I was watching Chinglish stream last night while he was doing 2's with Swifty, he had this add on that (for example) when a mage ice blocked, it showed the ice block artwork hovering over the mage's character and the duration left on the ice block. It wasn't over the nameplate but the actual character and when he moved around it didn't move that display... I asked what add on it was, some said "LoseControl" others said "Tidy Plates" and I've tried both of these and they aren't the add ons he was using... Tidy Plates was close but wasn't quite it... so if someone could please help me find this add on I'd greatly appreciate it!

Also, I was curious bout something involving in game sound... I play a hunter and I do enable sound effects because when I hear that noise when you detect a stealth player it helps me get alerted about the rogue/druid whatever... is there a way to increase this sound file alone?