1. #1

    Getting rid of stables?

    Can I get rid of stables and keep mounts?

  2. #2
    Once you learn the actual mounts from stables, you keep them obviously.

  3. #3
    Once you got all the mounts and achievements, you can replace the stables and you'll keep the mounts.

  4. #4


  5. #5
    I wasn't sure due not being able to confirm it. I heard somebody said they were tied to stables which would be real shitty

  6. #6
    No you have to force them to unlearn their training and then return them to the wild.

  7. #7
    Make sure you got the two achievement mounts first

  8. #8

  9. #9
    None of these mounts are particularly interesting anyhow. *shrug*

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