1. #1

    Getting the jump on 700

    What MoP crafting will you be using to avoid wasting WoD mats early on?

    I was thinking of stockpiling golden lotus to craft potions of luck to leapfrog the first few skill ups.

    Anyone with any other thoughts for alchemy or other professions?

  2. #2
    I was planning on logging in crafting flasks and pots of luck. I am hoping the pots work in Draenor while leveling.

    As far as JC I was gonna cut every thing I have left.

    Inscription Make should chants vendor

    Blacksmith LW Tailoring - Make Anything with skill ups send to Enchanter to de. Craft whatever junk chants you can. Then shard extra quest greens.

    I am Shaman - Play Free Online Games
    FML... Shamans suck.

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