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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Clerigon View Post
    So do you guys delay mind blast while casting the 3 insanity?
    You never never never delay mind blast. Ever. This is our main orb generator and we never delay creating orbs.
    This is most common misconception about Dotweaving. Since every Dotweave rotation is based on exactly described Global Cooldowns happening one after another in a strict order, each single "MFI" in such description means one single Gloobal Cooldown, which - in case of MFI - lasts for 2 ticks of Insanity, not full 4 ticks, because full Insanity cast lasts for 2 consecutive Global Cooldowns, each of them consisting of 2 ticks.

    Also, which is not apparently obvious for every shadow priest, you WILL need casting bar that shows real amount of 4 ticks, preferably with latency delay. so that you know exactly when to clip/stop casting Insanity after second tick. I've recently spoken to a shadow priest using ElvUI and its default casting bar that showed... 3 insanity ticks on 100 level. Get Gnosis for ticks.
    Last edited by solshine2510; 2014-12-25 at 09:54 AM.

  2. #42
    off topic but is dotweaving with cop much better than the normal rotation with cop?

  3. #43
    So do you guys delay mind blast while casting the 3 insanity?
    You don't cast MFI 3 times in a row. It's GCDs, not casts. Hell, I even wrote (3 GCDs, 2 casts) behind in the rotation, to clear any possible confusion...

    off topic but is dotweaving with cop much better than the normal rotation with cop?
    No, but it is better.
    They're (short for They are) describes a group of people. "They're/They are a nice bunch of guys." Their indicates that something belongs/is related to a group of people. "Their car was all out of fuel." There refers to a location. "Let's set up camp over there." There is also no such thing as "could/should OF". The correct way is: Could/should'VE, or could/should HAVE.
    Holyfury armory

  4. #44
    I cant open the vid for some reason. Plz type in yhe url

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by solshine2510 View Post
    Also, which is not apparently obvious for every shadow priest, you WILL need casting bar that shows real amount of 4 ticks, preferably with latency delay.
    You don't need any addon to tell you when your 2nd MF tick happens, as MFs GCD finishes exactly when the 2nd tick happens. Just press whatever button you want to clip as soon as possible (or hammer it during the GCD, you can hammer MB when on CD, but it will be off CD by the time your GCD is over)

    Clipping the 3rd tick should only be necessary either during execute for SW:Smiley, but that's very rarely, or during BL (but that's a much more difficult topic - Insanity will drop before MB is ready, so you have to fill with MF, and at some point CoPLite beats DoTWeave during BL)

  6. #46
    Good video, helped with DoTweave Any chance you could upload the UI somewhere? Cant seem to find any updated versions from site

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorthi View Post
    The best way to do it is following:
    1. clone your castbar (using the copy castbar option); set bartype to "Multi-Spell Timer"
    2. go to "Hide castbar" tab, enter following timer configuration:

    gcd hidden="exact name of the original castbar" : any

    This will always show either casts/channels or your global cooldown, but never both at the same time (and always prioritizing casts/channels due to the hidden="castbar name" option). To get a similar result to Ariadne's solution, you also have to invert the bar direction.
    I'm having trouble with this. I do it exactly as this, yet it still shows both at the same time. Maybe I'm just not understanding? Although it seems pretty straight forward. Mind Flay and Mind Spike are showing their casts as well as gcds.
    Always look on the bright side of life

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Bubtard View Post
    I'm having trouble with this. I do it exactly as this, yet it still shows both at the same time. Maybe I'm just not understanding? Although it seems pretty straight forward. Mind Flay and Mind Spike are showing their casts as well as gcds.
    There should be a check box "Don't show cast time spells" or "show only instant". Something like this. Didn't have problem finding it.

  9. #49
    Nice UI!

    Thanks for your contribution =D

  10. #50
    So far I've found, after trying all the options here, that I get the best dps out of:

    4 Orbs > MS > MS > SWP > MB > VT > DP > MFI (1 GCD) > MB > MFI (1 GCD) > DP > MFI (1 GCD) > MB > MFI (1 GCD) > work back up to 4 orbs and rinse/repeat.

    Clipping all of the MFI after a single GCD of each nets me the most dps in my current gear. Which do you guys do the most with?

