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  1. #141
    my first raid experience mc i remember someone pullin atleast 3 packs of the immortal corehounds (the ones that all need to die at once) rogue didnt think theyd see him and then i remember one of the officers saying RUN FOR YOUR LIFE and hauling ass with the rest of my brethren praying to god there was enough fodder behind me so that i could make it out alive. good times good times

  2. #142
    My first memory? Was new inn the guild, people knew me mostly from being talk active (guessing here hehe) inn guild chat. I did onyxia, and looted tier2 helm. I was about 14 years old back then, jumped up and down pretty from joy. I would die (...) to get thoes fealings from wow again.

    That helm and tier2 chest and tier3 gloves, was the 3 most proudest epics Ive ever looted....Atleast if you scale it by how happy I got.

    Maybe my AQ40 quest item staff (Witch I deleted once instead off keeping, hate myself for a hefty collection else...) was on a top 3, but I renember mostly thoes 3 items cause a) helm was my first raid epic and I belive first epic b) Chest come at high DKP price on our 2nd neffy kill, and gloves I payed like 2-3 months off DKP for + it was our last kill before TBC (naxx40 ftw...) if I renember right.

    Edit: Actually I think my first raid memory might have been 10 mans baron run...Just something makes me think I did that just before I hit 60, vague memory.
    Last edited by Djuntas; 2014-08-18 at 07:43 PM.
    Youtube channel: ARPG - RTS - MMO

  3. #143
    Started playing in mid-BC. I remember learning to raid in Kara. A lot of us were lazy or noobs and didn't have the key yet so we'd have to wait until someone with the key got on so we could enter the raid. LOL I felt badass when I successfully off-tanked Moroes and when we downed the Wizard of Oz idiots for the first time. I remember Roar kept fearing us because we weren't taking him down when we should have been. There were much tears over the Opera Event in general. lol

  4. #144
    I don't even remember the specifics anymore. I just remember my group mostly.
    Retired WOW player
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  5. #145
    First: Very first MC run ... with 39 other people (without TS back then) ... it was just stunning

    Most memorable: Very first Zul'Gurub run on the second or third day after the patch - Mandokir drops the freaking raptor, everyone screams on the TS - we decide to just do a /random 100 roll for it - I roll a 100 ... Been playing a Tauren Shaman back then, a huge cow on a raptor was quite uncommon back then in Orgrimmar, when epic mounts were just available to their specific race (and it was my first epic mount!)

  6. #146
    I remember getting attuned for Karazhan and doing the first run. Nobody in de guild had ever done any boss in there or even the trash. So after a while when we finnaly killed the trash and got infront of the first boss, de raidleader whispers me and says ''Do you have a tank spec? We need 2 tanks for this boss''. Yeah.. we only had 1 tank, but we dint knew better. So I whisperd him back saying I had a shield in my bag only, ''Shield of the void'' if you guys remember that one. I said to him that I would go in my defensive stance with my level 65 blue shield and would tank the rider that would spawn.

    He said that I would get my own personal healer so I wouldnt die. So I put sunder amor, taunt and like heroic strike on my 1,2,3 buttons and waited for the rider to spawn when we started. So, the rider spawns, I instantly taunt and see ''immune'', the rider started to 1shot the whole raid 1 by 1.... xD while I was running after him trying to get some sunder armors on him.

  7. #147

    Short audio recording of a raiding break when we were doing Zul'gurub. The best part starts just after 45 seconds

  8. #148
    Since I only played Vanilla, and never reached level cap back then (had two warriors at 44... Stupid kid) and then came back last november, my first raid was last week since I've only been pvping and doing old content up until now. LFR part 1. Messy as hell, and incredibly rude people. How do you guys stand it?

  9. #149
    Been kicked from a BT pug at the end og BC due to been in leveling gear and been the shitty little teenager I was raged for 5 minutes at the raid leader, who I might add utterly crushed me in said shouting match. Then the first actually time raiding was OS 25 man where I came bottom in Dps and won token on the roll and had the either raid hate me and hate the raid leader even more for giving me the gear

  10. #150
    I remember the first moment I learned how to split mobs in trash pulls in MC.

    I remember a few early moments about MC, such as the giants, and trying to huddle up in a corner for the imp packs. My first vivid memory of raiding though, was when I was in charge of pulling as a hunter, and we were clearing trash in Garr's room. I pulled a corehound and it aggro'd Garr and his adds. Somehow I managed to feign death, and the warrior taunted at the perfect moment where we split the adds and reset Garr. Trash pulling was never the same after that.

  11. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by Ironbelly View Post
    Since I only played Vanilla, and never reached level cap back then (had two warriors at 44... Stupid kid) and then came back last november, my first raid was last week since I've only been pvping and doing old content up until now. LFR part 1. Messy as hell, and incredibly rude people. How do you guys stand it?
    LFR can't be compared to "proper" raiding.
    People in LFR are in many cases (not all) either leeching or being abusive to anyone who can't do the fights in their sleep so if you have to do LFR just tune out the chat.

