1. #1

    API question - can I get current camera zoom?

    Just race changed to Gnome, and found an unusual problem - I lose my character in the 'melee ball'.

    I used to have a bright pink xmogged troll, and never had problems :P

    My thought was simply to put a texture as a marker where my feet physically are, so I don't need to care about whether I can see my toon or not - but I ran into the problem of differing zoom levels (eg I zoom in when mechanics involve dodging fire on the ground, but out when I want a wider perspective). Is there any way to obtain the current camera zoom, so I can scale the texture to be in the right spot at any zoom level?

    I know this is a bit odd, and other people must live with it - but it is causing me to misjudge a lot of things that I haven't ever had problems with in the past.

  2. #2
    It isn't possible to do this anymore. That was a small part of what made the old addon AVR work, which blizzard disabled (among other camera position api) to block that addons functionality.

    The only solution I can think of for you would be to enable your character name over your head, and disable friendly player's names.

  3. #3
    Ah, I never really paid attention to the API changes they made when they killed AVR, but makes sense.

    Kinda need friendly bars on for raiding (mostly for preallocated spread/stack mechanics) - guess I can try drawing the outline of a trapezoid that covers where my feet will be at the more common zoom extremes - should give me enough of an idea no matter where I am zoomed.

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