  11. #51
    I'm going for 5 orbs before weaving doing:
    MB>3 MS until 5 orbs > VT > SWP > DP > MB > 2 insanity > MB > Insanity (here comes my problem) > MB (maybe due to the gcd between MB and insanity) > Insanity (which often becomes a normal MF with my ~11% haste) > back to spamming

    So, my question is, why only go for 4 orbs? What is the advantage? Yesterday I had 31k dps on heroic kargath with going to 5 orbs before weaving (ilvl 665 690 proc ring, no logs unfortunately, was a pug). Been at ~28k before I had any ToF uptime. Can't be too bad with 5 orbs.

  12. #52
    in your example - shouldnt SWP be casted before VT cause of its longer duration? - that way they should end at the same time

    I have read somewhere that we need 6 ticks of MFI between each DP so the rotation goes as:

    MB(5) > SWD > VT > DP(2) > MB(3)> 6 ticks of MFI (cliped after third tick) > MB(4) > DP(1) > 6 ticks of MFI (cliped after third tick) > MB(2) > MS

    problem in this rotation is you delay MB(4) a bit which is probably not optimal. Other then lust / trinket procs the cast of MS ends right after VT and SWD disapears

    PS: I dont get how you count 2 gcds when you are talking about MFI - one GCD is clear as you can spam other spell in queue but two GCDS?
    Last edited by Hoptam; 2015-01-12 at 02:40 PM.

  13. #53
    Why do everybody feel the need to make up their own DoTWeave rotations? You are not reinventing the wheel here, you are trying to remake a statue made of marble, only with toiletpaper instead.

    Seriously, there are as much as 4 different ways to DoTWeave if you are doing it properly. No more than that. 3 different ways if you ignore the fact that two of them are exactly the same, except for how many orbs you start on (4 vs 5). All 4 (3) different proper DoTWeave rotations have been linked in this thread before (page 2).

    MB>3 MS until 5 orbs > VT > SWP > DP > MB > 2 insanity > MB > Insanity (here comes my problem) > MB (maybe due to the gcd between MB and insanity) > Insanity (which often becomes a normal MF with my ~11% haste) > back to spamming
    SW:P is supposed to be cast before VT. You are also not casting any 2nd DP, so I'm not sure how you are supposed to use MFI.

    MB(5) > SWD > VT > DP(2) > MB(3)> 6 ticks of MFI (cliped after third tick) > MB(4) > DP(1) > 6 ticks of MFI (cliped after third tick) > MB(2) > MS

    problem in this rotation is you delay MB(4) a bit which is probably not optimal. Other then lust / trinket procs the cast of MS ends right after VT and SWD disapears
    You aren't delaying MB (4), that part is how it's supposed to be. You are delaying MB(2), because you have 4 GCDs between that one and the previous MB.

    This is how it's supposed to look if you start on the 1st GCD after your 5th orb: MB (5) > SW:P > VT > DP (2) > MB (3)> MFI > MFI > MFI (3 GCDs, 2 casts) > MB (4) > filler > DP (1) > MFI > MB (2) > MFI > MFI (2 GCDs, 1 cast)
    Last edited by ThrashMetalFtw; 2015-01-12 at 03:11 PM.
    They're (short for They are) describes a group of people. "They're/They are a nice bunch of guys." Their indicates that something belongs/is related to a group of people. "Their car was all out of fuel." There refers to a location. "Let's set up camp over there." There is also no such thing as "could/should OF". The correct way is: Could/should'VE, or could/should HAVE.
    Holyfury armory

  14. #54
    on Shadowweaving I use to, with the standard rotation, was able to MB with no dots up at the end of the rotation. Now I guess because of casting haste I can not only get a 3rd MB in with dots up but also a MS, so thats 2 more cast I am losing 40% damage. I don't like this...
    Last edited by zenkai; 2015-01-13 at 02:29 PM.

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by zenkai View Post
    on Shadowweaving I use to, with the standard rotation, was able to MB with no dots up at hte end of the rotation. Now I guess because of casting haste I can not only get a 3rd MB in with dots up but alost a MS, so thats 2 more cast I am losing 40% damage. I don't like this...
    The 40% damage increase is only for Mind Spike and SWD, not MB.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Ariadne View Post
    The 40% damage increase is only for Mind Spike and SWD, not MB.
    Yeah not sure what I was thinking, thanks for the correction, I do wish I wouldn't be able toMS with them up though as I feel I lose dps on the mS and DPS with the dots not finishing, I mean in theory I am getting more cast in but I hope to get less haste and more Mastery again.

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