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  1. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by roahn the warlock View Post
    What the fuck did people do before LFR? I mean... seriously. What did they do? You know what they did? they looked at people in sweet ass gear, and said "Well golly, I'd like to look at that" Then they tried to look like that. I mean... this game isn't hard.

    I like others honestly believe that LFR is a self fueling evil. People don't try flex because they just did it on LFR. the amount of raid participation on 10 man ICC (flex) level, was huge.
    Most people didnt raid. Plain and simple. If you think that LFR is preventing you from being able to recruit raiders, its probably more to do with you then LFR. People don't have to put up with dochebag all knowing raid leaders anymore. I can't tell a raid leader to go fuck himself and just go run the shit on LFR or pug through The Raid finder now. Its a great time to be a raider, but for egotist I'm sure it stings

  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by brunnor View Post
    As a Mythic raider, this change annoys me. I finally thought Blizzard was understanding the error of their ways... guess not, back to the same old crap again with no good changes.
    Why the fuck do you care? This has zero impact on you.
    Beta Club Brosquad

  3. #143
    Immortal roahn the warlock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gambit5555 View Post
    Most people didnt raid. Plain and simple. If you think that LFR is preventing you from being able to recruit raiders, its probably more to do with you then LFR. People don't have to put up with dochebag all knowing raid leaders anymore. I can't tell a raid leader to go fuck himself and just go run the shit on LFR or pug through The Raid finder now. Its a great time to be a raider, but for egotist I'm sure it stings
    My issue is LFR being in the path to normal raiding. It is so very possible to make it so LFR is not in the way of getting into normal raiding.

    As is stands, it is.
    It was never Hardcore Vs Casual. It was Socialites Vs. Solo players
    Quote Originally Posted by ringpriest View Post
    World of Warcraft started life as a Computer Roleplaying Game, where part of the fun of the game experience was pretending to be your character. Stuff like applying poisons and eating food enhanced the verisimilitude of the experience of playing a fantasy character in another world. Now that game has changed to become a tactical arcade lobby game.

  4. #144
    I am a mythic player and I like the idea of LFR bonuses.

  5. #145
    Herald of the Titans Baine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaylock View Post
    Shouldn't they be happy enough that they even get to step foot into the raid instances?
    No. One thing you may not understand is LFR can be and is a challenge for many. And it is not a question of person not trying. I am not saying there is no bad apples who just want to be carried but from my experience, most of players in LFR are actively trying. Maybe it is not optimal, but they are trying and they are putting an effort based on their playing experience. Why would they be deprived of any player progression based on the difficulty and the effort they put? Who are you to decide what level of content requires effort or not?

  6. #146
    Immortal roahn the warlock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathquoi View Post
    Why the fuck do you care? This has zero impact on you.
    It has an impact on skilled casual players. They do exist
    It was never Hardcore Vs Casual. It was Socialites Vs. Solo players
    Quote Originally Posted by ringpriest View Post
    World of Warcraft started life as a Computer Roleplaying Game, where part of the fun of the game experience was pretending to be your character. Stuff like applying poisons and eating food enhanced the verisimilitude of the experience of playing a fantasy character in another world. Now that game has changed to become a tactical arcade lobby game.

  7. #147
    Honorary PvM "Mod" Darsithis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaylock View Post
    Darsithis, please keep in mind LFR used to not exist. So how did people who desired to raid get to raid? They did what everyone else currently does in the higher difficulties.

    They actually tried to understand boss fights. They actually tried to learn some sort of dps rotation / tank skills / healing priority. Otherwise they would not raid period. So the mere fact that LFR exists has turned players who would potentially try at this game, into players who dont try and go "oh the boss will eventually die, so its okay for me to not gem, enchant, learn rotations, participate fully, think, etc" It has nothing to do with "people who act like they're God, handing out crumbs to the plebeians below." It has everything to do with trying to incentivize these "plebeians" to actually try at this game and get them into the higher difficulties.
    You're right on one thing: they didn't raid. They ended at heroic dungeons & badge gear and didn't progress any further. They stopped. They chased achievements, perhaps, or just quit subscribing until a new tier (and a new tier of dungeons) arrived, then they might go pug the old tiers that everyone outgears and get carried (hint, they didn't learn their rotation or actually perform) to whatever title they wanted, sometimes paying gold for it.

