1. #1

    Alchemy - Double catalyst creation?

    So I logged in a few minutes ago and found that now, I seem to have TWO "Alchemical Catalyst" spells in my Alchemy window.



    I seem to have both the original one, and the one that you get at max level. Both of them yielded 10 Alchemical Catalyst, and their cooldowns seem to be independent of each other.

    Glitch, or undocumented hotfix?

  2. #2
    I zoned and now I only have the base one.

  3. #3
    Yeah, same. Hearthed to SW to use the AH, and now I only have the "produces 4" one.

    Glitchy shit.

  4. #4
    Not sure, but I have both on my tailor and enchanter now... possibly a way to increase usage of mats daily? If they did this with eng, bs, jc it would at least let them use the ore from a lvl 2 mine daily.

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