Thread: Advices for pvp

  1. #1

    Advices for pvp

    Hello fellow Death Knight's.
    I have not been able to find a recent thread regarding the topic(if exists one I'm sorry for posting this)

    I want to start pvp with my Dk, but i need a few things(or everything) that could be useful for a beginner like me. Spec, talents, glyphs, tricks.
    What spec can tear my enemies apart like only death can, or how am i supposed to play either frost or unholy. I read a few guides but I want to know how you all doing this. Or even i dare to ask that Dk's are good or bad in pvp vise ?

    Sorry for my bad English.

  2. #2
    DKs arent the best pvp class however, unholy is a really strong spec...skill-capped and arena junkies is a much better place to get information about pvp though.

  3. #3
    DKs are a great BG class (both frost and unholy can do crazy damage), but the only viable spec for arenas in any fashion is unholy.

  4. #4
    yeah go to arenajunkies and read the sticky threads, this site is uselses for meaningful pvp discussion

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