    Blizzard has spoken before about how LFR has saved raiding by giving the team a reason to design raid tiers now that a substantial amount of the player base actually gets to see them.

    And yet, we clearly see that LFR players will never be truly satisfied wont we? Do you remember the outrage that happened over the forums when Blizz decided to take out raid set bonuses from LFR and high powered trinkets? It just goes to show that if they could get mythic gear for the effort it takes to run LFR, they would do so and would love that. They want those mounts, pets, sets, trinkets, titles etc, and if they could get it with minimal effort then why even try to be better?
    That isn't something specific to "LFR players". That's human nature. Aside from a few specific people who crave challenge, almost everyone will take the path of least resistance to their goal. That's why LFR has always awarded a substandard set of gear. If they made that gear mythic, no one would actually raid mythic. Thus it weeds out from normal/heroic/mythic players those players who can't or do not want to commit and provides them a place to see some progression and have goals to work towards without unbalancing the game.

    Besides, it's a terrible idea to have a game that purposely excludes almost everyone. The more difficulties for raiding (and appropriate gear drops), the more people enjoy themselves, the more people subscribe, and the more money Blizzard makes. Above all, they are a company.

  8. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by roahn the warlock View Post
    Did you play during Wrath? The point of highest subs?
    Yup and I remember elitist baby try hards such as yourself complaining about free purples from the ICC 5 mans. Boo hoo hoo.
    Beta Club Brosquad

  9. #149
    Spam Assassin! MoanaLisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guyviroth View Post
    That would be the case if LFR sets actually had the same appearance as normal/heroic/mythic sets in WoD. Which they don't. In fact, the LFR sets looks like ass.
    Who gives a royal fuck about what they look like? That's why we have transmog. They could hand out cardboard boxes for all I care. Most of it will be transmogged into something else 20 minutes after it's received.
    "'s most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it."

  10. #150
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    What was their error?
    Catering to oh-so-evil LFR players in any way.

  11. #151
    Bloodsail Admiral Zonned's Avatar
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    The elitist attitude of people on here reminds me of rich guys getting mad because average Joe got a Christmas bonus.

  12. #152
    It looks like the 2 pieces bonus on top of your 4 piece set would only be a dps increase if you can't manage to get normal+ items for those slots at the set bonus isn't all that red hot compared to normal + gear that could be in those slots.

    Assuming you go for a 4 piece heroic set and a 2 piece lfr set you would actualy have a dps loss rather than just having 2 pieces of normal gear. The caster dps cloth bonus is +100 int for a lfr 2 piece but the stats you loose on those 2 slots that could have normal gear is more than 100 intellect, and 100% of all the secondary stats.

    So the 'LFR gear increase from 2 piece' is only beneficial if you only have LFR gear in those slots anyways, if you have normal + you loose dps by taking the 2 piece set over the normal.

  13. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by brunnor View Post
    As a Mythic raider, this change annoys me. I finally thought Blizzard was understanding the error of their ways... guess not, back to the same old crap again with no good changes.
    As a mythic raider this has absolutely no impact on you whatsoever. You will still perform leagues ahead of people in LFR gear, you will still look different than people in LFR gear.

    The only people this effects are LFR raiders or people using LFR loot to get into Normal raiding. And even then, LFR won't be open for quite some time.

    Any error would be catering to the minority of the game (Mythic raiders) and excluding the majority (everyone else).
    There is a thin line between not knowing and not caring, and I like to think that I walk that line every day.

  14. #154


    It doesn't even make sense anyone would ever care about this at all LFR is a tool they use and for players that don't have the time commitment as others. What you are saying is a BUSINESS should make sure they accommodate only the top 2 % of there player population and if they don't they are stupid ? Well my friend at the end of the day they make this game and use it to make money who do you think they will appease?

