is they start by bying some trinket, then updating some gear(?) when they get the gold, and killing some dragon that seems important.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Just did my first game vs 5 bots.
    There was some guy playing with Jinx that at the start of the game said he'll carry at the end, and he actually did
    I was playing with Lux. I think i went top, there was 2 bots there, but they didnt killed me, i havent done any kills, but i didnt died either, destroyed 3 turrets tho.
    Now i started by bying trinket, after that i wasnt sure what to buy i think i bought some mana regen item, and some cloth chest/boots i think(?), now my question is - is there any site that i can check what items to buy for each champion?
    I kinda had fun playing this champion, but it's kinda too "defensive" for me, i guess i need something more offencive.

    Just re-read the @Mystrome post, so i guess Lux was kinda mid-champ, and i had to go melee for top.

    Went to the store, and to watch some champions, i really like the Evelynn playstyle, is she a good champion, or Ashe since its on sale? atm i have 400RP and 708 IP
    Last edited by Ktperry; 2014-06-26 at 04:48 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Misume View Post
    The day the Mythic Progression Thread isn't 95% trolling is the day Prime comes back to power.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Ktperry View Post
    Abit necro here, but got busy with WoW, but now i'm done and got time to try out LoL.

    Thanks for all the tips guys, guess i'll start playing with bots now.
    About watching games - i've watched some tournaments on Riot stream on twitch, but couldnt get the grasp tbh.
    All i've got is they start by bying some trinket, then updating some gear(?) when they get the gold, and killing some dragon that seems important.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Just did my first game vs 5 bots.
    There was some guy playing with Jinx that at the start of the game said he'll carry at the end, and he actually did
    I was playing with Lux. I think i went top, there was 2 bots there, but they didnt killed me, i havent done any kills, but i didnt died either, destroyed 3 turrets tho.
    Now i started by bying trinket, after that i wasnt sure what to buy i think i bought some mana regen item, and some cloth chest/boots i think(?), now my question is - is there any site that i can check what items to buy for each champion?
    I kinda had fun playing this champion, but it's kinda too "defensive" for me, i guess i need something more offencive.

    Just re-read the @Mystrome post, so i guess Lux was kinda mid-champ, and i had to go melee for top.

    Went to the store, and to watch some champions, i really like the Evelynn playstyle, is she a good champion, or Ashe since its on sale? atm i have 400RP and 708 IP
    Ashe is easy not sure how good she is at high ratings tho. Anything at low ratings works so just play whats fun atm. You can check mobafire for guides on champions. Wait for evelynn to be a free champion. I have bought champs because they were kewl or looked fun and regretted my purchase. You only have 3 refunds so make sure you like a champion before buying it. Lux is defensive at the start but with enough ability power she can do amazing damage and has a super far casting range.
    Last edited by Deviant; 2014-06-28 at 09:19 PM.

  15. #15
    Please dont use mobafire.

    If you want guides check out

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  16. #16
    Yea im following guides, currently playing adc with caitlyn, i think im doing pretty decent, getting 60-80 cs on 10min mark, still need to improve.
    Quote Originally Posted by Misume View Post
    The day the Mythic Progression Thread isn't 95% trolling is the day Prime comes back to power.

  17. #17
    Honestly, if you're the type who learns best through "trial by fire," then do nothing but pvp and don't look back. Mute your entire team if you have to. Bots teach you some really bad habits, and are easy to exploit once you get a small grasp of the mechanics. It's super rough, and you'll want to slam your face against the keyboard sometimes, but you'll really learn your limits, your opponents', and how to push them.
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  18. #18
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    This isn't "trial by fire" advice, this is "screw 4 other ppl for being selfish" advice, specially since u didn't practice first anything like AI

  19. #19
    Actually ive played around 5-6 Normal games, ( level 13 atm ), playing mid as Morgana, and bots are playing better then the players i face. Bots poke more often and stopping me from my CS.
    On normals i was able to finish my lane almost all the time to clear the 2 turrets, but then again, in 5 of my 7 games, at least 1 person DC'd, and 1 more afk'd, so just won 2 of them... :/
    Last edited by Ktperry; 2014-07-01 at 11:04 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Misume View Post
    The day the Mythic Progression Thread isn't 95% trolling is the day Prime comes back to power.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by sam86 View Post
    This isn't "trial by fire" advice, this is "screw 4 other ppl for being selfish" advice, specially since u didn't practice first anything like AI
    I never practice anything in bots. Leveled 1-30 with nothing but pvp. The few bot games I have are mostly dicking around with friends (kiting bots to inner turret at start and watching them die hilariously). Hell, I took Syndra into a ranked game the other day and went 2-0 in lane vs a Kayle, and I've never played her before. Basic fundamentals, yo. You could say it's "selfish," but there are plenty of other people who'd rather learn from playing in real games.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ktperry View Post
    Actually ive played around 5-6 Normal games, ( level 13 atm ), playing mid as Morgana, and bots are playing better then the players i face. Bots poke more often and stopping me from my CS.
    On normals i was able to finish my lane almost all the time to clear the 2 turrets, but then again, in 5 of my 7 games, at least 1 person DC'd, and 1 more afk'd, so just won 2 of them... :/
    It's been a while since I've played in the lower levels, but is it really getting that bad? I guess the "rampant smurfing" I keep hearing people bitch about isn't so much rampant as halfhearted.
    Sig/ava made by the amazing Elyssia! ♥

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