Hey, guys..

I just made some Night-Vision Mechshades and have a question.. When you make them you get some random stats on them, I believe there are like like 9 different types of it that you can get.

Obviously we would want the version with multistrike and versatility, but I have not been so lucky. I have bought around 7 Didi's Delicate Assembly to attempt to reroll the stats on them and have now wasted 17k gold to end up on the stats I originally started with.

Now comes my question; The stats on them that I have is multistrike and mastery.. This is a bit annoying since multistrike is our best stat after agillity while mastery is our worst stat. Would you keep buying Didi's Delicate Assembly until getting both multistrike and versatility? As I said I have now used 17k gold and I am only left with 40k, so I am not sure if I should do it.