1. #1

    Complicated Pet special ability macro

    So I was trying to bind all possible (or at least the most commonly used ones) special abilities in one macro. The thing is, they have all different names, so I have to put every single one in it, and there's by far not enough room for it. I could simply put all special abilities on the same button on the bar and bind it, and i would, but unfortunately, some require modificators. My macro looks like this at the moment:

    /cast [@mouseover,help][@target,exists,help][@player] Spirit Mend
    /cast [@mouseover,help][@target,exists,help] Eternal Guardian
    /cast [@mouseover,help][@target,exists,help] Dust of Life
    /cast Ancient Hysteria
    /Cast Netherwinds
    /cast Shell Shield

    As you can see, most abilities arel missing. Of course I don't need every single ability, but the more the better, and I need at least each one for the same ability from an exotic (they still tend to be better) and a normal pet. This is just too far from it.

    I absoultutely want to have all pet abilities which are mutually exclusive on the same keybind due to room issues and simplicity, so splitting is no option. E.g., so i know i can just push that button and it will do exactly what i want it to do depending on the pet which is out without having to recall if i put nether winds on button A or B. The fact that some abilities are best macroed with modificators bloats it even further. I couldn't work with a non-mouseover spirit mend, for instance.

    Is there any elegant solution for this? I guess an addon would be great, I'd even write one, but have no idea on how to proceed.
    Last edited by mmoc96e249ad29; 2014-10-16 at 01:38 PM.

  2. #2
    /cast [@mouseover, help, exists, pet:Spirit Beast][@player] Spirit Mend; [@mouseover, pet:Quilen] Eternal Guardian; [@mouseover, pet:Moth] Dust of Life; [pet:Core Hound] Ancient Hysteria; [pet: Nether Ray] Netherwinds; [pet: Turtle] Shell Shield
    Having stuff like "@target, exists, help" is completely useless and are way better off being used as @mouseover only. You'd only lose DPS by actually targeting a friendly just to ress them, thus it's easier to simply have a mouseover for them. I also don't really see the point of having 2 Bloodlusts and 2 Battle resses in the same macro, just carry either Core Hound or Nether Ray, or Quilen or Moth.

    And before you ask, no, there is no global "/Cast pet special" macro function.

  3. #3

    Use a /click macro

    Try this:

    1. Choose a pet action slot and place all the special pet's power there.
    2. Create the macro
    /target [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=player]
    /click PetActionButton#

    The "#" is the numeric position of the pet action slot you chose for the special abilities.
    I didn't used the target=target option because it would cause problem with the /targetlasttarget
    You don't need to use the condition exists when you use help or harm.
    I used the "target=" instead of at-sign because the forum understands it as if I'm writing an email, and I'm not allowed, but you can use it in your macros.
    Last edited by Armantor; 2014-10-16 at 04:11 PM.

  4. #4
    @tehterokkar: thanks for the suggestion. that might help reducing the number of character. as of my motives, there isn't really a point in discussing them, i'm here because i need it or it would help me lots and that's all. i'm sure more hunters would be glad to have a simple solution to this pet spell clutter too.

    @armantor: thanks! i'll try it but i doubt that it will work with brez (target is dead), and harmful spells like froststorm breath or feast. anyway a click macro is a good idea and i'll look into it.

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