  15. #155
    Immortal Tharkkun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaylock View Post
    Darsithis, please keep in mind LFR used to not exist. So how did people who desired to raid get to raid? They did what everyone else currently does in the higher difficulties.

    They actually tried to understand boss fights. They actually tried to learn some sort of dps rotation / tank skills / healing priority. Otherwise they would not raid period. So the mere fact that LFR exists has turned players who would potentially try at this game, into players who dont try and go "oh the boss will eventually die, so its okay for me to not gem, enchant, learn rotations, participate fully, think, etc" It has nothing to do with "people who act like they're God, handing out crumbs to the plebeians below." It has everything to do with trying to incentivize these "plebeians" to actually try at this game and get them into the higher difficulties.

    And yet, we clearly see that LFR players will never be truly satisfied wont we? Do you remember the outrage that happened over the forums when Blizz decided to take out raid set bonuses from LFR and high powered trinkets? It just goes to show that if they could get mythic gear for the effort it takes to run LFR, they would do so and would love that. They want those mounts, pets, sets, trinkets, titles etc, and if they could get it with minimal effort then why even try to be better?
    They DID NOT raid. Less than 1% of the player base on 12 million raided heroic content. Less than 10% or closer to 5% even raided at all. It doesn't matter if you scream over and over they need to get better, they were denied content because they are bad.

    So Blizzard created LFR so they could experience the content. These aren't the people who sit in LFR and bitch, bully and create havoc in the raid. They aren't the ones who go afk, or shoot the boss and die 10 seconds into the fight on purpose. Those are trolls. The people who are doing LFR because they can't do higher difficulty raids never say a damn word.

    My son in law. He's a terrible player. Just bad. Everything I explain just goes in one ear and out the other. Should he not be allowed to progress his character in this MMO because you're butt hurt about set bonuses? A person you will never meet in real life? Go back to your cave, troll.
    Essentia@Cho'gall of Inebriated Raiding.

  16. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by roahn the warlock View Post
    What's different generation of gamers thing? do you really think something significant happened in 4 years? no, it didn't, kids grow out of "everything is handed to me" by highschool
    The generation of teenagers and young adults that raided in vanilla and BC grew up. They have marriages, careers, family life etc etc etc that have caused a good portion of them to play less or give up gaming all together. Certainly there are some that still raid or play, but the latest batch of gamers to emerge from teenagers and young adults are used to a more casual gaming experience.

    Games that try to go back to any version of classic or BC styled gaming flop. Very simple to understand.

    If having extremely hard raids that only 5% of the player can do and having no real casual content in the end game is such a successful model, why are the mass of existing game companies not rushing out games that deliver on that premise? It's not a viable model, plain and simple. We saw what happened with Cata. We have seen what has happened with games like wild star.

    Again, raiders have a net worth that is much less than the unskilled masses.

  17. #157
    Quote Originally Posted by Fleugen View Post
    Yup, and I geared my alts the same way I geared my mains - By doing the content. I also played Wrath, where I could gear up my alts through dungeon catch ups and badge catch ups. I also played in Cataclysm, where I had justice point catch ups.

    MoP and now WoD only have LFR. And that's fucking stupid.
    You're wrong. Timeless isle is pretty much how you catch up.
    Beta Club Brosquad

  18. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by roahn the warlock View Post
    Yeah, good for you, what about the average player, who doesnt want to trudge through LFR to grab that extra ilvl?
    The average player never jumps above LFR.

    Quote Originally Posted by roahn the warlock View Post
    So hold on... wanting to have better shit for being better... makes you a snowflake.

    But then... if I understand correctly, you just want to be a snowflake yourself? But without trying
    I like how you try to push some very, erm, exotic definition of snowflake which somehow skips the most important part: the desire to feel speshul.
    I don't have any desire to feel speshul.

    Wanting to exclude others from consuming content they have financed is what makes you a snowflake.

    Nothing shows validity of conflicting points of view than blatantness in hipocrisy displayed by their respective advocates. <3

  19. #159
    The set bonuses are way less superior anyway and the looks of it arent as cool either. No grudge here.

  20. #160
    LFR is good for the game and for the people who use it.


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