I'm at 17/20. And i dont know how to finish.

The comments at wowhead give nice lists which things to find.
In those comments there are also macros that use the api to track which criteria are already done. in theory.

In reality, those give wrong results for me:

Example: Kasarang Wilds
01 - Recipe: Banana Infused Rum - Barrel of Banana Infused Rum
02 - Pandaren Fishing Spear - Pandaren Fishing Spear
03 - Equipment Locker

This macro:
/run local t={"01",31411,"02",31409,"03",31410}for i=1,#t-1,2 do print(t[i],IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(t[i+1])and "\124cff00ff00Yes" or "\124cffff0000No")end

Should output the completed-flag for each of the three above.


No spear at the fisherman, means item taken / quest complete.
QuestFlag says "No"...


Anyone else had this problems?