1. #1

    Zenzar Hunter Stream !

    Hey guys and gals ! So basically I am a hunter who has played the class for a long time now and the main aspect of the game I play is PvP. I have played arena quite seriously in the past and present reaching ratings of 2400+ (this season) but nowadays I have started to take a more fun and chilled out approach to the game to have fun with my old arena partners and friends! Taking a more laid back style of play gave me alot of motivation to start streaming.

    Q. What do I plan to do with my stream ?
    A. I want a chill stream where people can come and hopefully be entertained, relaxed and learn the ins and outs of PvP for the new up and coming hunters out there or anyone at all who wants to pick up a trick or two.

    Q. What can I expect to see ?
    A. I will be streaming everything from Arena, random BG's, RBG's to world PvP and more!

    I will happily talk too and help anyone who has questions about anything hunter or if you just want to come chill for a general chat and get in on the banter thats awesome too! I am working hard everyday to improve the quality of the stream so its up to par, right now I have no set streaming times but I usually stream everyday at different times until I get a set schedule which will be coming very soon.

    Well all that said then if hunter PvP/gameplay is your thing then make sure you follow to catch me online when i go live and keep up to date with the give aways ! I really hope to see some of you there soon and thanks

    My Stream is twitch.tv/zenzartm

  2. #2
    We don't allow threads advertising your personal channels here. There are places for that, including a sticky for hunter streams at the top of this forum.

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