    As for my first raiding memory I guess that would be Molten Core way back in the day, sure there was a lot of 10 mans in Scholomance, Stratholme and LBRS and 15mans in UBRS but even though they were raidable I don't really count them as raids since Scholo, Strat and LBRS were meant to be done by 5 people and UBRS 10 even if they allowed more people in.

    First time we ventured in to MC we spent the first hour of the raid just getting people attuned followed by most of the alotted time just getting to Lucifron and then we wiped on him for the rest of the night only to come back the next day and kill him pretty quickly.
    Last edited by Caelia; 2014-08-19 at 05:41 PM.

  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Caelia View Post
    LFR can't be compared to "proper" raiding.
    People in LFR are in many cases (not all) either leeching or being abusive to anyone who can't do the fights in their sleep so if you have to do LFR just tune out the chat.
    I guess you're right, but it was non the less my first exprrience with current content. Figured I should at least try that before begging someone to bring me for a flex...

  13. #153
    I don't remember if it was Naxx 10 or OS 10. I remember the first time I raided both clearly, I just don't remember what was first.
    Naxx 10 was with my super casual first raiding guild. OS 10 was with a pug.

    I might have gotten carried through Onyxia while leveling through too, but I wouldn't count that.

  14. #154
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    Trakanon in EQ. Got a Trak tooth!

    In WoW? Probably Scholo when it was 10m. Not a real raid? Then it'd be Azuregos, I don't recall the date, but I know I wasn't even level 60 yet. So it'd have to had been like April of 2005.
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  15. #155
    My first Raiding memory would be Naxx on some shitty private server... good ol times, just tank n spank because the abilities didn't work xD

    My first real Raid was ICC as a H Pally. I miss spamming flash heal...

  16. #156
    First memory was going into MC and wiping on trash all night
    First really memorable memory was in ZG. New guild after my old guild burned out on PvP and I switched to a PvE server (and switched from Ally to Horde). It was our first raid, first attempt on Jeklik. We fully expected to wipe and people dropped one by one throughout the fight, but those who lived kept going and whittled her down until she finally fell with our last living player (a mage) surviving with 3hp left.

    Still by far the most edge of the seat kill I've ever been a part of.
    From "can they really pull this off?" to "OMG! THEY PULLED IT OFF! We one shot her!" followed by the disappointment of seeing that +Int plate boots had dropped.
    Last edited by Ecwfrk; 2014-08-23 at 07:33 AM.

  17. #157
    A pickup for MC. Killed Luci (and I got lock gloves, woo!), had issues with Magmadar, disconnects, replacements, and some repopulated trash. They asked me (only lock) to summon in a replacement tank. I had one soul shard left, and someone clicked the portal then moved, thus stopping the summon. The raid blew up on that person for moving, thinking it took away the last soul shard (it didn't). I put down another summon for the same person, and everyone was grateful that I somehow found another soul shard.

    We then proceeded to kill no more bosses and dissolve.

  18. #158
    Herald of the Titans Tech Priest Bojangles's Avatar
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    Was only level 58 and got called into MC by my guild at the time. We spent an hour on the first two giants. Woo memories.
    Hours later we made it to the first boss. During the first pull we were in the middle of a wipe and I dc'd, when I managed to log back in I was mind controlled and just chilling and walking around with the boss. Haha was pretty bizarre and when the MC wore off I got vaporized.
    -=From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind claimed your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you... But I am already saved..... For the machine is immortal=-

  19. #159
    Herald of the Titans Dristereau's Avatar
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    Was on my old Tauren Hunter during TBC in Heroic Hellfire Ramparts. Guild at the time needed people for Magtheridon, and they asked me to join. I said I didn't have Voice Coms, but the Leader said it was fine, and just told me to DPS the boss. Don't think we wiped, but it felt good. We then went to Black Temple, and killed the Naga Boss (Fathom Lord Kalithress?). Got to Supremus, and proceeded to wipe repeatedly and ended it there. May have failed at kiting the fixate thing he did

    Oh well, I was young then
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  20. #160
    Mechagnome Kivana's Avatar
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    Had just joined a new guild in TBC on my Mage, said hello to everyone and carried on exploring. 10 minutes or so later I get asked to join the Kara raid, then bam I get summoned to the door. Not raided before so I am nervous as fuck.

    Raid is going well despite me not being fully geared and we get to Opera. We got Oz and I was on straw-man kiting duty with the other mage. Scorch and run baby ! Cleared the event and I'm chatting away to the guild when I get congratulated on my new loot. Yup I was given the Wicked Witches Hat, my first epic loot from a drop/raid.

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