Poll: Which races are your female characters, if you're a male player?

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  1. #1

    Guys' turn: male players, do you play female characters? If so, which races?

    This thread is the counterpart to the "female players ..." thread. I'm interested how many guys play female characters on WoW, and which races.
    The poll is multiple choice, for those who have several female characters.

    So, male players, do you play any female characters, and if so, which races do you prefer, and why?

  2. #2
    Herald of the Titans Kuthe's Avatar
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    I've only ever played 1 female, and it was a priest during cata.
    Only played her because her name was 'Hellan' and I thought I was punny because she was shadow.
    I don't care what a character looks like, they're covered in ugly armor 99% of the time anyway.
    We stopped searching for monsters under our beds when we realized that they were inside us.

    Tell me something, my friend. You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

  3. #3
    Female blood elf master race and sex reporting in.

  4. #4
    Unlike in a certain other game where I heavily favor a race (*cough* Elin, they are just thighlicious *cough*), I play many chars, and basically have one of everything.

  5. #5
    I have two females; a tauren and a belf. Only because I can't be UD male pala/druid.

  6. #6
    Holy Priest Saphyron's Avatar
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    belf, draenai, gnome, dwarf and panda

    Actually jsut look at signatur below
    Inactive Wow Player Raider.IO | Inactive D3 Player | Permanent Retired EVE Player | Inactive Wot Player | Retired Openraid Raid Leader| Inactive Overwatch Player | Inactive HotS player | Youtube / Twitter | Steam | My Setup

  7. #7
    I dunno, I don't tend to put a lot of thought into it beyond aesthetics. My main, a worgen, is male because I don't like the way worgen females (like most "monster"-like races really) look more like discolored humans with bad dentistry as Yahtzee put it. As for alts I tend to be pretty indifferent if the race doesn't look bad for either gender, so it's a bit of a mix. Male and female humans, a female dwarf, and a female panda, IIRC. Human/dwarf because no particular reason to pick either gender over the other, panda because they're insanely cute (not that the male pandas aren't awesome).

    As I said, I dunno. I probably just choose based on aesthetics and if I don't dislike either, I'm indifferent.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam the Wiser View Post
    Female blood elf master race and sex reporting in.
    Blood Elves only have one sex to begin with.

    Got a Draenai, NE, BE, and Panda lady.

  9. #9
    i got a mix of male and female characters, only females i have though are female undead and female blood elf. did have a gnome, but its male orc now also a female night elf rogue, but if i played it more i would make it a different race. don't really like playing most female characters that much, armor is always weird on them. i mostly play my races based on animations though, and most the female ones are bad. but ill basically play any race if the animations are good.

  10. #10
    Pandaren...used to be male but I kinda got tired of how bulky they looked.

    Tauren....same as above, I wanted a larger race, but got a bit tired of seeing the width after a while so made him into a female.

    Dwarf....her name is Rarespahn......I made her for laughs in WotLK. Ahh good times, hiding in the Alliance inn in Dalaran during Easter time as all the Horde would try to hit me with ears for their achievement (since there were practically NO female Dwarves around). I got quite a few tells form Horde on alliance alts who were pissed off that I was so far back in the inn they couldn't get to me before it kicked them out. Or I'd just dance by the Dalaran Squirrel with the ears on, not removing the buff forcing people to WAIT to use it....I ended up with about 20-30 people all clustered about me raging while I watched TV....good times.
    There is a thin line between not knowing and not caring, and I like to think that I walk that line every day.

  11. #11
    Bloodsail Admiral Xe4ro's Avatar
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    My tauren druid main turned into a female troll when they unlocked the new race/class combos prior to cataclysm. Then i also have two female undead , a female goblin and a female human , my dk alliance alt on the same server.

    As soon as i can compare the new female troll / tauren models i will think about switching back to tauren.
    Last edited by Xe4ro; 2014-06-03 at 01:22 PM.
    Druid since Feb. 06

  12. #12
    Brewmaster Nivena's Avatar
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    My main is a female Tauren, male are too bulky and have wierd casting animations (especially the channeling one). Female casting animations are way better.

    My twink is a female Human, wanted to go human because of lore reasons. Human male is a no-go, looks a bit like Popeye.

  13. #13
    Elemental Lord Rixis's Avatar
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    I have Human, Blood Elf, Troll, Draenei, Undead and Goblin female alts. I have as many or more male ones too. Oh, and Tauren too.

  14. #14
    Female Night Elf Rogue.

    old wc3 player. When I think of the Night Elves I think of female night elf sentinels.

    I also have a female gnome priest (cause I have a male gnome warlock, so opposites there) and a female dwarf warrior (cause you hardly see them).

    And a female human paladin. cause I get a kick from putting her in heavy plate armor from top to toe.

    My other 4 characters are male for various reasons.

  15. #15
    Got 4 male human warlocks and 1 female nelf rogue. Want shadowmeld racial for PvP and cba playing male nelf as it looks stupid.

  16. #16
    Too many night elves. I just love their lore. Combat animations (And animations in general) aren't super, but that's not why I picked them up. Also have a couple humans, blood elves and draenei. Mostly the night elves, though.

  17. #17
    The only female character I have is a human and I don't know which class it is. It was just created to hop onto a RP-server with a bunch of friends late at night and watch/troll the pervy wankers at the goldshire inn we heard about on those servers.

    Other than that? Everything male forsaken except for shaman, druid and paladin.

  18. #18
    My fem undead is a qt

  19. #19
    About 50% of my characters are female. When I create a new class, I mostly allready have a raw impression what it should be like. Besides, there are a some combinations out of class / race / gender which look great or feel great to play and some just....dont, like male belf caster *puke.

    female: orc DK, undead WL, belf Paladin, belf Hunter, night elf hunter

    male: orc shaman, belf warrior, tauren priest (!), troll druid, troll mage

  20. #20
    Got myself a Blood Elf, on a server far away from my mains. Don't know what came over me to make her, I do know that BE's are the only race I prefer to not play as male

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