Thread: Lockouts?

  1. #1



    Can someone help me please. I have no idea how it works exacly.
    We have confusion in the guild 'cause we are using masterloot. And ppl are wondering how it is working if they join other raid and do thous bosses again and the group had grouploot on. Loot drops for sure you can roll on it or what?

    If its personal loot i get it you just dont get anything, but the confuion is about what if 2 group you're doing raid have group loot or master loot on.

    I would rally apriciate if someone could help.

  2. #2
    If you kill a boss, that is your one and only chance for non-bonus loot this week.

    Period. That's it. At no time, no matter what the loot settings, can roll on or be assigned loot from a boss you have already killed in the same week.

    As before, you can use seals to bonus roll - but regular loot is off limits.

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